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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


Cool, I didn't even know they had already implemented it.

Looking back now, I can't believe the game has been out for almost 4 years if we count the closed beta. Fundamentally, not much has changed with the game, especially in terms of game modes.

Also, going with CryEngine probably wasn't the best idea (in hindsight), considering the work they had to do with the UI/HUD and the netcode. It's weird seeing the notes from the latest town hall on considerations on tech upgrade or switching:

Tech/Engine Upgrade

No final answers.

Could take until middle of March or next 30-40 days (tentatively!) to make a final decision.

Difficult to talk about it due to some of Crytek's plans for GDC.

Full assessment of entirely different tech.
Possibility of the product being entirely shifted to a new engine.

Possibly 6-10 months of effort.

Possible VR headset support.

Switching the entire thing to a new engine or even an upgraded version is so much work that I am unsure would be worth the time and effort (and money).

The game would be amazing with VR for sure, but PGI aren't sufficiently talented or capable I think to produce a final polished and satisfying product.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
The 2k textures are really nice on the older mechs. Shadow Hawk is a marked improvement.

I'm liking my Archers. Pretty glad I passed on the Rifleman for these.

Cool, I didn't even know they had already implemented it.

Looking back now, I can't believe the game has been out for almost 4 years if we count the closed beta. Fundamentally, not much has changed with the game, especially in terms of game modes.

Also, going with CryEngine probably wasn't the best idea (in hindsight), considering the work they had to do with the UI/HUD and the netcode. It's weird seeing the notes from the latest town hall on considerations on tech upgrade or switching:

Switching the entire thing to a new engine or even an upgraded version is so much work that I am unsure would be worth the time and effort (and money).

The game would be amazing with VR for sure, but PGI aren't sufficiently talented or capable I think to produce a final polished and satisfying product.

Do to work involved, there's no way they go to anything but the new CryEngine.

Porting to a whole different engine, like UE4, would take years, and might bankrupt the company.


So uhm did people see 100k prize tournament they just announced? I've no idea where they get that money from and I'm not sure it'll grow the player base.


Some elite clans will play and win, the rest will grumble or ignore it, me thinks.

MWO does not have enough following to make large prize pools worth it, i think.
Nor is it a good esport game. PGI may be pushing it as one but they sure have no idea how to make one.


Community Warfare Phase 3 also released today - Separate solo queue, 4v4 scouting missions which affect the big battles, attack lane voting for Loyalists, (miniscule) MC rewards for high powered units.

Seems like it could be interesting. I still don't think there's enough incentive to play CW over quick play even with these changes.


Interesting, the Vulture got its arm barrels lengthened and stance changed but it wasn't modified otherwise.
The end result is that it looks smaller while not really being. Guess it was quite reasonable scaled, just standing too tall?


Interesting, the Vulture got its arm barrels lengthened and stance changed but it wasn't modified otherwise.
The end result is that it looks smaller while not really being. Guess it was quite reasonable scaled, just standing too tall?

Yep, the same applies to the Timber Wolf.

A lot of these rescales are a fricking joke. RIP light mechs.

Some of the rescale outcomes are surprising to me (the Stalker actually got a little smaller?), but at least now everything is supposedly scaled to a consistent basis and are all consistent with each other.

Also of note, the movement archetypes were changed on some mechs. The most important for me is that the Catapult is no longer strangely the only mech of its weight to be designated "Large" rather than "Medium". Also, the 35 ton mechs were demoted from "Tiny" to "Small".

I can't wait to try out this patch!


The real problem with MWO lights is that they have no proper role.
There's no proper skirmishing or scouting, artillery spotting, and even backstabbing doesn't work well, partially due to map design, partially because approaching enemy without getting detected is pretty damn difficult, not to mention surviving getting back. (Note, i'm completely ignoring faction play, i don't know how it plays nor i care really.) And their cheapness is utterly irrelevant in MWO.
Arguably the doubled armor values (compared to tabletop BT) also cause problems for lights. It is easier to make a heavier 'Mech to out-damage its TT counterpart than it is to make a light do that.

Something like giving 'Mechs different sensor strengths (and types?) and signatures, with lights possessing high sensor strengths and low signatures would make sneak play more usable (except against other lights), while giving them actual battlefield niche. Naturally, a lot of systems should be tailored around these while at it. Missile spotting by lights would be far more reliable than what heavier spotters would offer. Low signature light 'Mechs could easily approach enemies without lights providing sensor data until they're at striking distance. A light in a heavy lance could provide sensor coverage to prevent sneak attacks.
Since assaults would have highest signatures but lowest sensor strengths, they'd rely heavily on other team members to provide targeting data... but once done, they'd also make short work of enemies. (Of course, this kind of system would work best with "auto-target" weapons that aren't really manually aimed beyond general direction and rely on lock-ons; as it is, people don't necessarily even bother with locking a target and just shoot enemies.)
(There'd be non-standard 'Mechs too, like the Black Knight, whose Star League-era version has a Beagle Active Probe by default and so might have above average sensors for a heavy.)

