Last week we have celebrated the birthday of an amazing system ( the Switch ), but don’t you think that March can be symbolized as the month of the Switch only. Over the past few years, the month of March was also the opportunity to release new titles that has since then gained critical and commercial success, and reach a status of cult over the gaming community.
And Nier Automata is clearly no exception. That’s right, it has already been two years since the game has released over European territories ( The Japanese release was two weeks earlier EDIT : and thanks to @daniel77733 for noticing me this, the American release was three days ago ). This thread is the occasion to once again talk about the countless amount of qualities the game have. The gameplay, as you’d expect from Platinum Games, is fast-paced, frenetic, and awesome, no surprise here. The music is God-like, to the point where this feels like Jesus Christ himself composed the music. And the story... enough said, it’s a blast. Not only you have a poignantly mature and dark story about the themes of death and war versus pacifism but you also have to serve the story this cute-ass waifu 2B, which just by looking on Deviantart or doing a 2B fan-art search on Google, feels like all the passion for this game can be summed up into one character. It may not be the best looking game for suresure, but who cares honestly ? Good graphics doesn’t necessarily make a good game, keep that in mind folks.
In the end, we can be thankful, for and to, Platinum Games for having delivered a great game who’s ongoing success is well deserved and have enabled them to come back on track after a concerning period following Scalebound’s cancellation. But in the end if there’s someone whom we should be even more thankful to... it’s, of course, Yoko Taro.
A madman, a genius, a crazy, and a talented creator who’s games over the past have never really enjoyed commercial, and sometimes critical fame albeit having later on reached a cult following for titles such as the original Nier game and the Drakengard series. It was a damn shame, as he tends to be nowadays one of the most creative and interesting gaming figures out there. But seeing as Nier Automata finally gained for the first time both critical and commercial success, partly due to the notoriety of Platinum Games’ past work, I am gleeful that he obtained the fame his game and his genius deserved.
We wouldn’t want to close this thread without mentioning one of the key staff members behind Nier Automata, Takahisa Taura. Even though he isn’t as famous than any other of the Platinum Games veterans that are Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba, he still should deserve a worthy mention for his contribution to the game’s success, and needless to say that thanks to Nier Automata he must have gained some recognition over at Platinum Games. Because right now he is currently finalizing work on Astral Chain, one of Platinum Games most hypest upcoming releases due on the Switch, marking at the same time his directorial debut. And with Based Kamiya to closely supervise the game, we wish him a ton of good luck and NeoGAF will be eagerly looking forward to its release !
That closes this anniversary thread about the 2nd anniversary of Nier Automata ! Here’s to hoping in the future for a sequel or a brand new collaboration from Yoko Taro and the masterminds from Platinum Games ! In the meantime, happy birthday to an amazing game that has been a unique and memorable experience for most gamers here, and here’s to even more future owners of the game who will finally discover what kind of game Nier Automata truly is.

And Nier Automata is clearly no exception. That’s right, it has already been two years since the game has released over European territories ( The Japanese release was two weeks earlier EDIT : and thanks to @daniel77733 for noticing me this, the American release was three days ago ). This thread is the occasion to once again talk about the countless amount of qualities the game have. The gameplay, as you’d expect from Platinum Games, is fast-paced, frenetic, and awesome, no surprise here. The music is God-like, to the point where this feels like Jesus Christ himself composed the music. And the story... enough said, it’s a blast. Not only you have a poignantly mature and dark story about the themes of death and war versus pacifism but you also have to serve the story this cute-ass waifu 2B, which just by looking on Deviantart or doing a 2B fan-art search on Google, feels like all the passion for this game can be summed up into one character. It may not be the best looking game for suresure, but who cares honestly ? Good graphics doesn’t necessarily make a good game, keep that in mind folks.
In the end, we can be thankful, for and to, Platinum Games for having delivered a great game who’s ongoing success is well deserved and have enabled them to come back on track after a concerning period following Scalebound’s cancellation. But in the end if there’s someone whom we should be even more thankful to... it’s, of course, Yoko Taro.

A madman, a genius, a crazy, and a talented creator who’s games over the past have never really enjoyed commercial, and sometimes critical fame albeit having later on reached a cult following for titles such as the original Nier game and the Drakengard series. It was a damn shame, as he tends to be nowadays one of the most creative and interesting gaming figures out there. But seeing as Nier Automata finally gained for the first time both critical and commercial success, partly due to the notoriety of Platinum Games’ past work, I am gleeful that he obtained the fame his game and his genius deserved.

We wouldn’t want to close this thread without mentioning one of the key staff members behind Nier Automata, Takahisa Taura. Even though he isn’t as famous than any other of the Platinum Games veterans that are Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba, he still should deserve a worthy mention for his contribution to the game’s success, and needless to say that thanks to Nier Automata he must have gained some recognition over at Platinum Games. Because right now he is currently finalizing work on Astral Chain, one of Platinum Games most hypest upcoming releases due on the Switch, marking at the same time his directorial debut. And with Based Kamiya to closely supervise the game, we wish him a ton of good luck and NeoGAF will be eagerly looking forward to its release !

That closes this anniversary thread about the 2nd anniversary of Nier Automata ! Here’s to hoping in the future for a sequel or a brand new collaboration from Yoko Taro and the masterminds from Platinum Games ! In the meantime, happy birthday to an amazing game that has been a unique and memorable experience for most gamers here, and here’s to even more future owners of the game who will finally discover what kind of game Nier Automata truly is.

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