This wont change much im afraid
Unless verified, I don't see how it's anything other than he said she said. Everything that's out there seems to include that asteriskNothing worthless about potential ties to the Russian government.
What if Obama leaked it to BuzzFeed.
I can buy the original CNN story, but I'm finding it hard to buy this document that's on buzzfeed. It's just too incredible.
Any thoughts or opinions from our resident Trump voters?
From 2014
"I've never seen anything like it, everything he touches turns to gold!" So nice, a quote by Fred C.Trump about his son Donald (me!).
Russia may start leaking what they have, I think. I expect things to start developing rapidly.
Anybody catch the reference to Jill Stein on page 15?
As for the "acts" as stated earlier...Unless it was illegal...wont matter to his base.
Interesting that they thought the email "leak" was not very effective. (In a way, it kinda wasn't).
What is most concerning is the information that flowed "both ways." What was the Trump campaign sending to the Kremlin. The report keeps saying Russian oilgarchs of famlies in the U.S., but that's it? I dunno.
The dealings with Cohen and Manafort are exceedingly troubling as well.
This is about to get all Jay Edgar Hoover on this shit.
What if Obama leaked it to BuzzFeed.
The sun machine is coming down
And we're gonna have a party
The sun machine is coming down
And we're gonna have a party
The sun machine is coming down
And we're gonna have a party
The sun machine is coming down
And we're gonna have a party
Know wonder Trump is so loving on Putin. They have videos of him watching people peeing on each other??? That man is messed up.
How did I miss this? What the fuck is happening?
Unless verified, I don't see how it's anything other than he said she said. Everything that's out there seems to include that asterisk
Then Obama is officially the greatest president ever. Fuck FDR and LBJ.
Why is CNN the only major outlet covering this? Are other organizations trying to verify?