
TV Series:
1. Mob Psycho 100

- 157 votes 1280 pts
CDiggity said:Sure you might be able to use extremely powerful and well-animated psychic powers, but if it can't impress the person you like, then what is the point? At the core of this show is the theme of self-improvement, and seeing Mob's adventures as well as the characters he affects and is affected by makes for an extremely enjoyable watch.
Wanderer5 said:Bones really hit this out of the park with the production. This show gets crazy, it gets interesting, it gets imaginative, and it gets so damn fun. It is a very expressive and fun show with such top notch animation.
2. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

- 117 voted, 913 pts
NinjaCoachZ said:AMAZING adaptation of my favourite JoJo part. The aesthetics and art direction are really sleek and striking, the voice acting and casting was perfect, and they adapted everything 1:1 while maintaining virtually flawless pacing. This is how you do an adaptation
papertoonz said:it's jojos, David Productions really put alot of effort into this and while at times them aiming for a 3 season with no breaks did hurt some episode they pulled it insanely well, highlight goes to all the cool transitions and the overall colour palette, this show was a blast to watch
3. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu a.k.a "Rakugo"

- 76 votes, 661 pts
qurupeke said:Captivating rakugo performances, the dramatic moments feel earned and the bromance between the two main characters is realistic and yet very exciting to watch. Also, it's worth mentioning how it takes place during the Showa Era, something not so common.
MetroidPrimeRib said:Simply put, Rakugo is the best TV anime series since 2014's Ping Pong the Animation. Rakugo is a story about artists of a dying art form, with the first season framed in a massive flashback in Post-War Japan. The show is expertly crafted, from the rakugo performances to the character animation and even the characters' postures and speaking style to the framing and direction. It really is the best show of the year for me, in a strong year.
4. KonoSuba (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!)

- 60 votes, 476 pts
Lollipop Dave said:Simply the funniest show of 2016. Great characters, great gags and plenty of EXPLOSIONS!
HamPster PamPster said:A guy gets transported into a fantasy world and gains the ability to steal underwear? It sounds like a show I would hate but I loved it instead. Lots of humor and great characters. If I was just a tad nerdier my ringtone would be EXPLOSION!!!
janoDX said:Binge watched the entire series and I'm happy I did. I had a big laugh out of it, it made me lose my mind on some scenes, I feel that this series is taking the torch from Gintama in comedy while Gin is on serious mode. Also the trope that was made famous for Re:Zero is better applied here due to comedy. Check mate.
5. Haikyuu!!

- 60 votes, 457 pts
Moaradin said:We got two seasons of the best sports anime in the same year. I like just about every character, even ones from rival teams. This show has really strong character development and I couldn't help but fistpump during some character moments. I was never into Volleyball before this show, yet the matches in this get me unbelievably hyped. A big part of that is the animation, but also the fantastic OST by Yuki Hayashi.
ZachDeKoromaru said:Haikyuu continues to reign supreme as the best sports anime out there with some of the most edge-of-your-seat moments in the series so far
duckroll said:It's Haikyuu. Haikyuu rocks. 2016 had two seasons of Haikyuu. One rocked more than the other, but they both rock. ROCK!!!!
6. My Hero Academia

- 69 votes 435 pts
GoldCrusader said:You might say, but Gold this looks like your typical superhero shonen manga adaptation what makes it so special? MHA is just everything right about shonen executed just so god damn well. It's is just full of colors! A colorful cast of amazing characters, a colorful world, an explosive rivalry and boy is it good. The MC, Deku is your typical MC wanting to become a super hero just like is idol ALL Might. As a character he is so lovable, so likeable that you just can't not rout for him, care for him and hope for him to succeed. It also features the coolest Hero in the entire world, All Might(I swear if you don't think that at the end you are crazy). Then you have the key moments(mainly awesome fight scenes)...WHICH ARE JUST SO GOD DAMN WELL EXECUTED! You feel the emotions behind the characters actions and every hit they exchange. Backed by an amazing OST like You say run some of the moments were so amazing that I just couldn't hold the inner fanboy inside of me and when it ended up coming out it usually came with tears of joy at just how good everything was.
Szadek said:Hardly very original premise, but the execution is so superb that it doesn't matter.
7. Thunderbolt Fantasy

