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Nintendo reaffirms that it will not censor third-party games, says doing so would ‘inhibit’ industry


Ninty stays winning

In its recent Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa replied to several questions. One of these questions, of course, alluded to Sony’s increasingly aggressive regulation of sexual content in PS4 titles. Namely, it asked if Nintendo would similarly censor third-party content on its Switch console.
In response, Furukawa reiterated that Nintendo would leave content regulation of third-party titles up to ratings boards like CERO and the ERSB. Alternatively, he stated that responsible parents can still use the Switch’s parental control functions to protect their children from suggestive content.
Furukawa even took an elegant jab at Sony after that – by stating that ‘platform-holding companies’ would hurt the diversity of games in the industry if they chose ‘arbitrarily’ what gaming content should be allowed into the market.

More at the link


The nicest person on this forum
I guess I dont have to worry about Astral Chain getting censored and now waiting for them to port TMS#FE on Switch uncensored.

Come on Nintendo.......


Rating systems exist for a reason. I can understand a game being toned down in nudity and violence to get a lower rating, but the platform holder mandating that in this day and age feels needlessly draconian. Nintendo did in the past because gaming didn't have an industry wide rating system like Movies did. But in a time where the ESRB exists, there's no reason for Sony to do it.
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Well, they said they wont censor 3rd party games. 1st party games are another matter.

So far, we've seen Nintendo of America censor stuff in their localizations. Nintendo of Europe and Japan don't censor anything. We'll see what happens.

I'd chalk that up to some weird trend that happened in the Wii U days. I don't know if those people were fired or left.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'd chalk that up to some weird trend that happened in the Wii U days. I don't know if those people were fired or left.
Let's hope. Maybe we'll hear about some localization issues with Fire Emblem Three Houses next month. So far, I've heard nothing.


Let's hope. Maybe we'll hear about some localization issues with Fire Emblem Three Houses next month. So far, I've heard nothing.

I remember one employee was fired over a controversy surrounding something to do with Pedophillia... Make of that what you will.


Nintendo don't want to inhibit creativity but send their lawyers after anyone who even breathes a potential copyright violation.....


Sony turning into a bunch of prudes while Nintendo embraces T&A. What a world.

I remember one employee was fired over a controversy surrounding something to do with Pedophillia... Make of that what you will.

I think she may have written something somewhere at some point either rationalizing or defending pedophila to some extent. But I don't remember that having anything to do with her firing. Protip: When you have a job that is remotely public facing in any way, don't get caught engaging in sex work as a side job. You're gonna have a bad time.
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Nintendo don't want to inhibit creativity but send their lawyers after anyone who even breathes a potential copyright violation.....

Taking down publicly distributed fangames is standard industry practice. Most companies do it. The ones that done either don't care, or just use it as a one time marketing endorsement.


Wasn't it like 3+ decades of censorship, no blood, no nudes etc.

Now they're cool with it .. guess they became libertarians, nothing to do with $$$
Wasn't it like 3+ decades of censorship, no blood, no nudes etc.

Now they're cool with it .. guess they became libertarians, nothing to do with $$$
Actually, censorship wasn't the worst part about Nintendo of old. They were outright hostile toward third party developers and make their lives hell. Back when they were dominating, they were the only option for third party studios and as such control which third party get to be on their console. Remember, they invented region lock.

Nintendo's fall from grace forced it to become pro consumer, they need to keep their fans and can't take them for granted.


btw - the stealth elephant in this thread is "Soy Sony Censors Bad" right ... Question - is this actually just Sony Corporation of America doing the no-tiddies thing, or is Sony-Japan covering asses up ..

Because if it's a culturally north american problem, created by north american Sony execs, descendants of prudish religious fundamentalist immigrants, maybe people should go and own their own problem ..

(Europe says hi, self tagging with Triggered)
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I can't believe this timeline is real when few years ago they didn't want games like Binding Of isaac on their library , and now they asked for Gal gun 2 on their plateform , made a deal to get a physical release of snk heroines in Europe and soon Senran Kagura Peach ball will come to the west completely uncensored.

