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New Forbes Article: Star Citizen, A $300 Million Game That May Never Be Finished

Will Star Citizen Ever Be Finished & Released? If Yes, What Will Be Its MetaCritic Score?

  • No, it will never be finished nor commercially released

    Votes: 67 26.6%
  • Yes, and it will have a 90+ MetaCritic score

    Votes: 17 6.7%
  • Yes, and it will have a 80-90 MetaCritic score

    Votes: 20 7.9%
  • Yes, and it will have a 70-80 MetaCritic score

    Votes: 23 9.1%
  • Yes, and it will have a 60-70 MetaCritic score

    Votes: 14 5.6%
  • Yes, and it will have a 50-60 MetaCritic score

    Votes: 5 2.0%
  • Yes, and it will have a less than 50 MetaCritic score

    Votes: 6 2.4%
  • Other, it will be released, but will NOT be remotely finished, and quality will be unpredictable

    Votes: 100 39.7%

  • Total voters


Then you're all set :D Good luck.

Another issue the game has at the moment is the lack of tutorials. While you are downloading, I suggest checking out this.

It gives you the and you can go from there.

Cool. Thanks!

If you want to contact me in game my handle is Weymaster


RSI Employee of the Year
Cool. Thanks!

If you want to contact me in game my handle is Weymaster

Unfortunately, I won't be able to play for the next month or so. I'm leaving for Japan soon, and my gaming PC ain't coming with me :D

Another little useful thing is this. Print it and keep it close :D


You mean less than $80?

Maybe for you, that's a "large chunk of money." For most gamers, it's chump change. A lot of collector's editions for games that provide much less enjoyment cost more. And for that little, I already got more fun than from most other AAA games I can think of.

PS: "scam" doesn't mean what you think it means. Cloud Imperium Games is demonstrably investing the money in making the game and paying over 500 employees across five studios. I suggest picking up a dictionary.

Puhleeeasse, 80 dollars ahahaha. The only Star Citizen investors who get this personally involved with news that does not paint Chris Roberts in good light are whales like you.


RSI Employee of the Year
Puhleeeasse, 80 dollars ahahaha. The only Star Citizen investors who get this personally involved with news that does not paint Chris Roberts in good light are whales like you.

Keep going, you're getting more and more hilarious (and desperate).

One doesn't need to have spent thousands (or even hundreds) of dollars in any game to think that writing a hit piece supported (not really) by shaky research and personal attacks on a developer's private life and family is indefensible bullshit deserving nothing but contempt.

Exactly like that's not required to deride those like you who know absolutely nothing about a game, but still keep spamming forums with ignorant nothings out of irrational hate. At least the trash writer who wrote this article is earning some money out of it. You don't even have that excuse.
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Gold Member

They'll release it, and then plead to the community it's not finished so don't review it too seriously. They'll allow modding so guys in their basement working on their own time for free will finish off the game.

Don't be surprised if they try to pull off a scam and say all mods are the property of the company. Then they will pick the best mods and repackage the game and sell it as complete.
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ITT - a bunch of haters that never tried and some guys that like it and defend the baseless accusations with facts.

Game set out to do next level and it's really trying so I find it refreshing that something like this is being made, much unlike all the repetitive open world 3rd person AAA shit the rest is making.
I havent been following this game, but they have gone too far to just give up on it. It will release at some point, and hopefully they do with it what they set out to do and don't have to settle and do an earlier release due to financial trouble.


I'm a backer, honestly, always sort of thought it would never get anywhere, then I played the free-fly event a few months back, stepped foot in a Reclaimer, flew around for a week, and was pretty blown away at the progress.

Its actually somewhat interesting since, most of the underlying tech for the game that took them so long is in-place. Now its just content creation, refining, and server back-end, so in actuality a lot of the "tough stuff" is done in development. (The game went through several engine changes, don't forget."


8 years and $300,000,000 later and it’s still not done yet?

I’ve refused to get hype about this game since I first heard of it, since I know better than to be sold on empty promises.