Expanding map to far larger size (say, 10 square-kilometers rather than what they're now) than they're also might help, this would make lights speed more appealing, while making early detection and positioning far more important. Mediums faster than heavies would also gain a role in being more flexible thanks to their speed even if they can't offer quite as much armor or firepower. Assaults on the other hand would also gain usefulness, especially in defensive operations, it is quite possible a big map would spread people out more and thus make an assault likely to outgun its opponents.
Of course, people would probably resort to deathballs still. Multiple objectives spread out across maps might help too, big maps or not: Disable this generator, capture this point, escort this convoy... team who completes most objectives wins the match (and team with most people alive wins if objectives are tied, otherwise it is a draw).

Were i to design a Mechwarrior multiplayer game, i'd probably opt for something like a MOBA: big map (with varied environments), multiple "lanes" with AI-controlled vehicles and infantry/battle armor, simple objective for winning (destroy enemy dropship at their base) but with many ways to get there and kind of sub-objectives to support vehicle/infantry armies ("destroy towers")... Air and artillery support could be called in too, naturally.
This would also include respawning upon death. OmniMechs would have special ability to transport battle armor and select between pre-made configurations at bases but would not allow for standard customization. Standard 'Mechs could be customized but only out of match, and you'd be stuck with what you got, though i'd offer a possibility of choosing a "class" while respawning (similar to dropdecks in faction play in MWO).
I feel this would capture the feel of BattleTech pretty well, drawing upon many aspects, while offering a varied mode with clear roles for various weight-classes, among other things.
EDIT Would need to be 12 vs 12 probably, with one lance (4 'Mechs) per lane usually. A team would have variety of ways deploying and choosing their 'Mechs though, perhaps a light lance as a flexible response unit while each lane would have a few heavies and assaults shoring up conventional forces or perhaps trying to crash through enemies using a heavy cavalry company (running speed of 86 kph+) or whatever else.
EDIT This kind of system would actually give good use for weapons like machine guns (good vs infantry) and LB-X ACs (good vs enemy aircraft and vehicles, if following BattleTech's Total Warfare ruleset for some reason).


So, the P-Hawk was released. First impressions: I have no idea what i'm doing. Can't recall when i've last played with a maneuverable medium 'Mech... everything else i have is slow with more firepower.


Damn Woorlog, that MOBA idea sounds pretty cool. It would also give an advantage to lights.

In better hands, this would be possible.


OK, PHX-1 is kinda OK. Agile, if a bit limited armament. Tricky to play, and not really a top-tier 'Mech by any means.
1K is basically IS Nova. Load with Medium lasers, increase speed (say, 315-rated engine), fight.
1b is... awkward. ERPPC quirks but not enough weight to carry two and extra heat sinks. ERPPC and ERLL combo is awkward. More testing.

EDIT Also, new Frozen City sucks. Can't see anything thanks the fucking white glare. Heat Vision is not a real solution... Fucking PGI.

Also fuck the new minimap.


Unfortunately the artwork for this game is far better than the game itself...

So, yeah. Phoenix Hawk probably isn't my thing. I'm more of a heavy firepower+armor guy, not one for agility. Never liked rogue classes in RPGs either... odd coincidence.

EDIT expanding upon this random DnD analogy: I like warriors and mages. In MWO, i like big firepower and armor, ie a warrior, or a fire-support missile boat, ie a mage.



Marauder IIC is the next Clan 'Mech.

I like that it is based on the reseen Marauder IIC, i like that one better than the original to be honest.
I wonder if we'll get the Warhammer IIC soon after... if so, hopefully that will be based on the reseen one as well...


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Whammie IIC
Phoenix Hawk IIC
Griffin IIC
Shadow Hawk IIC
Locust IIC

I'm sure we'll eventually see the IIC for every IS mech that's in the game. It's easy money.


For all IS 'Mechs in game that actually got an IIC version you mean.
This is actually kinda odd in Battletech universe, some popular designs that were big part of the Star League Defense Force never got IIC variants made by the Clans, such as the Battlemaster.

BTW, the Conjurer (IS designation Hellhound) is actually a Wolverine IIC, the Clans just don't use the term Wolverine because of the Not-Named.
Other IICs K.Jack didn't mention that might appear in MWO:
Rifleman IIC
UrbanMech IIC
Commando IIC


August - September - October Roadmap:

Russ Bullock said:
Greetings MechWarriors,

It’s that time again to give the community a peak into what lies ahead in the development schedule. Like last time we want to give you a 3-month-and-beyond look ahead, and we will update this list as it shifts over the next couple of months.


