Dragoon En Regalia

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tl;dr Durante's been working on XSEED's PC release for Cold Steel (he didn't make the initial port, but has extensively overhauled it). This blog's about the game's launcher and customizable graphics options, plus various fixes he's introduced to the game's rendering engine which players can enjoy on anything from a high-end machine to a toaster, or even a GPD Win!

You can read the previous blog detailing performance and technical changes here.

Durante said:I've also added an option for adjusting the Field of View (FoV). While not as important as in first-person games, playing close to a large monitor often makes a larger Field of View desirable. Here you see a comparison between the default FoV (left) and a very high setting (I wouldn't personally choose one this high, it's just for illustration):

Durante said:The entire launcher you see here can be navigated just using a gamepad (actually, I made a tool for this that allows natural 2D-navigation and changing options in arbitrary C# WinForms dialogs using Xinput, and XSEED has graciously agreed to allow me to open source it, so look for that on my blog when things are less hectic)
Video showing off the greatly improved draw distance vs. console