Over the past few days, i have been watching all the Marvel films in order (universe order, not release), and i just still not keen on them. The odd film is pretty good, like the Thor films, i quite like them, Doctor Strange also, but i dont know they are just not clicking with me, especially the Avengers films themselves. The cheesy dialogue and quips between all of them really makes me cringe, and people like Johansen being overly serious and acting tough, i just cant buy it.
Oh i did also quite like The Winter soldier. I'm up to Civil War now which i'm watching right now.
I dont know why but i didnt have these issues with the X-Men films, but they werent really Marvel made films so maybe its Marvel film style i dont like. I dont read comics but i am aware that the heroes are talking probably just like they do in the comics, but its all to cheesy for me. I much prefer the DC films overll, the darker more serious tone if you know what i mean.