As my first post on GAF in a few months (felt I needed a break), I would like to first post my thoughts on the GitS ramake.
Sorry if this runs long, but I don't want to start on the wrong foot by creating a new thread... I'm going to try to keep this as focused as possible, but my thoughts are all over the place on this topic...
Sorry for any un-tagged spoilers. Please take warning.
First, I've been a fan of the original since I got my hands on it on VHS some time around 2000, I believe. I've watched it around 30 times, I'm thinking. I watched at least the first full season of SAC, maybe even the 2nd season. But I always preferred the original Movie. I was a huge Anime fan during my early 20's, and still watch some time to time, but look out for quality films rather than jumping into new series'.
I actually don't even think I knew about the Hollywood remake until the few weeks leading up to release... somehow I missed all the scandal. I'm glad, because I don't have strong feelings about that regardless. But I have been playing catchup, watching youtube videos, reading threads, etc... actually I've been quite obsessed with this movie for the past month or so.
I've always enjoyed the original Anime film, but I honestly barely understood it. The major themes went over my head for years, but most of all the step-by-step plot of the film was very difficult to follow. Section 6, the guy trying to defect, etc etc... I just watched it again a few days ago, and can't imagine getting my girlfriend, or my parents, close friends, etc to actually sit down and watch something like that. They'd probably down right HATE it, and be angry at me for making them watch something like that. I'm also love the GitS2: Innocence film, but until recently only had a subtitled version so that was challenging to absorb as well. I just got a dub version of it which I watched this weekend, and that is a film that is much easier to watch and take in, IMO.
Now we are at the remake. I spent weeks leading up to release watching and rewatching the 5 minute / 10 minute scenes that they released of the film. Saw an early release of the shelling sequence as well. I was super excited. I started to read negative impressions, so kept my expectations in check when I watched it. First impression was disappointment that the original music was NOT used during the shelling sequence, and that kinda threw me off for a while. I was too focused on the scenes they reproduced from the original. Some were amazing, going by memory of the original. The tank battle was a bit disappointing. Overall I was happy with simplified plot. It was a good
Origin Story, which I feel is what Hollywood needed it to be. Something relatable with a general audience. My girlfriend really enjoyed it, and it came up in conversation for 2 days after watching it.
After watching it I went even DEEPER into searching Youtube for videos, reading impressions and reviews, watching for listings of the Blu-Ray (3D finally appeared on, but I want it on!)... I couldn't get it out of my head. For the strangest of reasons... I found myself in a "defense mode", trying to find other people who also enjoyed it for what it was.
I went to see it a 2nd time and told myself to pay more attention to the musical score, which many people praised and somehow got past me the first time, and take in the visuals again. I enjoyed the movie even more the 2nd time. I found some scenes that bothered me the 1st time flowed more natural during the 2nd viewing. (Except that first scene with Cutter which will always suck lol).
Now... for some of my own views of the movie which allow the casting and certain story elements to "work", where it does not for so many people...
- Did they ever say this was Japan? Much like how China took over the world in Bladerunner, this feels like a mixed-culture future where "who is what race" has little to no importance. It is a mix of everyone everywhere. Some people were upset that Major wasn't "Japanese" since the film was still set in Japan, but is it for sure? What if it isn't?
- The mom doesn't act very Japanese, where she gives a hug and such. "No Japanese mother would do that", or so I've read. Easy to say this is for the benefit of American audiences, but what if there is more to it than that? What
generation is she? What if cultural practices have changed in this multi-cultural mixing-pot that this story exists in?
Anyways... I really can't wait to get my hands on the (3D!!) Blu-Ray, so I can watch this to my leisure.