Fair enough. Guess I'm just not a fan of the bandit encounters as they currently setup. The AI is kinda messy and I hate wasting resources on them.
True, I'd rather fight the dinos.
Fair enough. Guess I'm just not a fan of the bandit encounters as they currently setup. The AI is kinda messy and I hate wasting resources on them.
Fair enough. Guess I'm just not a fan of the bandit encounters as they currently setup. The AI is kinda messy and I hate wasting resources on them.
Use a slingshot explosion behind them and they will go to the opposite direction.
How do you guys manage to make a pack (?) of Glazers go in a specific direction?
As far as I can tell they are. Maybe not every mission, but some are definitely scripted to be at night, in the snow, in the rain, windy etc.Kind of wish day / night was scripted for certain moments and mission.
They sort of are though, for main missions. The ToD will change quickly if it doesn't match the specified ToD for that mission leading to a very abrupt change.Kind of wish day / night was scripted for certain moments and mission. Just had a scene with 2 character looking out over what seems to be a crazy vista but can hardly see anything cosmits the dead of night haha
I kind of wish they had this thing from FC4 where you can upgrade a skill so that your main character doesn't do any pick up animation and it simply goes to your inventory when you press the button.Farming health plants takes way too long. Probably my only complaint. Where do you guys go to farm up some? Riverside tends to be good but it still takes a while.
Farming health plants takes way too long. Probably my only complaint. Where do you guys go to farm up some? Riverside tends to be good but it still takes a while.
Since no one else had...
You are doing it wrong, firstly weapons aren't loot here and this isn't a loot based game. The loot here is used for crafting items and supplies which is a different design philosophy from what you see in NioH.I've been enjoying the game but not really fond of the loot system. It's a bit shit imo. Getting a purple bow doesn't feel different from a regular bow, just gives you different skills I feel. I've kept the default bow in my loadout and that's what I pretty much used most of the time with traps...
I'm near lvl 30 and finding it easier just to knock foes with R2 now and poke that ass than using a multitude of arrows, wether it's from carja or shadow whatever. And all my bows are modded with purple stuff.
After coming from Nioh the loot leaves a lot to be desired but like I've said, rest of the game is awesome and still enjoying myself so far.
Really loving this game so far. Still early on, only level 8. But I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the equipment the merchants suddenly have. Are there any weapons in particular I should go for?
I played a tiny bit more. The side quests and "errands" seem to fall into the same traps as other RPGs. Basically the first one has you kill five rabbits, which is exactly the kind of thing Witcher 3 tried to avoid.
As far back as Witcher 2 CDProjekt tried to find ways around that kind of quest design, usually by making the process deeper (destroy three nests) or adding some quirk to every one of them (solve a puzzle at each one, or make some kind of moral choice). More importantly Witcher 2 and 3 tried to make the tasks in their quests seem less mundane. I point this out because Horizon draws a lot from Witcher 3 and that's exactly what makes Witcher 3 stand out among open-world RPGs.
Haven't gotten my copy of Zelda yet but I hear it's a lot more systemic than most of the biggest open-world games around today. People are comparing it to Far Cry 2 in that aspect. What I'm starting to think happened is Nintendo fused the open-world formula together with some Minecraft-esque survival elements and the latter's totally open structure, and may have even borrowed more of Skyrim's systemic systems than any other game that pulls from Skyrim. Most games that do so seem to only borrow Skyrim's interface and overall quest structure, but not the way NPCs and the world react to the player and each other.
Anyway, before I digress too much, if I get more interested in Horizon for any reason it'll probably be the setting and story. The actual game is a smorgasbord of other games but the setting does post-apocalyptic in a way that's a bit different for video games. I'd like to get into that first town and see the other communities.
You are doing it wrong, firstly weapons aren't loot here and this isn't a loot based game. The loot here is used for crafting items and supplies which is a different design philosophy from what you see in NioH.
Secondly you are missing out on a LOAD of stuff if you are sticking to original bow. For instance the War bow is entirely there for debuffs, the sharpshooter bow is this game's sniper rifle and it also has an ammo called tear ammo which will take down enemy parts with 1-2 arrow rather than shooting 15 arrows at the part to take it down. Lastly the purple hunter bow lets you use heavy arrows which do considerably more damage.
1) Hunter Bow: Damage + fire debuff
2) War Bow: All other debuffs + corruption which temporarily makes enemies aggro on each other
3) Sharpshooter Bow: Sniper + Tearing down parts
The purple version of each lets you use 3 different ammo types, blue one lets you use 2 different while the green ones are limited to just one ammo type.
If you are using the same now from start of the game then you haven't experienced tear arrows. They are game changers, you can shoot one at a Thunderjaw to take its disc launcher down and then use the disclauncher to kill the Thunderjaw from full health.
Since no one else had...
I'm scared to fight a Thunderjaw now lol.Since no one else had...
I'm scared to fight a Thunderjaw now lol.
Yeah that shit is was terrible. Probably the only bandit camp I'll be doing lol. I also hope there won't be too many human encounters during the main story.Was riding a serious high with this game until the first bandit camp. Yeah, that was pretty awful. The AI was terrible.
I'm only 6 hours in or so but sadly, I'm kind of getting this feeling. It's polished to hell and back (except for the awful human encounters) but the sense of "newness" is starting to wear off and the feeling of "I've played this many times before" is starting to creep in. Fighting robo beasts is still pretty cool tho. We'll see how long that carries me through.Overall... this just feels like a MUCH better looking Ubisoft Game to me, and it's not like ubi hadn't already done mecha-fauna before >___>. Laughed a bit when i saw the climbable towers and the enemy outposts awaiting clearing. Then let a sigh after buying the collectible maps and seeing that they failed to resist taking that route.
Thunderjaw is overrated, easy peasy.
I had more problems with Stormbirds. I just avoid them now.
I can only hope that I will enjoy upcoming games as much as Horizon. I'm also super impressed and love playing it!This might be my game of the generation. I am completely stunned.
Kill them with fire. 2-3 fire arrows should be enough.
What!?. Hell no.
Im level 18 and encountered my first Thnderjaw and it was ridiculously difficult. It has a long health pool and Carja Hunter Bow/Carja Precision Bows barely did anything to it.
Ropecaster is also useless against it.
I just didnt know what to do, so I just fled. It either 1-shot me or 2-shot me easily.
What!?. Hell no.
Im level 18 and encountered my first Thnderjaw and it was ridiculously difficult. It has a long health pool and Carja Hunter Bow/Carja Precision Bows barely did anything to it.
Ropecaster is also useless against it.
I just didnt know what to do, so I just fled. It either 1-shot me or 2-shot me easily.
Fuck the Rockbreaker, spent all my health resources on him in the first encounter.You need to get a better ropecaster .
With one and some tear arrows it becomes rather easy .
I find the stormbird and rockbreaker more troublesome than the thunderjaw.
This might be my game of the generation. I am completely stunned.
Is it safe to sell stuff where there is no mention of crafting?