Flaming tire does not begin to describe this thread.
YuuupLol no. Just no. This is where society gets you after hundreds of years of slavery, ethnicity​ based laws and white superiority being made natural law
I'm sure the oppressed peoples of the ages are overjoyed that you're fighting amongst yourselves over a squid child in a kart racer.
I'm sure the oppressed peoples of the ages are overjoyed that you're fighting amongst yourselves over a squid child in a kart racer.
No one said this was only for black people and excluding other brown minority groups.
LordKasual couldn't even leave the thread in peace, had to ironically drop a few personal attacks on the way out implying y'all are socially inept IRL.
If Goku isn't white how are people like combine42 supposed to relate to him?
Posts like this are why trump won.This is where identity politics gets you to, people of different races arguing over who is the closest to a fictional squid child.
Man this superhuman alien from outer space who was sent here to destroy Earth but bumped his head, turned into a giant monkey after looking at the moon, stepped on his grandfather, tagged along with a woman scientist searching for seven magical macguffins that summon a wish-granting dragon, dodged bandits, thieves, and wannabe totalitarians, took down an army, studied martial arts under various centenarians, entered martial arts tournaments, saved the world from a demon, married his inadvertent child sweetheart, somehow managed to have a kid without ever kissing said wife, learned he was an alien from his shitty brother who came to destroy Earth, died, ran a million miles down a heavenly snake road, trained with the king of the galaxy, came back to life, fought off more aliens at the cost of his entire body, went to space, killed more aliens, briefly had his body switched, ascended to legend status due to the rage of watching his best friend get murdered, killed a super powerful property shark, barely missed dying on an exploding planet, trained with some random aliens, came back to Earth, met a guy from the future who told him he died from a heart virus like a bitch and gave him medicine to save his life, came down with said heart virus while fighting androids from the army he destroyed in his childhood, recovered and trained in a time dilation chamber with his son to partake in a tournament, sent his son to win the battle, died again, came back to the living plane, tried and failed to stop some folks from summoning the most powerful thing ever, fused with my main rival, got eaten, got released, saw the planet get destroyed, brought it back, trained some more with even more powerful people, fought the most powerful thing ever's final form, won the battle with an attack fueled by every living thing on earth, was found by some gods of destruction, ascended even further to godhood status, went to constantly train with them, helped out the future guy who gave me medicine all those years ago, and am now embroiled in a tournament that includes fighters from every known universe.
Oh wait, he's culturally considered to be a fucking Asian?
Can't relate bro.
Nobody is fighting over it tho. It's a discussion. The only idiots fighting are those that go "lol this is stupid you're all stupid" like.I'm sure the oppressed peoples of the ages are overjoyed that you're fighting amongst yourselves over a squid child in a kart racer. the hell is that .gif?
Edit: What the fuck
Really I'm just happy Nintendo's learning.
Hopefully there's more customisation options in their multiplayer games in the future.
This is where identity politics gets you to, people of different races arguing over who is the closest to a fictional squid child.
Ah, centrists. Never need to have a position. Love being in the middle, don't have to stand for or defend anything they say. Just drop their hot takes and snicker away on a moral high horse.I'm sure the oppressed peoples of the ages are overjoyed that you're fighting amongst yourselves over a squid child in a kart racer.
Ah, centrists. Never need to have a position. Love being in the middle, don't have to stand for or defend anything they say. Just drop their hot takes and snicker away on a moral high horse.
lgbt folk, poc and women in any thread: here's why representation matters, along with a touching story of how it personally affected me
straight white dudes: ummmm actually here's why representation DOESN'T matter to me, the "defautl" in most forms of media
Billy Pilgrim is one of those people who thinks that people being upset at undue racism towards those who identify with an inoffensive squid character is divisive and harmful identity politics, but the actual destructive racism coming from the Trump administration and his deplorable sect of followers was just the inevitable cry of an ignored people and a lesson to learn for those who wanted to stand against them.
Pay him no mind.