I’m feeling pretty good about that decision right now.


8 years and $300,000,000 later and it’s still not done yet?

I’ve refused to get hype about this game since I first heard of it, since I know better than to be sold on empty promises.

I’m feeling pretty good about that decision right now.

Why not try it?


Gosh- we all know this is a con- simply a way for an IP owner to make a *very* good living for himself and members of his extended family over a decade or so.

But a con that essentially advertises itself *as* a con is fine in my eyes- it vacuums that worst class of gamer into their own little world of nonsense, hopefully raising the bar elsewhere in the gaming world.

This also shows how nostalgia over the 'original' game devs is plain stupid. In the ancient age of PC gaming, any old load of tripe could find a fanbase. I was there at the time. I loathed the low effort PC rubbish - and very few of these original devs went on to make excellent games when the hardware improved.

Good games are all about the gameplay loop. Fans of Star Citizen all rant and rave about how the gameplay loop is the *last* stage of development if it is even needed at all. Which tells you all you need to know about the non-game that is Star Citizen.

But there's an intersting psychology here that links to traditional role-players. Such people have an enduring *fantasy* about living within a particular environment. They want to be their own 'Mary Sue' in their own genre story.

Being a giant fan of Skyrim and Fallout. while as a coder recognising the gameplay loop in those titles is just about as basic as you could get, I have long understood that first person computer role playing games are somewhat unique in the computer game field. A seemingly 'boring' game paly concept can actually be a lot of fun if the world is good enough.

*But* this does not mean your open world does all the gameplay work in and of itself. Look how many attempted to clone the success of Skyrim and fell flat on their faces.

A blame the conceptual failure on non-wargame/non-strategy RPG space games on the original Elite. While Elite amazed a lot of ill-informed gamers, it was nothing but a copy of Atari's Star Raiders crossed with the old green-screen mini computer game, 'Star Trader'. But Elite, for all its poverty of game design, has been the *hopeless* inspiration for most RPG space games since.

In other words, space games that are not strategy or wargaming just don't know what game loop is even a good idea. No Man's Sky proved this in spades, and Star Citizen is worse (and so have been all those 'sequels' to the original 'elite')

Once we had hopes that Beth's next open world game, Starfield, might crack this problem- but Beth is the crappiest of all the major game studios now.

Here's the thing. What is needed is *not* any form of state-of-the-art space game, but something at the level of Dwarf Fortress- a simple conceptual testing ground for the game loop ideas that can make for fun and sustaining Spacefaring role-playing. When we know *what* we should be doing in a space game, then the giant investment in a AAA state-of-the-art form can begin.

Myself- I've always thought the problem will only be solved by crowd-sourcing- in other words the endless space problem solved by allowing gamers to also guide/create content that appears in everyone's persistant 'galaxy'. But the biggest flop project in gaming history (a british project that allowed crowd-sourced content on a map of our entire planet) showed no promise at all after burning thru nearly 100 million pounds in cash.

However, computer generated content from 'seeds' will always be unsatisfying crap filler. There is no magic 'AI' solution to this, no matter what the mainstream *fake news* outlets claim. On the other hand, finding a way to crowdsource the 'rule-sets' used by the creation algorithms would prevent the problem of the player seeing the repeated pattern of too few rules/building blocks.

Star Citizen shows *zero* innovation. Star Citizen shows *zero* progress to solving the fundamental issues. Star Citizen 100% invents new ways to *delay* a project using the old con of 'feature creep', so that the owning *familiy* can continue to receive massive levels of pay each year. Star Citizen will never deliver anything worthwhile.

At the other end of the scale, the creators of Elite will never deliver anything good either. Their new project is modest, delived a finished program, but made no worthwhile gaming progress over the first 'Elite'.


