you're blaming the people complaining about ree for ree getting companies to pander to them
that's so stupid I can barely comprehend it
here's the accurate answer to that hypothesis:
you're blaming the people complaining about ree for ree getting companies to pander to them
Doom Eternal devs basically ignored these same idiots when they were reeeeing over the mortally challenged joke and they basically went away. They feed themselves from manufactured outrage, once they reeee over something enough they basically move on. The same with THQ, granted THQ apologized but they didn't accept the apology and went on reeeing how they wanted people fired. THQ didn't bend and they went away. They are like toddlers throwing tantrums for a while and then getting distracted by the next shiny offense they can find. The best strategy is just to ignore these people.smh, soooo you don't even see what you did there huh?
" you give a bit of power to the censorship/outrage crowd" and then "those fucking idiots" My friend, that isn't going to make them go away, in fact that is going to make any company a bigger target.
First, they won't go away no different then folks who call them "fucking idiots" won't go away...
Second, someone won't even be on their radar if they just apologize and move on. That ironically is the way to avoid this whole mess. Apologize, remove the post and move on. At some point, the industry must be civil. That behavior is why those folks exist in the first place. The smart thing for any company to do is simply remove it, apologize, having a meeting about it and move on. Want to make it continue? By all means "just ignore" and keep allowing that behavior and you'd simply increase the complaints. Its just not the way to move on from something, thats the way to keep them actually complaining about this stuff in the first place.
Its like poring honey on yourself and then acting surprised when you see bees or something.
The question is do you think Voidpoint suddenly couldn't be able publish the game somewhere else at all if they wanted to stick with their unpatched game?
I don't agree with what the dev stated, but I agree with them apologizing.
Doom Eternal devs basically ignored these same idiots when they were reeeeing over the mortally challenged joke and they basically went away. They feed themselves from manufactured outrage, once they reeee over something enough they basically move on. The same with THQ, granted THQ apologized but they didn't accept the apology and went on reeeing how they wanted people fired. THQ didn't bend and they went away. They are like toddlers throwing tantrums for a while and then getting distracted by the next shiny offense they can find. The best strategy is just to ignore these people.
Agreed. There is no evidence there at all that proves this was a plant. It’s a he said, she said.That buzzfeed article seems to say......nothing, accept the usual discredit the source.
Either way, pedos and the far Woke are chalk and cheese.
Like the Doom devs showed, you can ignore them completely and there won't be consequences. THQ didn't bend to firing people. Most of the same people who initially asked for an apology were also asking for firings. I think 3D Realms could have apologized and that's it, maybe some people would have been annoyed but that's it, the backlash wouldn't have been too big from either side but censoring any part of the game is just taking it too far and they shouldn't have been setting that precedent. 3D Realms could have also chosen to ignore them and everything would have been fine for them."THQ apologized" and then "THQ didn't bend and they went away" ???? Orrrr they apologized and then they went away.....
"they didn't accept the apology" ??? Is this 1 person or many? How do you know 100% of them didn't? So my issue is you are making a generalization and you are not speaking about 1 person, but many. You know not of how many accepted, didn't accept etc.
So because some didn't, they what? No apologize and mess up the image of the whole company because a few people didn't accept it? So none of that makes sense to me bud, that is saying a company is so slow they can be bated to do anything. What is stopping MS from making fake outrage over something waiting for Google to not " bend " after apology? Sooooo MS can then spread around how evil Google is? Do you not see just how dumb any company would be to spread a message to fight a few?
So the best step is to apologize and move on. You think otherwise, good luck running a company with that message bud. Can you say this at your place of work and not get fired? That is what you must ask yourself when you legit think that messaging is going to help any company.
"The best strategy" is to apologize.
"The best strategy is just to ignore these people" Why? So they can fuel articles showing how Google, Microsoft or even Ion Fury developers "ignore offensives remarks"? smh
Accusations are evidence according to themAgreed. There is no evidence there at all that proves this was a plant. It’s a he said, she said.
Since alt-left activists seem to be happy pushing accusations with zero evidence, I will happily follow their lead and believe the accusations that they support pedophilia.
There is no correct answer for the "bullying."
It's a lose-lose situation. Either they buckle to save face, or they don't. Loss of supporters is inevitable either way.