Keep this best timeline alive.
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Don't worry! Nintendo USA step up to the plate and save NOJ from itstelf. Localization/Culturalization of first party titles is merely the first step.


Gold Member
If a game is rated for Adults, then there is no reason to censor anyway. It makes no sense.
I fully agree. If the respective rating agencies/boards have given it a rating, then there's no need for a platform holder to interfere. And if parents wanna buy their kids an M-rated game, it's their decision to make. The only thing that a platform holder can do is to inform people about the rating system in the respective countries.
btw - the stealth elephant in this thread is "Soy Sony Censors Bad" right ... Question - is this actually just Sony Corporation of America doing the no-tiddies thing, or is Sony-Japan covering asses up ..

Because if it's a culturally north american problem, created by north american Sony execs, descendants of prudish religious fundamentalist immigrants, maybe people should go and own their own problem ..

(Europe says hi, self tagging with Triggered)

Sony America mostly controls the Playstation side now and tells Japanese devs what they can and cannot do.

Sony Europe gets a lot of crap by the EU Communities as they are never consistant with each country. I used to read the comments as entertainment.
Well, they said they wont censor 3rd party games. 1st party games are another matter.

So far, we've seen Nintendo of America censor stuff in their localizations. Nintendo of Europe and Japan don't censor anything. We'll see what happens.
Yeah, the localization team of Nintendo USA is the big problem here. Nintendo JP might be fine, but that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 localization still haunts me... they've neutered almost all sexual innuendo, casual sexism, vulgarity and changed religious references.

I hope they stick to their statements about 3rd party games, but I don't have any hopes for uncensored Switch ports of Xenoblade Chronicles X and TMS#FE.


Really hope Sony could retract their stance at some point, some franchise would forever be on Sony platforms. I'm not happy if there're sentiments among the devs for censorships to avoid being hammered by their hollow policy.

Nintendo stay strong.


To do that, they would have to move back to Japan.

Once you relocate to California, the cancer is permanent.
There's Vanillaware and Atlus games. Recent Cygames. Most Falcom shit. .. and that's just from on top of my head.

Cyberpunk though, no worries at all. Biased AF.


Censorship is always bad. There is nothing bad on including nudes or sex in games that are accordingly rated as for adults.

Sony and Nintendo and retailer shops shouldn't censor this content of games with certain age rating (I think it's Adults Only) as they do in some places. If gore is ok for them nudes (or even sex) should be too, as it is in every other art mediums like movies, books, painting, photography or sculpture.

Videogames must move away from uncultured, ignorant, uncultivated religious fundamentalism (where we almost should include some SJWs).
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Japan has been doing pretty well at staying Japanese. It told the UN to fuck off twice when they tried to crack down on anime.
Quoting for posterity.


On February 16 this year, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women held a deliberation on the topic of women's rights in Japan. This deliberation included a proposal that sales of video games and manga depicting sexual violence be banned. We would like to present a memorandum on this proposal. (While the English text speaks of "videos", this is translated from a word that means "video games" in the original Japanese text (ow.ly/YaCbm). Therefore, we assume that "videos" means "video games".)


We strongly support strengthening the protection of women's rights in Japan. However, we also want to ensure that any measures in support of this goal are taken only after careful consideration of their actual usefulness.

Would a prohibition of the sale of video games and manga that depict sexual violence help bring about more respect for women's rights in Japan? Our answer to this question is a resounding "No".

[Reasons behind our opinion]

[Reason 1]
Fictional sexual violence in manga and video games does not actually violate people’s human rights, so prohibiting these media in order to preserve women's rights would be meaningless.

[Reason 2]
In Japan, the creative space of manga in particular is a space that women have built for themselves, and where they play a very active role. A ban on the sale of manga depicting sexual violence would only end up aggravating the genderbased discrimination that women face in Japan.