I don't understand the hype behind the game really. Granted I haven't really been following it. Every video I see, seems to showcase the immense size of things...but what do you do in these massive areas? It seems like you're just going around being a citizen...I mean is there good combat, do you have a job...are you a mercenary? Is it open ended? Is there a story to follow? Do you join guilds? There's a lot I don't know about the game because I saw when it was first showcased and said I'd just wait until it comes out. I mean I'm ready now...PC is fired up...but I still don't know what this game is.

i can almost guarantee if it is open sandbox, it will be overrun by no life sociopaths a la Eve. That shit is a nightmare way of relating to other humans.


Why not try it?

There is literally nothing to do except admire your ship, fly it in space, fly it into empty cities and picking up cargo, AMAZING!!!!!

ITT - a bunch of haters that never tried and some guys that like it and defend the baseless accusations with facts.

Game set out to do next level and it's really trying so I find it refreshing that something like this is being made, much unlike all the repetitive open world 3rd person AAA shit the rest is making.

Why do i need to try it? I can just watch a youtube video of what is going on, which is not much of anything.
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300 million for kickstarter.............. if I didn't know any better I'd assume Peter Molyneux picked up a serious cocaine habit and is using a fake name.
Because it sucks that people are being swindled out of their hard earned money by Chris Roberts? Sorry if i care about people being scammed.
$45 buy in is a lot lower than many AAA flops so i consider it money well spent based on how much fun I've had with the development and trying out each new update. Maybe try out the game and enjoy a video game from time to time instead of trying to police what others like and don't like.


Most? I can go download a million finished games on Steam right now.........

Sorry but i talk about PC games and not Console ports. Most PC games like mmo's / dota's / BR shooters etc all never really are done and go through faces.

Dota isn't the same as when it launched, wow isn't the same as when it launched. You can make this article for any of those gams without issue's.

This game is a open game project that will go on forever and ever and evolve forever and forever until the company goes out of business or activily decides to move on to another project.

Metacrits etc also isn't going to work for games like this as a result of this.

It's forbes and console gamers that honestly do not understand the concept of PC games and make random fud articles to get clicks.
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I'm of the opinion of the "Other" option in the poll. That said, I don't bother trying to attempt to predict that it's going to turn out that way. If it manages to live up to its expectations and deliver an actual product, I'll be thrilled and buy it. Heck, even if it's not finished when it gets released and doesn't live up to the hype, as the option I chose says, the idea and ambition is certainly something I like.
To me, I'd personally want to see Bethesda show this sort of ambition and remake Daggerfall. Attempting that kind of scale today.


Writes a lot, says very little
Star Citizen is one of these games that goes to show the complete hypocrisy amongst the gaming community in basically shows that many times the community doesn't even fully know what they actually want.

In a day where we no longer see AAA PC exclusives Star Citizen pretty much stands alone, we have seen numerous complaints about rushed Triple A games or Publishers seeking to deceive consumers yet here we have a game that is fully backed by customers instead of some big massive publisher as well as a game with extensive development to actually support the type of detail in care that the industry is even asking for in the first place.

So people need to consider that this game was revealed in 2012 it only goes into full 100% development in 2013 so I don't really think it's development is as long as people are trying to exaggerate ..... take this into consideration days gone was in development for almost 7 years which actually means it was in development slightly longer than Star Citizen consider it is not a PC exclusive and it is not an online MMO to massive proportions seeking to revolutionary change the genre.....

Horizon zero Dawn was in development since 2011 released 2017, the game is not a massive Online MMO with multiple races creatures and seeking to revolutionary change the genre.

It is not saying anything is wrong with either game I use as an example it's saying that those are single player games with no online portions that the majority of the community respect that the amount of time those games were in development to give the game a Fighting Chance.

So why on Earth can't The Gaming Community give Star Citizen a chance considering how rare it is to ever even see such a AAA game with such development? The amazing thing is that the majority of the time that they spent was actually developing the game not simply using the money for marketing tactics.

So we've seen budget of games top 200 300 million what have you how many games are we actually seen where all of that budget was actually really used to develop the game? Of those games how many of those games were seeking to really change genre to the extent that Star Citizen is trying to?

