kids love it
The Little Shop of Horrors, Rambo, and Conan the Barbarian had animated shows.
kids love it
The Little Shop of Horrors, Rambo, and Conan the Barbarian had animated shows.
The Little Shop of Horrors, Rambo, and Conan the Barbarian had animated shows.
especially since ladybug is the newest one and it's been picked up by netflix.
Sonic X will never die.
Conan the Adventurer(was barbarian to hardcore for kids or something?) is probably the reason why I have this screen name(well the phoenix part, not so much the dead part). I pretty much remember nothing else about I though... I'm sure it was great.
I think Hollywood's fascination with signing big-name talent for their animated films instead of respected veteran VAs is part of the reason why movie price tags can be quite obscene. It's all marketing to them, so what's an extra million to get Steve Carrell to voice the lead?
Fortunately for the most part they do a good job so no one really complains.
I remember thinking it was messed up, looking at a movie poster for Transformers the Movie a couple of decades ago, seeing that it was "starring" the likes of Orson Welles, Judd Nelson (who?), Leonard Nimoy (Yay! But... what?), and Robert Stack (the Unsolved Mysteries guy). The original crew, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Chris Latta... these guys were heroes to me and they were tossed to the side like no-name amateurs. And it was especially bothersome since I had already known that none of these new guys were bothering to stick around to reprise their roles in season 3.
It's just how the industry works. Voice acting is considered a lesser form of acting, roughly on par with TV commercials and non-speaking background-extra work.
I also remember bitching in the MLP thread about how Hasbro sidelined Rebecca Shoichet (Sunset Shimmer's VA) in Equestria Girls 2: Rainbow Rocks, a movie seemingly built around Shoichet/Sunset Shimmer, because they needed to push Tara Strong/Twilight Sparkle into the center stage, because Tara is a bigger star than the rest of the Mane 6, who are themselves bigger stars than Rebecca.
And then EG3 did a better job of pushing Twilight Sparkle into the lead, but after EG2 I couldn't help but see it for what it was, cynical Hollywood maneuvering.
Nickelodeon has their own counterpart to Gravity Falls. The two of main characters are incredibly similar to Dipper and Mabel.
And another argument I don't quite follow. If your complaint is that Sunset doesn't get showcased enough in the Equestria Girls movies, I doubt that has to do with a deliberate effort to highlight Tara Strong above everyone else. With Rainbow Rocks, the scenes focusing on Sunset were added late in the writing process, and Sunset didn't actually become that popular with fans until after the movie came out, so of course the toys and promotion would just focus on the Main Six. With Friendship Games, they focused on Twilight because they had to follow up the ending hook from Rainbow Rocks. Since then, Twilight and Sunset have received about equal focus.
I had heard that the official word is that Twilight was planned to be in EG2 from the very beginning, but I don't really buy that explanation. Or at the very least, I think the writers were assigned to create an EG2 (that included Twilight/Tara), and then they figured out a way to do an EG2 movie that didn't include Twilight/Tara, but then they were forced to rethink their ideas because Twilight/Tara is the star of MLP:FIM.
And yet, Tara Strong got top billing on that movie, while Rebecca Shoichet got sixth billing (after Cathy Weseluck's essential performance as Spike the Dog). That's pretty much a disgrace, and it was clear to a lot of people that Hasbro really had no clue what was making that movie work and what wasn't.
So what does Hasbro do with the next movie? Pretty much the exact same thing again, but this time with Twilight as the redeemed villain while Sunset Shimmer props her up. They could've done anything with the Sci-Twi teaser from the end of Rainbow Rocks, but they chose to have Sunset job to Twilight, because Sunset Shimmer accidentally put the failed EG experiment back on the map with Rainbow Rocks, and that can't be allowed to happen because Twilight/Tara is the star.
In the fourth movie, same thing. Sunset and Twilight are supposedly a duo, but Twilight gets the primary focus.