They just have to hope there are enough potential buyers that enjoy fun games and don't care about social justice and don't mind a reactive, apologetic response to SJW babies.
I'm keeping my purchase for sure. Give me the gray area and I'll jump straight into it. I'm not going to let the hard work and passion go to waste (especially when it comes to a game I actually enjoy playing) because I can't accept Voidpoint's/3D Realms' attempt at PR.
Just an FYI that was fake. I mean not totally...they did hold it and those are antifa members...but as soon as they realised what it was they tore it up. It was an IRL shitpost.
Better hang them with a legitimate noose than a false manufactured one.
yea...and here is the full story.
Here's How A Picture Of Protesters Became A Misleading Far-Right Story
A photo taken out of context became fuel for
smh. Those looking to inform honestly need not mislead, trick or give half the story.
@MeatSafeMurderer Agreed. Beat me to it. I recall this story when it first happened.
And it's gone... Reputation forever ruined. Nobody will forget. It's among the best shooters I have ever played.
So the dev for Brutal Doom has shared his 2 cents;
Ion Fury General Discussions :: Steam Community
Ion Fury - While Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison earned her codename defusing bombs for the Global Defense Force, when evil transhumanist mastermind Dr. Jadus Heskel unleashes the members of his cybernetic cult onto the streets of Neo DC, she knows it’s time to start causing explosions instead
In this realm this guy has the weight of a deity, surely. Dost thou dare banish him?
So the dev for Brutal Doom has shared his 2 cents;
Ion Fury General Discussions :: Steam Community
Ion Fury - While Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison earned her codename defusing bombs for the Global Defense Force, when evil transhumanist mastermind Dr. Jadus Heskel unleashes the members of his cybernetic cult onto the streets of Neo DC, she knows it’s time to start causing explosions instead
In this realm this guy has the weight of a deity, surely. Dost thou dare banish him?
? Then get shocked at bad press?
Apologize, remove comment and move on. Its all any company can do, but wasting the time to fight against it never helps.
Oh shush. You damn well know that they have earned even more bad press and bad blood because of the apology rather than ignoring the butt hurt mentally ill reprobates that caused a fuss to begin with.
They aren’t wrong though. Never apologize for stating facts.Screenshots emerged on Friday wherein developers of the game would joke about subjects like gender identity and transgender people, suggesting that the latter are mentally ill for it.
Oh shush. You damn well know that they have earned even more bad press and bad blood because of the apology rather than ignoring the butt hurt mentally ill reprobates that caused a fuss to begin with.
It comes down to, nobody respects a coward. Even the cowards at Ree have no respect for the people that cower to them.
"they have earned even more bad press and bad blood because of the apology" Can't say all that. Not everyone has so much hate in their heart bud. If you want to have that much hate, fine, but stop arguing for a company to be as hateful as you all. I have zero issue with them apologizing.
Anyone mad at them for apologizing are just as dumb as the folks they think are dumb. You are just mad that the company doesn't this stuff and clearly you sound like you do if you getting mad that someone apologized about something.
So the company can only feel the way you feel? They are not free to express anything you are against huh? Sound very familiar. You folk LEGIT argue the same dumb stuff the other side argues and then make it seem as if you are sooooooo different. Be like "I wish they'd stop forcing their views on developers" (Developer expresses a few on their own and apologizes) "woooooooow they need to be as mad as me and not apologize, excuse me while I force my view on the developers".
Both are arguing the same junk. To only respect or support a developer for supporting a view point you agree with, is basically the SJW way bud.
Different side of the same coin. I'll buy the game if its good regardless if they apologize or not, but clearly some folks.....only buy games based on view points of the developer.
Sound familiar?
I don't think anyone admitting a wrong and apologizing is a coward. For god sakes you folks telling me we can't even say sorry?
Sooooooo apologize and you are a coward
Don't apologize and you are homophobic, racist, xenophobic? (what ever the context)
So I don't agree with that man. "have no respect for the people that cower to them" Well I don't think you speak for everyone in that community to make such a silly generalization.
Reading through the ERA thread it seems that anyone who disagrees with what happened is possibly one or more things;
1. Snowflake.
2. Oversensitive moron
3. Incel
4. Nazi
5. White Supremacist.
Among other things. I think the reason they do this is because the recurring narrative I've seen around Resetera is that it's the only good place on the internet. Everywhere else is a festering wasteland of garbage.