So I think people are simply complaining about the development time of Star Citizen because they don't realize that the majority of games that take a long time and development it's not as if we actually hear about it a year before it goes into full production could you imagine if we heard about Horizon zero Dawn since 2010? What about days gone since 2011? What do you not understand how annoying it would be to see an article every week complaining about those games not releasing yet? So people have a tendency of believing something is wrong with development not because of how long the game was in development for but because of how long they actually have heard of The Game's existence.....

So people are not complaining about Horizon zero Dawn because they didn't hear of it in 2010 to complain about it for years

So I'm okay if this game releases next year I'm okay if it releases the year after so long as they have a solid base to build off of for the future I'm completely fine with it as I believe maybe something like Star Citizen is what the industry needs so Gamers can finally see what a game actually looks like when it 100% uses a significant amount of hardware and is developed to a ridiculous degree in regards to development time.

So if people are tired of games getting rushed why complain about this of all games?


And then you have this:

Will it take a lot of time? Yes of course. But the reason for this is that they create something that will probably NEVER topped again.

These do nothing for me, pretty but boring... almost reminds me of

Not saying the game will be bad or anything, just that the "hype" videos are not helping
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Writes a lot, says very little
Sorry but i talk about PC games and not Console ports. Most PC games like mmo's / dota's / BR shooters etc all never really are done and go through faces.

Dota isn't the same as when it launched, wow isn't the same as when it launched. You can make this article for any of those gams without issue's.

This game is a open game project that will go on forever and ever and evolve forever and forever until the company goes out of business or activily decides to move on to another project.

Metacrits etc also isn't going to work for games like this as a result of this.

It's forbes and console gamers that honestly do not understand the concept of PC games and make random fud articles to get clicks.

I don't think you mean PC games as much as you mean online games. Anything online like this will progress over time. Console or not isn't relevant as look at FFXI, EverQuest, FFXIV, DCU, Elder Scrolls Online etc. I get what you mean though. Asking of a online game to be un "finished" as like asking for the nightly news to have a season finale.


it is coming dangerously close to being a creep fest, but i'm optimistic about the systems they've developed

natural selection 2 took about a decade to complete


Brevity is the soul of wit

complex physical interactions that break the wheel of modern design take time

there's basically nothing on the market approaching sc's physical systems, nothing comes close

btw i'm not even defending the game play here, as what i've seen so far looks pretty mediocre

the technology alone is worth the investment imo, someone needed to pioneer this stuff, better rando backers than some publishing house the quakes under the creep
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complex physical interactions that break the wheel of modern design take time
The game is mismanaged and noclear direction of what the game wants to be expect literally everything. Which will lead to many systems being mediocre at best. Ever heard of the term jack of all trades but master of none?


I don't think it will ever be what people have in their minds, technically I feel that they are asking waaaay to much of their engine and it shows. It always feels moments away from exploding at the seams.

I think Elite Dangerous is the smarter choice for anyone looking to invest their time and money.
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The game is mismanaged and noclear direction of what the game wants to be expect literally everything. Which will lead to many systems being mediocre at best. Ever heard of the term jack of all trades but master of none?

the game is very much in deep development, it'll probably be done 2021ish, and i fail to see how those systems are mediocre when no other programmers in the world are doing them

it's still too early to say the game is being mismanaged
the game is very much in deep development, it'll probably be done 2021ish, and i fail to see how those systems are mediocre when no other programmers in the world are doing them

it's still too early to say the game is being mismanaged
I’ve seen plenty enough of gameplay from various systems and it looks rough to say the least. It IS mismanaged for the reason above. Some of the greatest games ever made have to cut things out and deliver it on time. The director just wants to keep adding everything in the game.


I wonder if Chris Roberts wife Sandi still works for Cloud Imperium as “VP of marketing” or his brother Erin is still “Head of global production”. It’s nepotism at it’s very worst, I wonder how much they get paid a year for that cushy number.