- 57 votes, 418 pts
Moral Panic said:Schroedinger's cat of anime. It's not anime, but yet at the same time it is. Thunderbolt Fantasy takes the things that make special anime special and applies it to a puppet show. The action, the voice acting, the fantastical expressions. A truly great gem that brings huge joy every episode
sonicmj1 said:Maybe it's not anime, but it's still a great time. Famed writer Urobuchi Gen brings this exciting martial arts adventure to life with the help of Taiwanese puppets and ridiculous CG effects. The final result is a delight, packed with larger-than-life characters that one can't help but root for. Their conflicts and arguments call to mind those of the legendary heroes of Fate/Zero, but the overall tone is less dour nihilism and more epic adventure. Completely satisfying.
Cornbread78 said:This is NOT anime, not at all, but I guess it is totally anime at the same time.....won't anyone think about the poor band waifu's that got kicked off the list because of these stupid puppets!totally a real quote
8. Re;Zero

- 63 votes 414 pts
T-Rex said:It's probably the most divisive show that aired this year, but the discussion around it was great and it was a lot of fun speculating about what was going to happen next. The story was a simple one, but it was so interesting because you never knew where it was going to go and it was a lot of fun seeing Subaru overcome the various obstacles with the knowledge and experience gained from his various deaths. Sadly the ending was garbage and that's the only reason I have it at #5, if things didn't conveniently work out for Subaru in the end (because they wanted a happy ending) it'd have been top 3 for sure because while not necessarily being the best show, it was definitely one of the most enjoyable. E.M.T.
zulux21 said:So, hands down this was one of the more enjoyable series I watched in 2016, and likely the only series in 2016 I would preorder if it got released in english. That being said, I play a little anime game with my friends where we look at the new shows and each pick some that we will think will be the best. My wife picked this one and the rest of us looked at her confused. Turns out, despite the generic sounding premise (and fairly generic episode 1, thankfully it aired as a double episode) the show had plenty of interesting things to add to the table. The show isn't without some flaws, including at times making certain characters completely unlikable. But overall was a very entertaining watch from start to finish.
9. Kiznaiver

- 67 votes, 324 pts
names2hard4you said:One of my favourite new works of this year. Another original story that places great importance on bonding with those around you. By the end of it I noticed just how much I had grown to like these characters. It also features what could possibly be one of the greatest and saddest crying scenes. Oh and yeah, OP track of the year without a doubt. The Trance tune works very well with the visuals and is super catchy.
Phaze said:One of the more disgusting endings in a year of disgusting endings. So why is it here then? Because the rest is just that good. Slick would be the word for it probably and it just shows everywhere, the character designs are some the best in business, direction is stellar, so is the lighting and the OST that is well woven within the scenes. Even the script, before it collapses, is tight with some very enjoyable character interactions and comedy, all the while ably navigating its way toward the end game its own demise. .
10. Erased

- 60 votes, 314 pts
Fishious said:Erased is one of the few shoes that had me eagerly and impatiently anticipating each new episode. It's partially due to the fact that every episode ended on a GODDAMN CLIFFHANGER, but the show constructed an interesting mystery that was fun to mull over and discuss while watching from week to week. The premise is that the main character Satoru involuntarily rewinds time to before other people's deaths and he uses that chance to save them. However someone dies and he is framed for the murder. Rather than going back a few minutes as usual, finds that he has gone back 18 years to when he was 10. From there he has to discover how seemingly unrelated events in the past led to the present day murder.
Sinthetic said:Say what you will about Erased, I loved it thoroughly. I'm a sucker for mystery stories, throw in the Sci-Fi elements and it worked even better for me.
Ninjimbo said:A good tale about trying to correct a mistake in your past. The drama felt real for about 9 episodes before it wrapped up. Still, despite ending gripes, the ride was a good one.
The rest(11-50<in order>)
11.Sound! Euphonium 2
12.Space Patrol Luluco
13.Yuri on Ice
14.Flying Witch
15.91 Days
16.Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
17.Great Passage
18.Flip Flappers
21.Mobile Suit Gundam: IBO S2
22.Sweetness and Lightning
24.Food Wars! The Second Plate
25.Bungou Stray Dogs
26.Girlish Number
27.Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
28.Love Live! Sunshine!!
29.The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
32.New Game
33.Concrete Revolutio
35.Please Tell Me! Galko-chan
36.March Comes on in Like a Lion
38.Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou
42.Alderamin on the Sky
43.Miss Bernard said
44.Macross Delta
45.Ushio to Tora
46.Poco's Udon World
47.Dragon Ball Super
49.Assassination Classroom Second Season
50.Tales of Zestiria the X
1. Kizumonogatari I

2. Your Name

3. Kizumonogatari II

4. Girls und Panzer

5. Doukyuusei

The rest (6-10):
A Silent Voice
Garo: Divine Flame
Miss Hokusai
Anthem of the Heart
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