That's so mean
Meh. They shoulda showed the gameplay trailer instead of the story one then. Especially given all the high end graphics they had to compete with up there. Just made em look cheap.
Just played a lot of the demo and I really wish the fodder enemies didn't die so quick so I could experiment more than a single combo. Game feels good and like there is potential for a shitload of mixups now. Stones can be used so fast and frequently that I can see it getting pretty rapid fire out there. A ziplining Spencer dont mean shit now without the ability to summon an assist first to occupy your opponent so you can go for your mixups and crossups though. I think thats why he got the grenade thats all slow and let him clutter the screen a little to attempt shit.
I liked what I played and it felt like almost everyone in the demo had built in left right or mixup stuff. From X having the wind cutter that loops folks, to Rocket having Groot assists to augment his trap felt like folks had options to open folks up on their own in most cases. Anyone + Timestone has a guaranteed left right mixup attempt off of any teleport because they gotta guess if you truly are goin for the go behind or if your gonna tag out and hit them back on the original side. Couple that with traps or dudes like Rocket/Ultron that have asssist moves or even X who can place an air grenade or throw wind cutter, teleport, and then tag and its nuts.
Combos can easily get long IMO, but you'll only ever get to attempt it vs Ultron Sigma in the demo so I hope you like Thor combos.
Best in the demo so far....X and Thor by a mile. Thor is fast and really good now and X is just insane pressure and mixups with his buster cancels and tools. This game will be really fun at this rate. It just needs to get its shit together on shaders and lighting in a hurry.
Dragonball Fighterz though is no joke. Its 3v3, assists, and it seems to have the tag stuff plus a lot of quality of life additions to it that old Marvel never had. It feels more like a proper sequel to UMVC3 than MVCI. MVCI feels great, but it really does feel more like TVC meets SFxTekken to me. Very much the latter honestly. It'll be good, and fun but its definitely trying to be something different than its legacy. Its a fresh start in gameplay...DBFZ is a sequel to MVC gameplay and it'll have a ton more casuals buying it. It'll have serious legs out there vs a divisive Marvel sequel with definite graphical issues and potential roster and DLC fatigue issues.