Yeah, I've said none of that. I just think you're all dumb for arguing over how black the squid children are exactly, I have no quarrel with them being included. It's the pot shots at other races that are farcical.
Yeah, I've said none of that. I just think you're all dumb for arguing over how black the squid children are exactly, I have no quarrel with them being included. It's the pot shots at other races that are farcical.
Wait what potshots. Show us some examples please.Yeah, I've said none of that. I just think you're all dumb for arguing over how black the squid children are exactly, I have no quarrel with them being included. It's the pot shots at other races that are farcical.
Yeah, I've said none of that. I just think you're all dumb for arguing over how black the squid children are exactly, I have no quarrel with them being included. It's the pot shots at other races that are farcical.
Can we just agree that the squids are alt black and be done with it?
I can't believe that is a legitimate post, that has to be a troll. Tell me it's a troll.
Ah, centrists. Never need to have a position. Love being in the middle, don't have to stand for or defend anything they say. Just drop their hot takes and snicker away on a moral high horse.
Billy Pilgrim is one of those people who thinks that people being upset at undue racism towards those who identify with an inoffensive squid character is divisive and harmful identity politics, but the actual destructive racism coming from the Trump administration and his deplorable sect of followers was just the inevitable cry of an ignored people and a lesson to learn for those who wanted to stand against them.
Pay him no mind.
I need to know what alt black is. Is it the ascended form of Nu Black?
Yeah hope so too. I mean they already have mii's as avatars which are reasonably diverse. Hopefully as they push more towards new IP's after Splattons success it'll give them room in the creation of characters and avatars of this nature.
Yeah, I've said none of that. I just think you're all dumb for arguing over how black the squid children are exactly, I have no quarrel with them being included. It's the pot shots at other races that are farcical.
How did this go 7 years without my knowledge
Can we just agree that the squids are alt black and be done with it?
good lord, are we still discussing ethnicity of squid people? This is hilarious.
You know what? Black-inklings look more like dark skinned asians than afro people.
I thought the game was pretty good, just had a really niche art style and sold terriblyARMS is our current look into that. There was also Codename STEAM which had a pretty diverse cast but the game itself was rather weak.
Thank you for this.And lol at Dominican blacks taking offense at being called is bad in the DR. So they absolutely can't stand to be black because of the way Dominicans view it
I'm still reeling from "afro people"
A mod seriously needs to go through this thread.I'm still reeling from "afro people"
How to make a minority character
Anything else they're white (or tanned).
I'm still reeling from "afro people"
lgbt folk, poc and women in any thread: here's why representation matters, along with a touching story of how it personally affected me
straight white dudes: ummmm actually here's why representation DOESN'T matter to me, the "defautl" in most forms of media
Lol no. Just no. This is where society gets you after hundreds of years of slavery, ethnicity​ based laws and white superiority being made natural law
Ah, centrists. Never need to have a position. Love being in the middle, don't have to stand for or defend anything they say. Just drop their hot takes and snicker away on a moral high horse.
Not to American gamers. Everyone is white American to them.Are some of them Asian? I've been told on GAF that anime characters are generally Japanese unless stated otherwise; I'm guessing that logic extends to video game characters as well
Edit: To clarify, was responding to the OP saying the entire cast being almost all white, not just the Inklings
Where are the pot shots at other races? You mean white people? Do you feel oppressed?
Not to American gamers. Everyone is white American to them.
You've got people having a go at dominicans, cambodians, the japanese, all sorts in here. It's pathetic. The characters are obviously supposed to be broadly representative in order to be inclusive, and instead the Identity Politics brigade are in here policing who can and can't be represented. By Squid Children.
How to make a minority character
Anything else they're white (or tanned).
Stop bullshitting and post links to these posts.You've got people having a go at dominicans, cambodians, the japanese, all sorts in here. It's pathetic. The characters are obviously supposed to be broadly representative in order to be inclusive, and instead the Identity Politics brigade are in here policing who can and can't be represented. By Squid Children.