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Help me choose: Skyrim vs Witcher 3 vs Fallout: New Vegas


New Vegas is the game for you, then. Lot's of opportunities to roleplay, lots of customization options with regards to your character build, the exploration is great, the writing and humor are top tier. Most missions can be beaten in several ways, most sidequests are well worth your time. The game sinks its fangs in you and before you know it, you haven't done a main quest in 20 hours. Crazy and colorful characters, factions stemming from wildly different cultures, New Vegas stands at the top of the RPG pile. [In the future, New Vegas will be one of those rare games to fit the "If you mention it, someone will reinstall it" meme]
I found exploration in NV to be pretty lacking honestly - jagged brown landscapes, cookie cutter vaults and the central hub of New Vegas itself was deeply underwhelming after much buildup. The characters as well left a mixed impression, with a few standout faction leaders and ultimately forgettable companions. Quality Fallout vignette storytelling once it gets going with multiple ways to approach resolutions, but those would be my caveats.
Remember that after you finish TW3 you'll get The Witcher effect, where any game you try to play after it you'll be asking yourself why it isn't TW3. So as much as I love TW3 I'd play it after you finish the others.


If you want more (and much better) Fallout, go for New Vegas. If you want something different, try Witcher 3. I don't recommend Skyrim.
I can't recommend TW3 enough. It's such a well fleshed out story and believable world that going to anything else is a step back and hard to do. NV though is a fun world to run around in and it has a fairly interesting story. Still once you play TW3 it's going to be difficult to enjoy anything else on the same level.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Outside of maybe Breath of the Wild, The Witcher 3 might be the best game of the generation so far for me so yeah, I'm going to go with that.
Witcher 3 + DLC and you have a strong contender for game of this generation, and potentially of all time depending on how much it resonates with you.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 obviously.

But in all seriousness (get D:OS2), if you want to mod and tailor your experience go for Skyrim. If you want an in-depth narrative go with Witcher 3.
Coincidentally I did 4 hrs of skyrim and 4 hrs of witcher today, back to back, intros for both. Witcher is the way to go, from story to graphics to dialogue.

Both are a bit of a slog at the beginning though. Being weak is awful.


Can't go wrong with any of these games. You've got fantastic gaming ahead of you. My personal recommendation would be Skyrim, since you are a Bethesda fan. It'll tick the same boxes but with a much more beautiful and richer world.

I agree there is no real wrong answer here. So first wait for sale. Though as pointed out here you like Bethesda. The skyrim world/game is (to me) different than Fall Out. So its a good choice but I am going to go a bit different, since you have played 3 and 4 I would recommend going with Witcher simply because it's 'different' than the other ones. The world has a Skyrim flavor, it's very deep with lots of content, and its newer than the ones you are looking at. And repeat, you can't go wrong...wait for a sale.


Skyrim imo

It has the best atmosphere and is the most fun to explore. It's combat is simple, but Witcher 3's systems for crafting, meditation, multiple types of swords, magic, etc. were overwhelming for me and made the gameplay less fun.


I'm not sure I'd recommend New Vegas on a console, though on PC, with mainly bug-fixing mods, it IS one of the best games ever made.

I still put it a notch below The Witcher 3, anyway. Haven't played Skyrim yet.

As I side note, while in these threads people usually recommend you go for the best, I'd actually advise playing them from worst to best. Oldest to newest is not a bad order either when dealing with similar games, as the graphics get better and the games get QOL improvements.

The Wart

Skyrim's plot, quest design, and overall writing are rote at best. Melee combat is a disaster, though archery is inoffensive. However, it is a very good "walking sim" as the kids say these days. Pick a direction, wander around, see the sights, check out a few dungeons and cities. Every once in a while you'll stumble on something surprising and cool. But don't check out too many dungeons or you'll realize that 90% are copy-pasta corridors.

I haven't played NV, but by reputation it is a bit like Skyrim in structure but with much stronger plot, writing and quest design. Some people say the world isn't as fun to wander around and get lost in, others disagree *shrug guy*.

Witcher 3 is a bit different than the other two in that it is a fundamentally a linear, story-driven RPG that happens to be set in an open world, rather than an open world game that happens to have a questline that is designated "the story". Plot and writing are top-notch, but quest design is a bit of a mixed bag -- there are a lot of great quests, mostly along (or branching off of) the critical path, but a lot of simplistic, repetitive "follow trail and kill monster" quests. However, even the repetitive side quests are elevated by the fantastic writing and world-building. Combat mechanics are also the strongest of the bunch, but some people hate hate hate the way Geralt controls.

Personally, I think Skyrim is pretty dated at this point. Now that open worlds are no longer novel, there's not much of anything it does better than the competition. NV is (probably) great but might feel rough and janky on console. But it's hard to go wrong with Witcher 3.
I haven't played Witcher 3 but I think it's the safest option of the three to have a good time.

