Last week the beta went out to critics and backers, and the impressions by various outlets have been very positive. If you want access to the beta:
RPS: 'BattleTech is the mech game I've always wanted'
Waypoint ''BattleTech' Brings 'MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries' into a Post-'XCOM' World
Gaming Trends: 'BattleTech Backer Beta preview'
Other posters in the BT thread also posted their impressions last week and they're more than welcome to post them in this thread.
RPS: 'BattleTech is the mech game I've always wanted'
It's the campaign that I really want to get my mitts on, but it wouldn't be worth a bean if the actual combat sections weren't worthwhile. They're more than that – the skirmish mode is fantastic, both as an exquisite visual depiction of the tabletop game that Weisman created decades ago, but as a game of tricksy tactics.
Waypoint ''BattleTech' Brings 'MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries' into a Post-'XCOM' World
There were a lot of ways for BattleTech to go wrong (and, until we see the campaign, a lot of ways it still could). But even in with this incomplete, skirmish-only version that has been made available to Kickstarter backers and press, you can see both the ways in which it is faithful to its origins, and the ways it has cleverly reinvented and remade the source material to adapt it for a modern tactics audience.
If I hadn't played it myself, I'd say that sounds like a woefully unambitious and rose-tinted view of what a modern BattleTech should be. But several games into this beta, I have to admit that Weisman and Harebrained seem to have accomplished both of their seemingly mutually exclusive objectives. It's the BattleTech I remember, but new and different in all the right ways.
Gaming Trends: 'BattleTech Backer Beta preview'
As you can see, BattleTech has come a long way since our hands-on with the ”Super Early Alpha" at MechCon 2016. Melee attacks feel satisfying — no, they feel powerful. Weapons thud with a resounding crash, and the rain of missiles from the sky produces beautiful explosions when they hit your ammunition storage and it detonates, taking your arm with it. It takes every bit of the careful tactics and planning of the tabletop game, but strips out all of the tedium and ruler-based nonsense. While the game has been delayed, and this beta comes later than was anticipated, literally everything about it was worth the wait.
Other posters in the BT thread also posted their impressions last week and they're more than welcome to post them in this thread.