technically mixed
but I would consider him black
but I would consider him black
Extremely poor choice for a picture.
My point was more so that the discussion of skin tone is irrelevant when it comes to the discussion of actual human representation when you're not talking about humanity or a direct fantasy analog to the human race, but not irrelevant to the notion of inclusion and diversity when you're talking about a completely fantastical race. Yoshis are obviously not meant to be direct human analogs and so I wasn't equating black yoshis to black humans at all. However, I really don't see anything offensive about someone relating to black yoshis as a fantasy-analog of their own racial background if it makes them happy and gives them a connection to the game. I feel the same way about inklings, though I will admit that inklings are obviously meant to be more human-looking than yoshis are. Even so, I see black inklings and black yoshis in a similar light: fantasy beings with different skin tones/colors illustrating that diversity is a thing and that all tones are participating and relating to each other equally. Why even give yoshis a range of skin colors if not to show that they are both members of different families and members of the same race/species and community? I don't think the comparison of yoshis to inklings is nearly as offensive as you think it is.
It's a squid, too. That's what really kills me. Heaven forbid that a squid be BLACK. KingGilga must've clutched those pearls as soon as he read the thread title.
"Not in my shooter..."
Shame on me for not thinking people would assume I meant the monkey as the black person when there's an actual black man on the roster.
That "joke" is overplayed.
Depends on who lost it, black means blackIs the focus on black because gaf is mainly America? Because its always about the black race with these talks and never about other races.
Sega already beat Nintendo to having black people in their mascot racing game.
Hint:He's not Knuckles
Or Shadow
Your intentions are probably the only thing keeping this piece of shit thread together and still open, don't blame yourself.I'm sorry if I made the OP too specific or something, I'm not black so maybe I shouldn't have made an op that sounds so authoritative. I just wanted to celebrate something that I thought was a good thing but I'm sorry if my lack of understanding has caused any issues. I probably should've just used "PoC" instead of "black", as the former sounds less specific.
Representation is really important to me because as a gay guy seeing cool gay characters, whether it is in movies, tv, or games, is one of the few things that still makes me almost instantly happy.
Fucks sake. Why the fuck do y'all have to just piss all over any and every opportunity for ANY character of color being interpreted as such.
I'm sorry if I made the OP too specific or something, I'm not black so maybe I shouldn't have made an op that sounds so authoritative. I just wanted to celebrate something that I thought was a good thing but I'm sorry if my lack of understanding has caused any issues. I probably should've just used "PoC" instead of "black", as the former sounds less specific.
Representation is really important to me because as a gay guy seeing cool gay characters, whether it is in movies, tv, or games, is one of the few things that still makes me almost instantly happy.
Shame on me for not thinking people would assume I meant the monkey as the black person when there's an actual black man on the roster.
That "joke" is overplayed.
It was the first one that popped up on google.
I'm sorry if I made the OP too specific or something, I'm not black so maybe I shouldn't have made an op that sounds so authoritative. I just wanted to celebrate something that I thought was a good thing but I'm sorry if my lack of understanding has caused any issues. I probably should've just used "PoC" instead of "black", as the former sounds less specific.
Representation is really important to me because as a gay guy seeing cool gay characters, whether it is in movies, tv, or games, is one of the few things that still makes me almost instantly happy.
technically mixed
but I would consider him black
Please stop saying this, I'm pretty sure you don't know what this word means. Also, here's the reason why an English speaking/American focused forum world call squids wearing Nikes black.ambiguous.
Same reason we had this thread about Clementine being black. Diversity is oppress to some.
Thanks for this, I was wondering where that terminology used in this way came from.Please stop saying this, I'm pretty sure you don't know what this word means. Also, here's the reason why an English speaking/American focused forum world say they're black.
Read up.
you know you could at least have captured what your search term was, it's not like we want to overreact and shit.
We just have to take your word for an overused racist joke.
Yoshis are cute beasts of burden. They are basically smarter dogs or horses. Nobody praises a game that has a wide variety of dogs/horses as ethnically/racially/aesthetically inclusive. Inklings are clearly designed to be characters that human beings like you and me can identify with. That's a big reason why they are so customizable (clothes, skintone, "hair", etc.). They are squid people sure but they are clearly human proxies. This is NOT true of Yoshis regardless of how intelligent they may or may not be. That's why I feel your comparison fails badly. Hopefully I'm more clear?
Sega already beat Nintendo to having black people in their mascot racing game.
