Omega Kirby
Those who have Reptile, Hedgehogs, Skunks, Frogs or anything as those as pets, hows life with them?
I had a fascination with reptiles as a kid, but as an adult I can't in good conscience support the exotic pet industry.
I own frogs, tarantulas, a gecko, a centipede and a scorpion. The frogs,2 pixie and 2 pacmans, and the tarantulas are my favorites. The frogs, especially the pixies, are incredible eaters who attack anything they think is food. The tarantulas all have different personalities, some like to dig, some like to cling and some are just pet rocks. The leopard gecko mostly sleeps but does explore her tank. The scorpion is pretty boring. The centipede is the one I have to be careful around as it has a nasty bite but it's fun to watch it attack and eat its insect prey.
Lol these things don't really have much of a smellYou not one of those people that have pets and don't realize their house is stank right?
Lol these things don't really have much of a smell
Yeah those require a lot of upkeepNeighbor had turtles and they smelled like hell if you don't stay on top of them
Neighbor had turtles and they smelled like hell if you don't stay on top of them
Haven't you turned into Spider Monkey Man yet?We had a spider monkey. It bit me...and my brother...and the maid.
I thank God that my father never managed to get his hands on that chimp that he wanted.
I want a squirrel 🐿
I want a squirrel 🐿
I want a squirrel 🐿
My wife and I have a bearded dragon, uromastyx, two Tokay geckos, a leopard gecko and a crested gecko.
The beardie is basically a dog, he just likes to hang out and sit on our laps or something and watch TV. If we don't take him out when we get home he gets huffy. .
That sounds so cute and awesome, I've always been curious about bearded dragons as pets
My wife and I have two parrots, the birds came with the wife.. My best advice to people is don't get parrots/birds.
Fuck I miss just having a cat
people complaining about their birds always makes me think of this bird
I had a friend who had birds growing up, and while fun for a while they can be extremely annoying.
I had a hedgehog for over four years and had to put her down last week because of wobbly hedgehog syndrome.
The biggest adjustment was having to keep my place warmer than I like since that's the sort of climate they need. She had a tendency to go to the bathroom while running in her wheel so I had to give her baths every couple of weeks. Also had to trim her nails once a month and that required the help of my girlfriend because I couldn't do it on my own.
Overall, I really enjoyed life with her and will probably have another some day.
Haven't you turned into Spider Monkey Man yet?
I almost got a Sugar Glider once. Went to the pet store that had them and found out that they were mostly evil and not very fun to have as pets.
Just chinchillas!
...But so cutes!