At least by the third/fourth movies, they've recognized that Sunset Shimmer makes the EG series, so they've given Rebecca Shoichet second billing, after Tara Strong (because that's how star power works).
Over in the MLP movie trailer thread, there is some grumbling about the fact that the trailer, poster, and movie fact sheet highlight the guest voices, but say nothing about Tara Strong, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St. Germain, Ashleigh Ball, or Cathy Weseluck. As in, the people actually playing the lead roles.
While I can understand why they are only talking about the guest voices, I can also see how frustrating it can be for these major VAs to be treated as second class in promotions, especially when, again, they are playing the lead roles.
What do you guys think of this?
I've been trying to create an animation-themed Cards Against Humanity deck, and I was wondering if some of you could help me brainstorm some ideas. So far, I created a Rocky and Bullwinkle card with the line "Hey Rocky, watch me pull_out of my_!" & Bugs Bunny's "Of course you know this will not go_." black cards.
Just a friendly reminder of a few dates of interest this month.
july 15th - star vs forces of evil movie special (aka the first 4 episodes of season 3 in movie format)
july 22nd - return of milo murphy's law.
I would like to add, though still not confirmed by the network at this point, that Adventure Time might be returning with a week's worth of new episodes starting on the 17th... if Zap2it's listed air times are to be believed. Which they have been hit-or-miss about these days. Well, we did recently get a title card reveal of the first episode of the bomb via King of Ooo, which usually precipitates an actual episode airing so... yeah.
For those with Netflix, the new Castlevania OVA series debuts today. Seems to be getting some good reviews, and they've already announced it's been greenlit for a second season with double the episode count.
Castlevania Ep 1
As a first episode of an anime series this is alright. Not a great story but doesn't look bad, and interesting enough but not super gripping. likely would be more interesting if I remembered anything about the castlevania storyline at all. I should go back and play them a bit.
but lets ignore that, lets not treat it like anime, let me take a moment to appreciate what it actually is.
It's a western funded cartoon aimed at adults that isn't a comedy.
It also happens to be a cartoon based off a video game series.
As either of those it is stellar. There aren't really any story driven or action driven western cartoons airing right now. You could make arguments for stuff like steven universe or star vs the forces of evil (and technically young justice season 3 is supposed to exist), but in general those are still marketed are more comedies and they are surely not aimed at adults. The other things for adults such as family guy, bobs burgers, archer, bojack are all clearly comedy first (though bojack can dabble with serious drama from time to time still not really story driven or action driven) Getting something like Castlevania, and having it even be decent is a huge win. Here's hoping the viewer numbers are there as well. Either way as an adaption of a video game animated and aimed at adults this really does have the possibility of reshaping western cartoons into the era that I have been hoping they would get to for well over a decade.
I am likely putting to much hope into this, but if it is successful we easily could see more cartoons aimed at adults at least popping up on netflix. As that happens there is a good chance they would start being produced for other places playing catch up as well. While there is zero chance we will ever reach japan's level of adult aimed cartoons, maybe just maybe this will help us get towards 1-2 adult aimed cartoon series a year made for western adults.
tl;dr; while the first episode didn't impress me as an episode in general, the quality for the target audience is great.
I've been watching Rocko's Modern Life and I've been surprised how much music from it is in Spongebob. I'm curious if it was the same studio.
Do anyone think Cartoon Network will eventually rectify their issues with scheduling shows?
No. They (the executives) really don't see it as an issue.
Infinity Train and Craig of the Creek doesn't have a chance against the marathons of TTG.
CN completely buried Justice League Action and the recent Transformers series.The timeslots for these shows were so horrible.
That's true. I don't think either have the kind of potential for a following like Infinity Train, however. It's unfortunate, but I think shows can overcome being placed at unfortunate hours.
Beside Gravity Falls, any good adult animation that is completed ?
Samurai Jack S5Beside Gravity Falls, any good adult animation that is completed ?
Lastman (French production with no official sub or dub yet):