
This shit is annoying, I love me some good erotic art. We live in a country that wants to legalize drugs and yet drawings must be outlawed....Fuck this world
That's the thing, I need to protect myself as an artist. I need to know what I can and can't do. Right now I have no idea, I've had Deviant Art delete art of mine I couldn't imagine would be an issue and I've had multiple comments about "pedo" stuff on my art. I think people think it's funny or "trolling".CatCouch Remember back in the day when if you didn't like something you just didn't buy it? How is art hurting anyone? What's next, can we get police on the streets to make sure that teenage girls are not allowed to wear mini skirts and tube tops? I mean it's basically pedophilia right? Lets just ship every human being a burlap sack and never let any of these awful beings every experience anything and anybody again.
This shit is annoying, I love me some good erotic art. We live in a country that wants to legalize drugs and yet drawings must be outlawed....Fuck this world
That's the thing, I need to protect myself as an artist. I need to know what I can and can't do. Right now I have no idea, I've had Deviant Art delete art of mine I couldn't imagine would be an issue and I've had multiple comments about "pedo" stuff on my art. I think people think it's funny or "trolling".
I fear that there will be a ban on art people determine to look underage. Who makes that determination though?
If it was just loli art I could understand, it's pretty clear it looks different than big breasted fan service art, but when you're trying to argue the difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old in a drawing I can see severe problems brewing. I'm sure some will argue even 30 year old anime characters look underage. Remember that Jason Schreier called the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown a "lolicon fantasy" on this very forum.
Hopefully Japan can label all characters 18+ like you see on hentai animations. I'd hate to see art more restricted than real life porn. You can verify age of real porn actors/actresses but you can't "prove" the age of a drawing.
I can easily see all bigger platforms, including the one's artists make money from, banning all erotic art (like Tumblr) just to avoid the uncertainty. If that happens then I can see games like Persona not being acceptable anymore. Deviant Art has deleted fully clothed Persona 5 art for being underage before.
I need to see some realistic coverage of this topic, all this behind the scenes censoring with no real discussion is scary. You can't leave something this serious in such an ambiguous state.
Dang, that's a long post, haha~
The change to Zanki Zero's cover art pretty much says it all.
Zanki Zero has an Asia Region (Chinese subtitles) release set for March 14th; it'll be interesting to see whether this version will also be altered or if these changes are reserved for the West.
It's becoming increasingly clear "muh animu pedo" games have a giant target on their backs outside Japan. Hopefully some alternative outlet can be found for these products, because I don't see things getting any better on the PS4 and STEAM.
That would be nice, but Japanese developers need to see an actual market, with the question being--assuming uncensored Asian Region (English subtitles) editions become unfeasible--are there enough people willing to import directly from Japan to justify such releases? We really need some test cases to try and prove viability.I am hoping for a JPN release with English Subtitles for most of these type of games.
We have a few games with different versions on Switch/PC. Will be curious to see if any Xbox One versions of games will come uncensored.
This is what I was waiting to know. I was thinking One Piece World Seeker would be the game that was censored on PS4 and not on Xbox One but DMCV beat it to the punch~Well, there you go. DMCV Trish's butt is blinded by a light on PS4 and no light on Xbox One or PC.
+1 for MS so far
Hope they keep it up in the future along with Nintendo and PC.
Well, there you go. DMCV Trish's butt is blinded by a light on PS4 and no light on Xbox One or PC.
+1 for MS so far
Hope they keep it up in the future along with Nintendo and PC.
Here: https://twinfinite.net/2019/03/devil-may-cry-5-censored-ps4/Link, please?
Thread worthy. Potential buyers must be warned that the PS4 version is inferior.Here: https://twinfinite.net/2019/03/devil-may-cry-5-censored-ps4/
The pics of it are here.
There's talk on reddit, too. Looks like it's confirmed. I hope Capcom clarifies this.
Anyone can make one if they want. I'm off to bed in a minute, it's 3AM here, lol~Thread worthy. Potential buyers must be warned that the PS4 version is inferior.
If this bothers you, I do not know what to say. It's a cultural difference. In the US the swimsuits look like on the left. The US was founded on crazy christians. So yeah, change the game to your market.The change to Zanki Zero's cover art pretty much says it all.
Zanki Zero has an Asia Region (Chinese subtitles) release set for March 14th; it'll be interesting to see whether this version will also be altered or if these changes are reserved for the West.
It's becoming increasingly clear "muh animu pedo" games have a giant target on their backs outside Japan. Hopefully some alternative outlet can be found for these products, because I don't see things getting any better on the PS4 and STEAM.