In that case it becomes pretty easy to dismiss any and all criticisms or disagreements coming from places outside of Era since Resetera is the only place where good people hang out.
I'll admit that I used to buy into the idea myself because NeoGAF/Era was pretty much the only place I frequented. But after I started becoming disillusioned with Era after starting to pay attention to the cracks I noticed that this was one of the most frequent things I saw in any contentious threads.
The constant othering of people outside the site as the unwashed and confused/racist masses. Everyone outside the site being a big Nazi/incel/white supremacist army waiting to pounce. So any kind of issue has them turning whoever they disagree with into the worst things imaginable so strawmanning arguments from people outside the site becomes very palatable since they don't deserve to be represented fairly after being smeared. Question this and you get banned and lumped into that group as well.
Reading through the ERA thread it seems that anyone who disagrees with what happened is possibly one or more things;
1. Snowflake.
2. Oversensitive moron
3. Incel
4. Nazi
5. White Supremacist.
Among other things. I think the reason they do this is because the recurring narrative I've seen around Resetera is that it's the only good place on the internet. Everywhere else is a festering wasteland of garbage.
In that case it becomes pretty easy to dismiss any and all criticisms or disagreements coming from places outside of Era since Resetera is the only place where good people hang out.
I'll admit that I used to buy into the idea myself because NeoGAF/Era was pretty much the only place I frequented. But after I started becoming disillusioned with Era after starting to pay attention to the cracks I noticed that this was one of the most frequent things I saw in any contentious threads.
The constant othering of people outside the site as the unwashed and confused/racist masses. Everyone outside the site being a big Nazi/incel/white supremacist army waiting to pounce. So any kind of issue has them turning whoever they disagree with into the worst things imaginable so strawmanning arguments from people outside the site becomes very palatable since they don't deserve to be represented fairly after being smeared. Question this and you get banned and lumped into that group as well.
Exactly what I said, all they did was admit to being wrong and bring even more attention to it. You have to be a special kind of retard to think this was the right path to take.So the dev for Brutal Doom has shared his 2 cents;
Ion Fury General Discussions :: Steam Community
Ion Fury - While Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison earned her codename defusing bombs for the Global Defense Force, when evil transhumanist mastermind Dr. Jadus Heskel unleashes the members of his cybernetic cult onto the streets of Neo DC, she knows it’s time to start causing explosions instead
In this realm this guy has the weight of a deity, surely. Dost thou dare banish him?
Reading through the ERA thread it seems that anyone who disagrees with what happened is possibly one or more things;
1. Snowflake.
2. Oversensitive moron
3. Incel
4. Nazi
5. White Supremacist.
Among other things. I think the reason they do this is because the recurring narrative I've seen around Resetera is that it's the only good place on the internet. Everywhere else is a festering wasteland of garbage.
In that case it becomes pretty easy to dismiss any and all criticisms or disagreements coming from places outside of Era since Resetera is the only place where good people hang out.
I'll admit that I used to buy into the idea myself because NeoGAF/Era was pretty much the only place I frequented. But after I started becoming disillusioned with Era after starting to pay attention to the cracks I noticed that this was one of the most frequent things I saw in any contentious threads.
The constant othering of people outside the site as the unwashed and confused/racist masses. Everyone outside the site being a big Nazi/incel/white supremacist army waiting to pounce. So any kind of issue has them turning whoever they disagree with into the worst things imaginable so strawmanning arguments from people outside the site becomes very palatable since they don't deserve to be represented fairly after being smeared. Question this and you get banned and lumped into that group as well.
Like other have said. For them it was a lose-lose situation. I doubt they enjoyed having to pay 1k to a random charity. I'm guessing they were hoping that this outrage would be smaller than RE's. Don't forget that "journalists" were probably knocking on their door trying to get a response from them.I don't understand their viewpoint in this situation any more. We caved, but pity-party pirate our game if you want. Whatever. We worked super hard. Empty edgy platitude into the ether.
Imagine if a painter had critics standing behind him all day, every day while trying to work.
Yelling at him to change his art to suit their insane demands.
Would you capitulate?
Or would you turn around and stab their eyes out with the brush and feed them the paint until they choke?
We know what 3D realms would do...