I love Wing Commander and Privateer but this always came of as dubious as fuck with horrific feature creep. Glad I never backed it let alone gave them ridiculous amounts of money for a virtual ship for a game that has a high possibility of the developer running out of money before release.


RSI Employee of the Year
There is literally nothing to do except admire your ship, fly it in space, fly it into empty cities and picking up cargo, AMAZING!!!!!

Translation of the above: "I actually don't know what is there to do in the game, so I'll just present a false list in order to try (and fail) to underplay the game. Maybe some other people who know nothing about the game will believe me."

45$ for a starter pack for a game that hasn’t even hit beta LMAO and by the way give us hundreds of dollars for ships in a game that’s not even finished yet 😂😂😂😂

And that game that hasn't even hit beta "LMAO" can easily provide more fun than a lot of finished games.

"Finished" isn't an absolute indication of value.

It's funny how these people keep spamming "I've seen!" but none of them have played. Yet, they are so very eager to spam their "opinion" against those who actually have played. You truly find all kinds on the internet.

But after all, we are in an environment in which trash articles like this are considered acceptable and actually make mediocre writers money, so that's not surprising at all.
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I’ve seen plenty enough of gameplay from various systems and it looks rough to say the least. It IS mismanaged for the reason above. Some of the greatest games ever made have to cut things out and deliver it on time. The director just wants to keep adding everything in the game.

they have the budget to keep adding things, so they add them

the systems are rough around the edges, polishing will come somewhere down the line when they tie it all together

crow will be served either way, i'm not about to stan for the game tho because i don't really give a shit about it

it's in a strange playable alpha state that imo is criticized too harshly because it's the most over funded indie project ever, and the team has been transparent about their processes since day 1

i think it's admirable what they're doing, and i hope they pull it off
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Translation of the above: "I actually don't know what is there to do in the game, so I'll just present a false list in order to try (and fail) to underplay the game. Maybe some other people who know nothing about the game will believe me."

And that game that hasn't even hit beta "LMAO" can easily provide more fun than a lot of finished games.

"Finished" isn't an absolute indication of value.

It's funny ho these people keep spamming "I've seen!" but none of them have played.

Yet, they are so very eager to spam their "opinion" against those who actually have played.
I can tell by how butt hurt you are that you have put a lot of time and money in the “game”. I would be a fool to give them money for an unfinished product people that continue to do so are what’s wrong with the industry and it’s why we keep getting bare bones games. I’m playing way to many fun games that deserve my time and money over this greedy crap.


RSI Employee of the Year
I think it's admirable what they're doing, and i hope they pull it off

Indeed. Only scum would hope a game to fail.

I can tell by how butt hurt you are that you have put a lot of time and money in the “game”. I would be a fool to give them money for an unfinished product people that continue to do so are what’s wrong with the industry and it’s why we keep getting bare bones games. I’m playing way to many fun games that deserve my time and money over this greedy crap.

I can tell by how butthurt you are by this game's existence and by the success of its crowdfunding campaign that you don't know what you're talking about. You don't need to give anyone any money. There are regular free flight events that let you play the current alpha for a week for free. If you were even slightly interested doing anything more than spamming ignorant banter, you'd know.

Conveniently, there's one going on right now.

PS: I spent a bit less than $80 on the game, and I have zero intention to spend more. I've spent more on collector's editions (or even regular editions in Japan) of games that provided me with much less enjoyment. Looks like your perception is flawed. Who would have thought?
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Indeed. Only scum would hope a game to fail.

I can tell by how butthurt you are by this game's existence and by the success of its crowdfunding campaign that you don't know what you're talking about. You don't need to give anyone any money. There are regular free flight events that let you play the current alpha for a week for free. If you were even slightly interested doing anything more than spamming ignorant banter, you'd know.