[More information about reasons]

[About reason 1]
We must make all efforts to protect and support real, living rape survivors who have been forced into sexual acts without their consent. We must make all efforts to deal with sexual violence as the grave human rights violation that it is. However, sexual violence inflicted on fictional beings in manga and video games simply does not cause direct harm to actual people. We must focus on tackling actual, real violations of the human rights of real, flesh and blood women.

[About reason 2]
In Japan, the creative space of manga in particular is a space that women have built for themselves, and where they play a very active role.

As far back as the 1970s, Japan has had magazines for girls' manga that nurtured one female cartoonist after the other. Even before the Equal Employment Opportunity Act was enacted in 1986, girls' manga were already a wellestablished space for female creativity. The stories in these manga for women very often focused on love, as well as sex and sexuality.
Our country's countless manga for women also include works that recount the history of women's exploitation. One example is Fumiko Sone's "Cliff Parents". This work, based on historical events, tells the survival story of a girl whose poverty leads to her being sold by human traffickers into the Makunishi redlight
district of Muroran, Hokkaido.

Reading this kind of manga gives modernday people a way to imagine the great pain these women experienced. If any wholesale ban on the sale of manga depicting sexual violence were enacted, however, readers would be robbed of this opportunity. The work contains scenes of sexual violence, after all, so it would be forced to go out of print entirely.

Many other manga by women would have to go out of print if a ban on depictions of sexual violence were to become a reality. Keiko Takemiya's "Song of Wind and Trees" and Akimi Yoshida's "BANANA FISH" are only a few famous examples. (It should be noted that some of these works show sexual violence against men. However, sexual violence is not a problem that is limited to women, and should not be associated solely with women's rights.)

If a ban on depictions of sexual violence were to become a reality, publishers would be forced to stop distribution of a large number of works. The result would be a narrowing, or even outright destruction, of the creative space of manga that women have worked so hard to cultivate and make their own. Manga readers, on the other hand, would lose the opportunity to learn about the history of the sexual exploitation of women. Doing such targeted violence to manga, our country's foremost space for female creativity, would harm not only female cartoonists, but also female manga enthusiasts and other female creatives whose work relies on manga. Enforcing these kinds of restrictions would be an act of discrimination against Japanese women.

We do acknowledge that manga depicting sexual violence cause great discomfort to some people. However, the decision to outright prohibit the distribution of a particular kind of speech should never be based solely on people's feelings of discomfort, or their moral judgments.
Feelings of comfort or discomfort, or moral judgments, vary greatly from person to person, from region to region, from culture to culture, and from society to society. There is no guarantee whatsoever that society A will have the exact same moral values as society B. It follows that when one society elevates its values above those of all other societies, conflict will be the result.

If our goal is to make our society function in a harmonious way, then we should strive to ensure that people are not forcibly confronted with material that they find deeply offensive. That is something that can be accomplished simply by making sure that offensive materials are not made accessible in places where anyone could accidentally stumble across them. There is absolutely no need to enforce censorship of an entire genre of content, let alone to enshrine that censorship in law or even outright forbid people to create manga that some might find distasteful.


As we said, the goal of protecting women's rights is a laudable one. However, a prohibition on the sale of video games or manga depicting sexual violence would not be an appropriate way to reach that goal.

Perhaps cracking down on fictional sexual violence makes many people feel that at least something is being done. However, while we are busy debating the human rights of fictional characters, nothing is being done to protect the human rights of actual, living women.

Japanese manga are a brilliantly diverse medium, enough to include many works about sexual exploitation. The reason for this diversity is that manga have always been characterized by an extreme openmindedness
towards any kind of expression. This openmindedness could endure because we believe that this world is a maelstrom of people, of life and death, and of good and evil and that manga artists should be free to explore that complexity.

Manga creation is a space where Japanese women have labored to carve out their own place, and where women's expression flourishes. We strongly believe that protecting women's rights means fighting to keep that space from being destroyed, so that we can leave it to the next generation.


Nintendo havent really dont do censoring 3rd party games for a while since the Mortal Comabt on Super Nintendo fiasco. Since than Nintendo has had Adulted rated games uncensored on their system since the N64. 1st party games are a different story though.
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