Not suprising since the source material was pure garbage to begin with.

anime was a mistake it's nothing but trash
Not suprising since the source material was pure garbage to begin with.
That episode of Master of None wasn't condemning Indian actors who choose stereotypical roles either. His friend in that episode played a cliche comedic customer service call center guy in Transformers. Aziz understands that roles outside the stereotypes that don't rely on accents is important, but also recognizes that those roles are rare and virtually non-existant. The problem is, if you don't take roles that actually rely on your race, what are you left with?
The Major doesn't rely on race, but she's white.
The Ancient One is an Asian stereotype in the comic, and she's still white.
This encapsulates my feelings as well. I have little hope Hollywood will learn from this mistake but anything to improve Asian American representation is good even if it costs the live action version if GITS.
Oh and that God awful ending puts a nail in its coffin. Terrible terrible way if handling things.
Tbh,imho, not a huge loss since we'll always have the anime anyway.
Slacktivism done right. They won't see a dime from me. Fuck Hollywood.
Ghost in the Shell's opening was only $115k higher than Speed Racer.
So how about that Battle Angel Alita?
Also sad that we basically only trust Hollywood to maybe, just maybe, not fuck up anime adaptations where the main characters are white.
I mean, I generally have low expectations when it comes to this stuff. That said, the impossible can happen. Speed Racer is one of my favorite movies of all time after all.They're gonna fuck it up. Don't have any expectations.
I didn't for GitS and I was still dissapointed.
didn't that episode also point out how a brown man was practically blackfaced and played by a white man in short circuit?
also, even if the ancient one is am asian stereotype in the comics, that doesn't mean it harms the character in general - it's worse to put a white person in the middle of a bunch of asians as the best.
as an Asian man (technically), that's what I would've preferred.
Its not, like i said the source wasnt even good or popular to begin with.
People have a warped idea on here that gits is a banker name.
Plus the movie in itself looked boring as hell.
Even critics who didn't like the movie talk about the beautiful visuals.
From RT:
the praise for the visuals is the one constant across all reviews this movie has gotten.
If you honestly don't think this movie looks good, then I don't know what else I can say to you, we obviously have a completely different view on what good visuals mean.
GitS is probably the most prominent anime outside of Naruto/One Piece/Bleach.
On the subject of whitewashing in Western Entertainment, this specific debate in relation to Ghost In The Shell and the context that surrounds the project has proved to be something of a particularly tender subject with me.
Sorry about the essay, or if I'm literally just repeating the same points everyone else has made in this discussion in the most ineloquent manner imaginable. Please forgive me.
This is an interesting point. When it comes to adapting niche properties it helps a lot to get those diehard fans on your side from the outset to generate positive buzz from those who are "in the know". But most GITS fans weren't whelmed by anything that came out of the pre-production and add the controversy on top of that...Yeah, I think in this day and age if you want a movie based on an IP that isn't well-known to mainstream audiences to do well you need to get a lot of positive buzz from people who *do* know/like the source material, and pretty much nothing about this movie that we saw before release gave anyone any faith in the movie, from the casting of the main character to the "big twist" to the shitty remix of the original's theme put on social media to the simple fact that Hollywood doesn't really do adaptations of stuff like GitS very well.
Actual numbers are starting to come in, 40 plus millions outside the US, 3 millions in South Korea alone (million more than XXX or 2,5 more than John Wick 2).
So better wait before declaring a bomb, else crows could become an endangered species. China and Japan are getting the movie end of this week.
I reallly don't think whitewashing had anything to do with this. After all, racism helped trump win the Whitehouse. The movie bombed because it's based on anime. plus, scar jo is hot but she really carry movies on her name? I think it just looked too dorky for mainstream America.
To be perfectly honest I really don't unless the creative team has a lot of Asian representation. I do have some faith in Death Note though mostly because of the director.
I mean, I generally have low expectations when it comes to this stuff. That said, the impossible can happen. Speed Racer is one of my favorite movies of all time after all.
Yeah that's what I'm saying.
When roles actually do rely on race like the Ancient One, those roles still go to white people and the act is seen as progressive because "oh it subverts stereotypes." There is a way to make the Ancient One Asian without slapping a fumanchu on them.
"Oh it'd be racist to cast an Asian so we won't cast Asian. Oh race doesn't matter, so we won't cast Asian."
I mean... fuck
They made a good movie out of Deadpool
Surely a bit of effort would have made a good movie here.
Hollywood movies based on anime will never be made again. Probably for the better.
I thought you were just arguing with me then. So I guess we agree on this discussion?
What Hollywood should learn
-Diversity is good for films.
-Not all films need large budgets,
-Focus on making a good film first with a strong script.
The days of the Matrix style movies are done.
Yeah. My initial response was because I read an interview about that episode of Master of None. The guy who plays his friend initially refused to be in that episode because he though Aziz was criticizing Indian actors who put on accents and play stereotypes. Because roles are so starved for them already, he needed to take what he could get for steady work.
Power Rangers had a diverse cast, looks worse than Ghost in the Shell at the moment. Ghostbusters had an all female cast, huge loss at the box office. Life, diverse cast, low budget made in 2 weeks less money than Ghost in the Shell over the weekend.
Not suprising since the source material was pure garbage to begin with.
Cyberpunk 2077 - if that game becomes a big hit, every man and his dog will claim they were Cyberpunk fans from the beginning, and the the interest for movies will be there suddenly, you watch how many people start seeking this sub-genre out, hell it could even get made into a movie within 10yrs of it's release, if it's a hit.
What Hollywood should learn
-Diversity is good for films.
-Not all films need large budgets,
-Focus on making a good film first with a strong script.
What Hollywood will learn
-Female leads are bad
-Stop adapting from Anime source material.
-Double down on known properties
Mixed feelings on this. On one hand, the whitewashing and general reviews kept me from seeing it. It doesn't sound like it's worth going to see in the theater. (Honestly, even if you took out the whitewashing aspect and left the reviews, I wouldn't have gone to see it.) I don't feel bad about this movie bombing to be frank.
I do however worry that because it bombed, we'll be getting less anime adaptations. That is a shame.
Power Rangers has better overall reviews than GitS does.
Man, what a shitshow this has become, though it wasn't entirely unexpected. The road to a good anime/manga Hollywood adaptation goes on...
we're talking about the actor acting in that episode of master of none right? not the synopsis of the episode where he plays a stereotypical taxi cab driver?
can you post the URL of that interview
FTFYanime is poison
The movie was pretty much destined to bomb. The fact the movie's script isn't interesting and the directing fails to capture the attention of the audience despite the great visuals is really the key problem. They even had a plot that could was coherent despite pulling from all of GITS but it doesn't matter if it isn't engaging.
Everything else was just tossing gasoline on the fire, lol.
Has made less money international in 2 weeks than Ghost in the Shell in one weekend, it will pass it by the end of the week and it only cost 10 millions more. So why should Hollywood care about the review scores?
Blaming this on white-washing when the source material is anime is a big stretch lol.