PS: I spent a bit less than $80 on the game, and I have zero intention to spend more. I've spent more on collector's editions (or even regular editions in Japan) of games that provided me with much less enjoyment. Looks like your perception is flawed. Who would have thought?
😂 you think I’m butt hurt by this? Lol I’m not the one in the thread defending it from anyone who says something negative. Even if this game is finished I will never play it simply because of their scummy business. There is nothing left for me to discuss except that it amazes me how so many people will defend this game with their lives but shit on other crowd funded games and EA


RSI Employee of the Year
😂 you think I’m butt hurt by this? Lol I’m not the one in the thread defending it from anyone who says something negative. Even if this game is finished I will never play it simply because of their scummy business.

Yes, you're quite evidently butthurt.

It makes perfect sense for people who enjoy a game to defend it from ignorance and irrational attacks.

People who don't and have never once tried it spamming forums with multiple posts to bash it? They're most certainly butthurt. The more the game improves, the more butthurt they get.

There is nothing left for me to discuss except that it amazes me how so many people will defend this game with their lives but shit on other crowd funded games and EA

You had nothing to discuss to begin with.

In order to discuss something you need to have an argument and a reasonable degree of knowledge about the topic at hand, and you simply don't. :messenger_smirking:
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Translation of the above: "I actually don't know what is there to do in the game, so I'll just present a false list in order to try (and fail) to underplay the game. Maybe some other people who know nothing about the game will believe me.

Prove me wrong, i dare you. About the only thing i didn't mention was that you can have fights now but big whoop, they are meaningless without an actual story or event or XP or anything else that is still not in the game. Oh i also forgot that you get to take pictures of your empty cities and you standing next to your ship, big whoop.

If i we're a person without some sort of moral compass i would love to be in Chris Robert's shoes. Get to have all the fine dining, fine homes and fancy clothes while sponging off whales and occasionally updating the game with some new flight mechanic or fancy new render technique while dreaming up hundred's of new ships to sell off to the biggest whales to keep my money flowing for all the fine things in life.
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😂 you think I’m butt hurt by this? Lol I’m not the one in the thread defending it from anyone who says something negative. Even if this game is finished I will never play it simply because of their scummy business. There is nothing left for me to discuss except that it amazes me how so many people will defend this game with their lives but shit on other crowd funded games and EA

So why do you keep coming in this thread then? If this was an official SC thread for backers, i don’t even think you would have the guts to come in and start trash talk. People like you and some other around here are only interested in negatives around SC. You guys “think” you know something about the project, you don’t fucking now nothing, not even 1%. This is not a game you watch on youtube for a half hour and say “this is boring, what a shit show bla bla bla” you can’t even compare it to normal days game. You have to do so much more research before you even want to back it because their is more around this game. To me the community is one of the best gaming communities i met. Everyone is nice, helpful and friendly for new backers. Maybe you need appreciate something like this and that it is different from normal closed development games. People would shit over EA, Ubisoft, CDPR, Rockstar, Sony etc etc all the time if they did the same open development and transparency like CIG does.


RSI Employee of the Year
Prove me wrong, i dare you. About the only thing i didn't mention was that you can have fights now but big whoop, they are meaningless without an actual story or event or XP or anything else that is still not in the game. Oh i also forgot that you get to take pictures of your empty cities and you standing next to your ship, big whoop.

You already lost your little smug "dare" all on your own. Features aren't "meaningless" just because you apply some goalpost-moving limitation to try (and fail) to downplay them. It's absolutely hilarious how you argue that in a game about science fiction having fights between starfighters is "meaningless." :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You can do plenty of quests, you can mine, you can explore planets for points of interest like ship derelicts and more, you can participate in racing events, you can fight on foot (both in the persistent universe and in its own self-contained feature, which is a full-fledged multiplayer FPS), you can compete in the leaderboards in the self-contained Arena Commander (both in single and multiplayer), you can drive land vehicles and hoverbikes. There's more, but I've proved my point plenty already.

You can interact with other players, which is what sandbox multiplayer games are all about, both in friendly and hostile ways, and that's an enormous chunk of "things to do" right there. You know, that's how people have been creating "actual stories" in online games since Ultima Online.

Looks like someone's been "proven wrong." Oops. :messenger_smirking:
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