The game and characters are obviously in a post apocalyptic Japan. Why would they be wearing US swimsuits?If this bothers you, I do not know what to say. It's a cultural difference. In the US the swimsuits look like on the left. The US was founded on crazy christians. So yeah, change the game to your market.
If you don't know what to say, then why are you responding to me?If this bothers you, I do not know what to say.
I'm going to hope you're actively trolling; otherwise, you've never see a "US...swimsuit..." and possibly never seen a real swimsuit, in general.In the US the swimsuits look like on the left.
Your comment is only correct, if you're insinuating it was changed to placate the ESRB and/or Sony, as opposed to it being the the result of localization conforming to regional consumer tastes.The US was founded on crazy christians. So yeah, change the game to your market.
It would be funny if Capcom makes a statement and calls Sony out on their prudish meddling.With DMC5, if Capcom doesn't make a statement addressing the issue, I'm going to assume it was in fact Sony asking for this censorship of partial adult nudity. As for the uncensored Trish scene in the PC & X-Box versions, it wouldn't surprise me, if this was merely a lack of oversight on Capcom's part.
That'd be awesome, but I'm not getting my hopes up.It would be funny if Capcom makes a statement and calls Sony out on their prudish meddling.
Won't happen. Capcom will be in the doghouse if they publicly called out Sony.It would be funny if Capcom makes a statement and calls Sony out on their prudish meddling.
SMT3 Nocturne had some items renamed to remove associations to a certain early Abrahamic religion. Considering SMT4 has no such problems yet is Nintendo exclusive, that might have to do with Sony since they have something about offending real life religions, now that I think about it.I can see why the SMT games are on Nintendo now but the Treehouse Team are still known for censoring content.
Won't happen. Capcom will be in the doghouse if they publicly called out Sony.
Game companies know this. Just like EA when they did EA Access. Sony basically called their EA Access sub plan garbage and for gamers to buy PS Now. And banned EA Access from the PS Marketplace.
EA never said a thing about it.
It's no wonder that most of the MegaTen series are on Nintendo platforms...even the mighty lawful YHVH would tell Sony to screw off with all this shit they've been pulling.SMT3 Nocturne had some items renamed to remove associations to a certain early Abrahamic religion. Considering SMT4 has no such problems yet is Nintendo exclusive, that might have to do with Sony since they have something about offending real life religions, now that I think about it.
https://twinfinite.net/2019/03/dead-or-alive-xtreme-3-scarlet-censorship-ps4/On the other hand, the official site also revealed more details on the content that won’t be included on the PS4 version of the game, in addition to what was announced a few months ago. Apparently, some of the swimsuits on PS4 will not have the “malfunction” feature that causes them to be showcased in a slightly messed up fashion.
On top of that, some DLC outfits that have the costume break feature won’t be destroyed on Sony’s console.
[URL='https://www.siliconera.com/2019/03/18/super-real-mahjong-pv-temporarily-removed-from-eshop-due-to-scenes-in-need-of-revision/']Siliconera: Super Real Mahjong PV Temporarily Removed From eShop Due To Scenes In Need Of Revision[/URL] said:According to a notice from the publisher, Mighty Craft, Nintendo temporarily removed Super Real Mahjong PV from the eShop due to some scenes with insufficient censorship as the reason. This is something that was also pointed out by Japanese entertainment rating organization CERO (Computer Entertainment Rating Organization).
The publisher says it is currently working on checking and revising the entire game, and are getting ready to have it reviewed by Nintendo. After passing Nintendo’s inspection, they expect to release a patch to revise the game.
When contacted for comment yesterday, a Capcom spokesperson said the company was looking into the situation, but stressed the views expressed by both Camen and Langdon are not shared by Capcom whatsoever.
Eeeeeyup. Check out how Langdon and his defenders are resorting to the "it's just an opinion guuuuuys!" shtick -- perpetuating racist/sexist rhetoric contributing to a pervasive status quo is apparently the same as, uh, not enjoying chocolate ice cream or Nintendo products or w/e.
Funny you bring up mob mentality too considering they're all too happy to participate in rape culture and whatnot. (The Vic Mignogna situation being particularly emblematic of that phenomenon. )
I'd legitimately wager (if I actually had money lmao) that most of the StandWithVic people aren't even actually fans of his work; it wouldn't surprise me at all if they're just alt-right people stoking fires, trolls, or bots. iirc we saw that a lot in other things that popped up (The Last Jedi's backlash, GamerGate, etc.). You can't even mention "stories about this have been around for over a decade" without those five of those people popping up and insisting that a discussion of him is harassment (while ignoring that what they're doing is harassment).
In general, this is far from the worst thing we've seen someone in gaming culture do, and it can be hard to do boycotts in general, but this is super disappointing at the very least. You'd think any discussion of this, though, is tantamount to trying to swat the guy, from the way people are reacting.