• New ‘Mech: Cyclops
• A beautiful old school ‘Mech, with the first passive group Radar boost in the game.

• Multiple Drop Decks
• Finally you’ll have the ability to operate and switch between up to 4 Drop Decks for both Scouting and Invasion each. Each player will be provided with 2 Scouting Drop Deck slots and 2 Invasion Drop Deck slots at the outset, with the ability to purchase 2 additional Drop Deck slots for each.

• Ability to set favourite ‘Mechs in Select ‘Mech screen
• ‘Mechs can now be favourited for easy filtering.

• In-Game Store Improvements
• New Shopping Cart to streamline multiple purchases in one go.
• Attempting to purchase a ‘Mech without an available Mech Bay will now prompt you to acquire one directly, without needing to manually acquire one.

• Art update to Crimson Strait map
• A pure art pass for Crimson, featuring Time of Day and an array of visual improvements, but the gameplay has remained the same.

• Minor art update to Forest Colony map
• An art pass has been completed in the region of the new path introduced in the June patch. We have also reduced pop-in on shadows, textures, and geometry across the map.

• Gameplay and art improvements to BattleGrid and Mini-Map
• Leg orientation of Enemy ‘Mechs will now be displayed when they are in range of a UAV or when they are Tagged. These directional indicators snap along the 8 cardinal directions. Visibility of the Mini-Map has also been improved.

• Decal System improvements
• A few quality of life improvements to expand upon the Decal system, along with a collection of new Decals. Decals can now be flipped, filtered by Category, and Equipped Decals can now be ‘drag-and-swapped’ to easily adjust layering without needing to manually re-apply your Decals.

• Supply Cache Item Rarity highlights
• Items within a Supply Cache are now highlighted to indicate their degree of Rarity.

• Base variants of 2015 Loyalty ‘Mechs available for MC
• As usual, you can also expect an array of additional Map, ‘Mech, and general fixes, including an improvement to Connection duration when returning from a match. Look ahead to the August Patch Notes, to be posted on August 19th, for all the details!


Here is the list of items currently slated for September release:

• New ‘Mech: Night Gyr
• Regional Champion Cockpit Items for 2016 Tournament
• New Cockpit Items representing the Regional Champions to further grow the prize pool and show support your favored team.

• Terra Therma Map Redux
• Finally – Major game play revisions – almost a new map entirely.

• Unit Management Improvements for Faction Play
• Minor but important quality of life improvements to Unit Management, such as Last Login timestamps for Unit members.

• Use Select ‘Mech screen when editing Drop Decks
• Consistent use of the main Select ‘Mech select function for the new Multiple Drop Deck system, rather than the minor custom version you’ll see in the initial August patch.

• New Champion Variants - Jenner IIC, Crab, Zeus, Orion IIC, Hunchback IIC, Grasshopper, Highlander IIC, Panther.


Here is the list of items currently slated for October. Keep in mind that the items listed here aren’t likely to be the sole items you’ll see in October.

• New ‘Mech: Huntsman
• 2016 Customer Appreciation Program
• Delivery of the loyalty items and conclusion of this year’s qualification period. Details on this years’ program will be coming very soon! The eligibility period for this years’ program will stretch all the way back to October 6th 2015 (the approximate end of the 2015 period of eligibility), and will run until October 23rd 2016.

• Stock Mode for Private Matches
A new set of rules have been added to Private Matches which enforces the new Stock Mode ruleset.
• Players can enforce Stock Mode only.
• All ‘Mechs will be defaulted back to their originally purchased state in terms of loadout/armor/ammo/equipment/OmniPods.
• Champion ‘Mechs are loaded with the default loadout of their non-champion variant that they were built upon.
• Cockpit items and camo are unaffected.
• Players can disable Quirks
• All Quirks are nullified if this checkbox is selected.
• Players can disable ‘Mech Efficiencies
• All ‘Mech Efficiencies applied during the mastering of ‘Mechs are nullified if this checkbox is selected.
• The options above are activated via checkboxes and any combination of the three can be used in this new mode.

• Art update to The Mining Collective map
• Nothing too drastic, but minor error fixing and a nice art update.

Looking Ahead

And finally, here is a list of projects we’re working on but don’t have any solid patch dates for just yet:

• Energy Draw System
• The new Energy Draw system is starting to really test well, and should go into PTS fairly soon. We won’t commit to a full release until the system has gone through 1-2 PTS sessions and until we get your feedback.

• Allowing Mechs to do ground alignment IK
• Has been delayed by some bugs, but will be released once we’re confident that it’s ready for primetime.

• Revamp of Assault game mode
• A very promising new game mode, but we are adamant that it must be a clear and noticeable improvement over the existing Assault before we commit to a release. This will likely be seen on PTS prior to full release.

• Improvements to Faction Play
• Including recent round table suggestions.

