Because 80 million PS4 players are not drones, they're different people who love different types of games....They're 80 million strong primarily because there are exclusives catering to everybody and every taste....
Wrong, and you should not even argue this....PS4 has much more games than XBOX, so many games are not even releasing on XBOX. A million Japanese games, much more exclusives from Sony first party, much more third party exclusives. Over 600 games on PSNOW, 100's of games on VR, a boatload of PC/PS4 only titles. You are just wrong.
And no one cares about Mass Effect a million years later, I have them on PS3, I have them on Origin (where I can play at 60fps at 4k)....., I think I have the first two on Steam as well. I even forgot I had this on so many platforms, because I have so many new games to play this generation, that playing ancient games is not a priority. For people to believe or even suggest they bought an XBONEX to play Masseffect at sub 30fps is not fooling anyone, going back to such a game in 2018 with dips to 22fps, when any potatoe can run this at 60fps at 1440p is no reason to buy an XBONEX..
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, the proof is in the pudding. Sony is the Crossplay King at the moment, facts don't lie, so you can convince yourself of whatever you need to, outside of the facts.....Where is PUBG Crossplay on XBONEX+PC?.... Sony does not have that game, who are they blaming for this then????
Also, research has been done on BC, no one cares barring a vocal few, and people generally buy new consoles for new experiences, tailored to the new console spec. So saying you're playing old games is meaningless, because I can play old games on other platforms too, and on PC at a much better clip and rez, it doesn't make XBONEX stand out in any way, especially if the games are the same subpar framerates with no remake quality therein.
You know what people are willing to play or care for, remakes of old games (crash cant stop selling, sotc, RE2 remake (everyone is stoked), just as they are for ff7 and spyro), and if persons really want to invest in ancient games otherwise, they will play them cranked up at 60fps on potatoe PC's with mods even, rather than play Oblivion at sub 30fps with dips to 21fps in 2018...or Fallout 3 at sub 30fps framerates with judder, because clearly, there's no where else I could play this

... I mean the XBONEX is such value, that I will suffer these games with such performance because it doesn't have any new and compelling new gen content...So yes, it's fine if you wish to reinvest 100's of hours into these old games at these subpar framerates and call all new gen games crap, it's your prerogative really....And if you're so willing to defend this, then Sterling's point is made, because yeah, I'm just frothing to get an XBONEX due to BC.....I don't care for new games, no wonder XBONEX is lighting the charts on fire!...At the end of the day, you guys will be the death knell for the XBOX brand for giving MS a false sense of security.....