Hint:He's not Knuckles
Or Shadow
You make a good point and I definitely understand what you're saying, though I think yoshis have come a long way since their first representations. Yoshi's Island made Yoshi the star, and showed that they have family, community, and culture. and after that I think they became more "people" than "beasts", but I suppose that's just one opinion. Mario may still ride yoshi but it's more of a partnership now. Yoshi, and his species, has since become a full-fledged character and race with his/their own abilities and personality. He may have once been just a tool but now he's an intelligent creature with his own personhood.
So basically I appreciate your point and get how you didn't like my comparison, but I think he's become way more than how you describe him, starting with when they made his race much more diverse, heroic, and interesting in Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Story.
I mean. Where exactly are you going with this.
Sega already beat Nintendo to having black people in their mascot racing game.
Hint:He's not Knuckles
Or Shadow
If you want a audio history of itThanks for this, I was wondering where that terminology used in this way came from.
Sega already beat Nintendo to having black people in their mascot racing game.
Hint:He's not Knuckles
Or Shadow
Please stop saying this, I'm pretty sure you don't know what this word means. Also, here's the reason why an English speaking/American focused forum world call squids wearing Nikes black.
Read up.
Can I just...
I really don't think Galactic made this on purpose. It's a slip up like the NBA tshirt that had year of the monkey on it.
Sega already beat Nintendo to having black people in their mascot racing game.
Hint:He's not Knuckles
Or Shadow
Sega already beat Nintendo to having black people in their mascot racing game.
Hint:He's not Knuckles
Or Shadow
I think I might just make my icon B.D. Joe after all this whole mess.
My post was supposed to point out Sega doing something that Nintendidn't while also shutting down anyone who points out Knuckles (the Rastafarian idea people mention) or Shadow (black fur).
Hnnng I remember this thread. Good (embarrassing) times.
One thing people should complain about is how the Animal Crossing racers can't be black when in the game being black was actually caused by hangin' out on a tropical island with no clothes on. Or playing the game 3 months of the year.
They even used it as a promo in some of their art.
I haven't personally played it but apparently in Happy Home Designer you can select your skin tone, so hopefully they keep that in for the next AC. It's really sad that people had to resort to tanning or the mii mask thing just to get a skin tone on an avatar that's supposed to represent them.Tons of people complained about this. I thought it was pretty odd that they didn't let you change your skin color considering the game is all about living another life, but the series always had a roundabout way of actually customizing your character. You have to take a damn quiz to get a haircut. I bet the next AC will let you customize your skin color though.
Thanks.If you want a audio history of it
Please stop saying this, I'm pretty sure you don't know what this word means. Also, here's the reason why an English speaking/American focused forum world say they're black.
Read up.
I have a question
I have a brother, who is as blit as Will Smith
He got a white dad, and a Mother who is at most 1/4 Jamaican
Is he black?
I'll give you an extension. No wrong answers, just provide your working for the solution.
There are a shitload of other character select screens without a fucking monkey as the selected character, this shit was clearly intentional.
"Look how clever I am."
I don't know. If he looks like will smith as you said I'd probably assume he was black or at least mixed if I ever met him. But I don't see how it's my place to say what he is or is not.
Just searched "sonic and sega all stars racing characters" and it was the first select screen shot so I don't know if you can say clearly intentional.
snatched up as black
She's ours now.
She's not yours anymorehold that L, son!
Hold it forever, son!
I knew about the one drop rule as a principle, but I didn't know it was actually a law, and one put in so late, is it still in effect? That seems insanely fucked up. But my usage of ambiguously brown was in relation to the trope.
It just annoys me that the instant a non white character shows up it's instantly snatched up as black when there is no identifying feature other than having brown skin like most of the rest of the world.
Buy hey, fuck everyone else these are now black squidlings.
I'm sorry if I made the OP too specific or something, I'm not black so maybe I shouldn't have made an op that sounds so authoritative. I just wanted to celebrate something that I thought was a good thing but I'm sorry if my lack of understanding has caused any issues. I probably should've just used "PoC" instead of "black", as the former sounds less specific.
Representation is really important to me because as a gay guy seeing cool gay characters, whether it is in movies, tv, or games, is one of the few things that still makes me almost instantly happy.
Youre annoyed...? yikesI knew about the one drop rule as a principle, but I didn't know it was actually a law, and one put in so recently, is it still in effect? That seems insanely fucked up. But my usage of ambiguously brown was in relation to the trope.
It just annoys me that the instant a non white character shows up it's instantly snatched up as black when there is no identifying feature other than having brown skin like most of the rest of the world.
Buy hey, fuck everyone else these are now black squidlings.
I don't know. If he looks like will smith as you said I'd probably assume he was black or at least mixed if I ever met him. But I don't see how it's my place to say what he is or is not.
doing the same
Nintendo needs a Diversity push, they could have easily added a black ARMS fighter too smh