• Revamp of Skill Trees
• A major initiative – currently top secret, but more information will come in the future.

• Optimizations to further reduce Loading and Connecting duration in the Frontend
• Improvements to equipping/un-equipping Mech items and modules
• Reworking Faction Play Searching/Lobby Screen into Separate "Searching" and "Lobby" Screens
‘Floating’ Chat for Frontend

As usual, thank you for reading and thank you for playing.

Sort of ok. These things are nice. Nothing mind blowing (having IK back will be nice). I wish the skill tree revamp would come sooner rather than later.


That update seems to be treading water. The game hasn't changed much and the money and time they've spent on this game could've probably already been made into a feature-set single player campaign game with easy multiplayer in the hands of a more capable developer.

I wish PGI didn't have the license until 2018 if not 2020 (depending on the criteria they arranged with Microsoft).


The next 'Mech will be the Bushwacker.
Official reveal soon probably.

Probably not a very good 'Mech but it is very cool looking.


After playing Mechwarrior 3 and Pirate's Moon, I jumped back in. The Stormcrow prime is still an amazing mech - got 754 dmg in one match just with 2 LLs and 3MLs.

Also, MW3 was a lot harder than it used to be. I wonder if it's compatibility issues, because mech armor is like paper in that game.


for those lucky few who live near Vancouver:

Greetings MechWarrior,

Mech-Con 2016 is taking place in Vancouver on Saturday, December 3rd, at the Commodore Ballroom! Tickets for this event are now on sale.

We've got an epic day of MechWarrior and BattleTech fun organized for you, featuring the MechWarrior Online World Championships Grand Finals, special presentations from Piranha Games’ Russ Bullock, Harebrained Schemes’ Jordan Weisman, and Catalyst Game Labs’ Randall Bills, sneak peeks and announcements regarding upcoming MechWarrior features, demo stations featuring the latest BATTLETECH build from HBS, and lots more!


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Victor buffs. This new guy PGI has hired to be the balance overlord knows the way into my heart.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Time will tell, but their first major act is to buff machine guns, something we've been asking about for 3 years. He/she is also buffing the regular Clan ACs, which should've been done long ago if they're to remain in the game.

I'd say this person is off to a promising start. Beats the dartboard method, at least.


I reckon there's some hope for this game then.

Though it feels kinda sad people are rejoicing about MG buffs this late... i mean, nothing wrong with being happy but that it happens so late..

Mmmhm, wonder if i might find some time to take my PC apart finally... Gotta send the mobo for repairs or replacement.


I'd kill for a madcat mk 2, nova cat, uziel, or annhi.
You could make some seriously obnoxious ballistic builds with the annhi.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
So the timeline is jumping into the 3060s in a few months.

Light Fusion Engines and Light Gauss please

What are people's opinion on the new mech, the Roughneck?

Very cool looking, and PGI was smart enough to put the hardpoints at meta approved cockpit level.

They might have way too many ballistics though.



Only 270 USD for the whole package, Woorloog, isn't it amazing?

Honestly I'm just here for the good art at this point and every 3rd or 6th month I boot up the game for around a week until I grow tired of it because it feels so unproductive to just have deathmatches and C-bills.


I like the Cougar, Uziel. At least, the Cougar was a lot of fun early on in MW4, one could fit so much firepower to it and it was only a light. The Uziel is a classic, but i must be crazy as i prefer (in tabletop) the 3S to 2S.
Never cared much for the Annihilator though i can't say i dislike it, beyond its slow speed. Though as a mobile turret, it is kinda funny.

Not keen on Mad Cat II's looks. They seem to have balanced its looks between the two minis and MW4 version. Final model will decide, i think.

As for equipment...
Rocket Launchers are going to be worthless as one-shots unless they don't take full missile slot. Of course, if they're not one-shots they're going to be like MRMs and thus pointless.

Shame they still have bothered to include ammo types to the game, the ATM implementation is really silly.

Surprised they include Stealth Armor. OTOH, the old ECM was Stealth Armor so i guess this one is easy.

Also curious how they chose some Jihad-era techs (like Heavy PPC and new MGs). Technically those are available in '67 but introduction years aren't quite the same as widespread adoption which happened during the Jihad.
At the same time, i find it silly they ignored Heavy Ferro-Fibrous. Could've called it "prototype".

And speaking of prototypes... disappointed we ain't getting some experimental technologies. Reflective/Reactive armor, XXL engines, Superchargers, etc. Just because. Because, let's not pretend they even try to keep stuff balanced, it is not really possible.


Uziel is legit one of my favorite mechs ever, after the Catapult. Exciting!

Though with balance in the state it's always been, 3060 is gonna fuck everything up even more LMAO. I can't believe that after 5 years they haven't been able to work out more issues, fix role warfare, or even appropriately implement ECM.
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