Trump Fires James Comey

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This makes zero sense.

Trump both puts everything on Clapper and at the same time asks why he changed his story?

So he's betting on him and he's undermining him.

At the same time.

I mean Trump's entire life is built on that.

Rely and cling to someone else until it's more beneficial to undermine them for personal benefit.
But why admit it!?

They lie so often about so much. Why would they get cute here of all places?
Perhaps it's a combo of:
-trump believes the things he does are normal and assumed for people in power.
-trump does not self-reflect and believes his self-serving version of events will be reflected in evidence.




If they want to play this game. Then the media should play the fuck up that the white house just accused clapper of perjury hard.

That and the fact Spicer was unable to deny Trump is recording conversations in the Oval Office. Two significant stories came out of this.
I hope the first question at the first press briefing next week (if Trump hasn't canceled them before then) is a repeat of "Is the President out of control?"


Every time I hear loyalty I think the following
"I got, I got, I got, I got Loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA"

For those that don't know those are song lyrics


The logic in their arguments is non-existent. "This guy said there was no collusion! He's also not trustworthy and a liar"! "The president didn't move fast on Flynn cause he needed documentation! He received documentation on Comey and moved Quickly. He also didn't fire him because of the documentation!" I mean the lies are so numerous they can't keep anything straight. Yet they continue to try to weave some narrative bound by inane logic. Based on their own presentation of the pieces, these items, or at least parts, are pure fabrications.


Bernie is the High Sparrow. Old white balding Messiah figure with a legion of angry young male followers?

First, high sparrow was super religious, Bernie was the least religious candidate, second Bernie had female followers too, High Sparrow had zero.

Bernie is hot pie.


What is his debriefing routine? A shot of whiskey and kick to his own nuts? Or a bottle of Nyquil, blood pressure pills?



So the president is secretly recording conversations within the White House. Holy Shit.

This would help explain why he kept calling members of Congress up to the White House when there was no need at all. A power play and also he likely wanted to record them if true. Didn't employees also suspect he records them and others in trump tower and at the place in Florida?
The logic in their arguments is non-existent. "This guy said there was no collusion! He's also not trustworthy and a liar"! "The president didn't move fast on Flynn cause he needed documentation! He received documentation on Comey and moved Quickly. He also didn't fire him because of the documentation!" I mean the lies are so numerous they can't keep anything straight. Yet they continue to try to weave some narrative bound by inane logic. Based on their own presentation of the pieces, these items, or at least parts, are pure fabrications.

At this point I feel like that's their strategy. Everyone around Trump has realized that he's guilty and is not going to stop this lying bullshit and twitter tantrum stuff, so their only option is to keep lying so much and so often that it muddies the waters to the point that no one can ever know what the actual facts are in the case. Then when the media reports on the latest bullshit that they say, they can come out and point to the contradictory lies that they told and further the "fake news" narrative among their base, which is all they have left at this point.


At this point I feel like that's their strategy. Everyone around Trump has realized that he's guilty and is not going to stop this lying bullshit and twitter tantrum stuff, so their only option is to keep lying so much and so often that it muddies the waters to the point that no one can ever know what the actual facts are in the case. Then when the media reports on the latest bullshit that they say, they can come out and point to the contradictory lies that they told and further the "fake news" narrative among their base, which is all they have left at this point.



At this point I feel like that's their strategy. Everyone around Trump has realized that he's guilty and is not going to stop this lying bullshit and twitter tantrum stuff, so their only option is to keep lying so much and so often that it muddies the waters to the point that no one can ever know what the actual facts are in the case. Then when the media reports on the latest bullshit that they say, they can come out and point to the contradictory lies that they told and further the "fake news" narrative among their base, which is all they have left at this point.
Yep. They are desperately throwing up as many smokescreens as they can at once, making it harder for those not paying close attention.


At this point I feel like that's their strategy. Everyone around Trump has realized that he's guilty and is not going to stop this lying bullshit and twitter tantrum stuff, so their only option is to keep lying so much and so often that it muddies the waters to the point that no one can ever know what the actual facts are in the case. Then when the media reports on the latest bullshit that they say, they can come out and point to the contradictory lies that they told and further the "fake news" narrative among their base, which is all they have left at this point.

Yeah but I can't wrap my head around why would they die on this hill? Does trump promise tons of $$$$$ or does he get dirt on you ? Why the fuck are they so loyal to him?


So what are the chances that if the fact that there are recording devices IS found out that he just goes 'See! I told you Obama ass spying one!' And his supporters believe him?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Yeah but I can't wrap my head around why would they die on this hill? Does trump promise tons of $$$$$ or does he get dirt on you ? Why the fuck are they so loyal to him?

Literally to jam as much legislation through congress as possible before it bursts into flames. They're not loyal to him, they are loyal to power. They obviously don't care who holds it.
Long Ago, the Press Pool and the White House Lived in Harmony. That all changed when the Trump Nation Attacked.

Only the Press Secretary, Master of Media Spin, stood a chance against them. But when the world needed them most, they vanished.

4 Months have passed and my Brother and I discovered the new Press Secretary, a Weeaboo named Sean Spicer. And though his PR Skills are weak, I believe Sean can leave the bush.

Rebel Leader

Long Ago, the Press Pool and the White House Lived in Harmony. That all changed when the Trump Nation Attacked.

Only the Press Secretary, Master of Media Spin, stood a chance against them. But when the world needed them most, they vanished.

4 Months have passed and my Brother and I discovered the new Press Secretary, a Weeaboo named Sean Spicer. And though his PR Skills are weak, I believe Sean can leave the bush.

How dare you lower avatar to this standard!
Yeah but I can't wrap my head around why would they die on this hill? Does trump promise tons of $$$$$ or does he get dirt on you ? Why the fuck are they so loyal to him?

I don't understand it either, but I guess it's a combination of money and power that keeps them there. Nearly his entire cabinet is filled with unqualified CEOs and other people who have probably never been told no or punished in their lives and now they're at the head of one of the biggest countries in the world with the 'strongest man in the world' in their circle. They don't see their rides coming to an end ever so they just carry on with business as usual while lining their own pockets and boosting up their egos further. That's the only explanation I can have but it's too disgusting for me to even think of that..
As to why they won't say outright they aren't taping conversations:

Explanation 1: They want WH staff to believe their conversations may be taped, in order to discourage leaks

Explanation 2: Everyone involved is a huge fucking idiot
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