Personally I think Skyrim is a failure of a game. It's so vast but there's no depth to anything. It's very cookie cutter for a lot of its content.

Fallout New Vegas has some fantastic quests and if you like the style of the Fallout post-apocalypse then it would definitely be my vote for the game to play, especially with the dlc and enhancement mods that exist.


Junior Member
I'm inclined right now to say NV has the best combination of all the things OP wants. It's got triple-digit hours worth of exploration and well-written quests with good characters. Witcher 3 has the same thing, probably to an even greater degree than NV.

"Customization" is where the decision gets complicated though. Witcher 3 probably has the least of that out of all three games -- you're playing as one character, though you have some choice in gear and character build. The combat isn't really the big focus of TW3 though. Skyrim might actually have the best degree of customization depending on what you want. It might be the best "sandbox" game out of all three -- with an environment that works just like Fallout 3. NV is built on the same engine but focuses more on "RPG" mechanics like character building and multi-path quests.

Out of the three games, right now I think NV might have the best or most balanced combination of exploration, story, quests, and customization. It should be noted though that out of the three, TW3 is the best "console game." You only really get the most potential out of NV and Skyrim on PC.


TW3 is the best RPG there is even with it wonky combat. New Vegas second as the best 3D Fallout and Skyrim is a big let down if you played Morrowind or Oblivion.


New Vegas is the best game of the three of

People seem to like Witcher 3 but I hated it. Dull, boring, terrible combat, gravely voiced ugly obnoxious dull cliched scar having badass protagonist.


They're all very different games.

Skyrim would be my favorite of the three, followed by New Vegas, and then Witcher 3.


Do you want fantastic (side)quest design and proper roleplay potential? Go for New Vegas.
Do you want a great story and lovable/believable characters embedded in a well-realized fantasy world? Go for The Witcher 3.
Do you want to relax, explore, kill stuff, and be rewarded constantly for that loop? Go for Skyrim.

I immensely enjoyed all three for different reasons, so it's really a matter of what you want out of a game at this moment in time I think. You can't get an awesome story, great side quests, rewarding exploration, and customization all out of one of these games. Prioritize and choose, I'd say. Skyrim hits most of those marks, but is just not the best in the majority of them. If that's fine by you and you're just looking for something that combines all of that in a single fun package, then go for Skyrim by all means. However, I think that if you're willing to compromise in terms of exploration, New Vegas is the best option that combines most of what you're looking for. I found Witcher 3 a bit wanting in terms of its gameplay loop outside of the story and characters (which are phenomenal), even at the highest difficulty. Not super rewarding exploration either, but it had a lot of beautiful sights and variety; that's for sure.

I personally think that New Vegas is the best game (in the sense that it delivers the most compelling gameplay) of the bunch, closely followed by The Witcher 3 with Skyrim as a distant third. Nonetheless, there's a lot to love about all of them that's completely subjective.

You've indicated that you liked GTA V and BotW a lot. From my perspective, the uniting factor between GTA V and BotW is the malleability of their gameplay through the layering of various mechanics/rulesets as well as the potential for experimentation to bear unexpectedly hilarious fruit. I think you'll find that reflected best in New Vegas, even though you've mentioned that to be potentially problematic. It's super easy to run on a modest PC though (and cheap as chips), if that's an option at all. I think you'll be fine with BC though, especially if you read up on the most common bugs by googling around.

I should note that all of my experience with these games is based on their PC versions, so I dunno how 'compromised' they were to make them run on consoles. Additionally, my love for the characters in The Witcher 3 stems from having gone through the previous games in the series as well, and that definitely had a multiplicative effect on my enjoyment of their presence and characterization in TW3.


Gold Member
Overall on a console I would go with Witcher 3 followed maybe by Skyrim depending on mod availability to fix a lot of things.

If a PC is available (doesn't have to be new by any means) then I would actually go with New Vegas with some mods to fix issues and spruce up the graphics.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Haven't played NV as I don't care about Fallout. But Witcher 3 is just lightyears ahead of Skyrim in every way. Playing Skyrim after Witcher 3 feels like going 15 years back in time, to clunky shit controls.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I think Witcher 3 is the best of those but Jesus they're all great and you should make an effort to play all three. New Vegas would be my second choice.


Ditch all three and play Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen on PC.

But if I had to pick, go with The Witcher 3. See if you can stand that samey floaty trash combat for 60+ hours.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This is one of the toughest choices ever.

In this case since you like story and quests, I would recommend The Witcher 3. Skyrim is an equally good game but in the story department it's sparse compared to The Witcher 3.

Honestly though all 3 are great games and once you finish one, I would recommend picking up another one from the list.


No bald cap? Lies!
NV > TW3 > Skyrim

This right here.

Though if just playing on an Xbox and not PC with mods, TW3 will definitely be the more smooth experience. Vanilla NV is still awesome, but the modding community really did a lot to make the game really shine and stay relevant graphically all these years later.
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