There aren't enough frowny face emoticons in the world to express my emotions right now...It seems resetera's witchhunt was signal boosted enough by Newsweek (cited that forum as an authority on the matter and what "the gaming community wants", no less) ...
Resetera: how dare the world say we are wrong? How dare everybody makes us the villain? You guys are just a bunch of [insert the reasons normally used to ban people]. We should make boycott to make everyone who point finger us to be fired from their jobs.
The importance of this shouldn't be understated. Resetera is such an airtight echo chamber that, even in their topics begging for companies to censor more localizations and cut more content (talking about mainstream games), and when they know the demand is outrageous and fan-unfriendly, they say stuff like "Cut this. No one will ever complain. No one will say anything." At best it will be amended to "No one worth a shit anyways."
From the above linked page, a telling exchange:
So here you have it.
The counter opinion that those demands are stupid and encroach on what other fans want, big time, does exist. The fact it exists upsets resetera greatly. But not as much as people who hold it expressing themselves, making it known they exist, aren't the hateful niche boogeyman troll army of some dead imageboard that resetera is making it out to be, but a big part of the market.
Resetera's demands don't represent what the market at large want. They really hate it when it's not the vague "complaints by fans" but the specific "resetera-led witchhunt" that identifies who is really pushing for censorship, who has forum admins coordinating doxing operations of game developers and employees, repeatedly. They hate that limelight, and owning their mess.
The fanbase needs to get vocal enough for companies to get it right. It's not impossible. Namco Bandai saw right through it, and Tekken 6 is now reaching the market uncut (remember that neogaf did a similar controversy to try and get Lucky Chloe removed), and regional branches of Namco (Europe, South East Asia, America and Japan) each have their own localization policy, which is how uncut versions of Digimon 2018 and the latest One Piece, or English versions at all of Super Robot Wars and Summer Lessons VR, came into existence. This is because Harada and the higher ups at Namco correctly identified thanks to fan input that neogaf demands are unreasonable and don't represent the market, and that the opinions not represented on that forum EXIST and are consumers too. Now that those consumers showed support too, the problem sorted itself out.
Hey, does anyone know what's going on with the Subreddit for Dead Or Alive 6? Marie-Rose, Nico and Honoka are being considered underage age in some circumstances now and have restrictions on what you can post about them. A mod response implies that even showing future costumes for Marie-Rose could be prohibited.
I like checking the subreddit for the game but I'm out if reddit is considering Honoka to be a loli.
I simply don't understand what's happening here, is Dead Or Alive being considered child porn now? Reading the post leads me to believe that nearly everything can be considered underage and age is bizarrely stated not to be sufficient enough in determining if a character looks underage.
I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea that reddit believes a game I bought from Amazon "encourages or promotes pedophilia".
It seems to be an issue with the site and not just the mod. It looks like reddit is screwing up all the anime subreddits with new rules that vaguely define what is now banned. Sounds like the "everything Japanese is underage" hysteria hit them.Why the fuck do you care what a bunch of commies on reddit not affiliated with the game think? All girls in the game are legal according to the DOA wikia. Also I know a lot of underage characters from japanese games get aged up to 18 if they come to the us. They're not real anyway. BTW Marie Rose is 15 and underage because I say so. Just read the comments on the post. The mod is a fucking dumbass.
Hey, does anyone know what's going on with the Subreddit for Dead Or Alive 6? Marie-Rose, Nico and Honoka are being considered underage age in some circumstances now and have restrictions on what you can post about them. A mod response implies that even showing future costumes for Marie-Rose could be prohibited.
I like checking the subreddit for the game but I'm out if reddit is considering Honoka to be a loli.
I simply don't understand what's happening here, is Dead Or Alive being considered child porn now? Reading the post leads me to believe that nearly everything can be considered underage and age is bizarrely stated not to be sufficient enough in determining if a character looks underage.
I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea that reddit believes a game I bought from Amazon "encourages or promotes pedophilia".
Yep. Everything is being invaded by those people pushing their beliefs on everybody.It seems to be an issue with the site and not just the mod. It looks like reddit is screwing up all the anime subreddits with new rules that vaguely define what is now banned. Sounds like the "everything Japanese is underage" hysteria hit them.
It's definitely concerning to me as an artist. Quite a few sites I post on have taken issue with me over the last year and I certainly don't draw underage art. Reddit now tops the list of the most censor-happy sites I've seen. Not a good direction.
I just created a reddit account this year and it looks like I need to get the hell out already, lol~
She's 18 according to the official japanese site.Would explain why you can't bust up Honokers up.
The only cure to it is to make this place bigger and better.riding on the wave of popularity