Oh is this one of those 'you're just as bad as them' type nonsense? Listen, i didn't demand they change something in their game. I'm not demanding they change it back either. I'm simply saying that i was close to buying it but i'm happy i decided to wait because outside review bombing, voting with our wallets is pretty much all we can do. If you think that's equally bad, then i don't know what to tell you because it's clearly not. Supporting a company that does this means the next company will have an easier time caving to the deranged people at RE. Why wouldn't they if people are going to buy their games anyway? It's funny because according to people defending them we can't review bomb, we can't abstain from buying their game and we can't state our unhappiness on the forums since they're deleting everything. What do you suggest we do then?"I almost bought it yesterday when it was in my Steam recommendations. Glad i decided to wait. I'd rather not support " Same folks who are upset with the comment might have stated the same thing about not buying the game......
I don't agree with what the dev stated, but I agree with them apologizing.
If I buy the game or not will not have anything to do with them apologizing or even about the comment made. Such actions like not buying a game based on this is just as dumb as the folks that made the same choice to not buy it from the original comment.
Oh is this one of those 'you're just as bad as them' type nonsense? Listen, i didn't demand they change something in their game. I'm not demanding they change it back either. I'm simply saying that i was close to buying it but i'm happy i decided to wait because outside review bombing, voting with our wallets is pretty much all we can do. If you think that's equally bad, then i don't know what to tell you because it's clearly not. Supporting a company that does this means the next company will have an easier time caving to the deranged people at RE. Why wouldn't they if people are going to buy their games anyway? It's funny because according to people defending them we can't review bomb, we can't abstain from buying their game and we can't state our unhappiness on the forums since they're deleting everything. What do you suggest we do then?
Second, someone won't even be on their radar if they just apologize and move on. That ironically is the way to avoid this whole mess. Apologize, remove the post and move on.
You have a full 10 pages in this thread and you still don't realize that it's not about the removed content but about the devs bending the knee to the demands.Two wrongs don't make a right, but after reading some of the more hyperbolic posts around here you'd think that half the game was cut into tiny little pieces or something. Instead, nothing of the sort has happened.
If there was some essential or at least important part of the game that had been changed as a result, perhaps some of this outrage would start to make rational sense. Instead, it's just a couple of stupid, unfunny and tasteless jokes that were removed. Objectively speaking, 99.9% of the game is exactly the same.
It's funny that the reaction to the reaction, so to speak, has become infinitely worse than what originally caused this.
Resetera is never satisfied with an apology
You have a full 10 pages in this thread and you still don't realize that it's not about the removed content but about the devs bending the knee to the demands.
It's almost as if you don't want to understand what it's all about.
Wait, so not buying a game because they caved to deranged people is extreme but typing out that wall of text only to end it with 'welcome to ignore' is not? You're acting exactly like those people are - when presented with a calm response debunking your nonsense, you label that person as some sort of -ist and then block them. I mean, it's your right and while i don't know you, judging from our brief interaction so far, i doubt it's a huge loss for me. However, given that you're arguing in bad faith, i'm not going to spend any more time addressing your false equivalency"I'm simply saying that i was close to buying it but" but you choosing to not buy it based on THIS is no different then the other side not buying it based on the comments made earlier. Sorry but you are the other side of the same coin. No different then someone that states "I'm simply saying that i was close to buying it but saw some non pc jokes".
"we can't abstain from buying their game" ??? Never said you can't bud, but doing so puts you in the same ball park.
Crying over something a developer stated, making a choice to not buy something BASED ON THOSE WORDS and nothing else.
Its dumb when SJW use that to determine buying something as much as I might agree that somethings done in the industry can be offensive, no buying something based on that is just dumb.
Not sure why you thought being against them and doing the exact same thing would mean a different result or something.
Its dumb regardless of who does it. I was never going to buy this game because they apologized, would you not think it strange if I just up and told you I'm buying this game regardless of quality because they "stuck it to the alt right" or "defended da sjw" etc? Would that not sound very, very strange that ANYONE would take such a thing so seriously as to base them buying a product on if a developer supported their view or not? So doesn't matter. For or against, anyone basing to buy a game based on this just isn't that bright. I never understood it with SJW came on the scene, I don't understand it with anti-sjw just the same.... both are dumb....
"What do you suggest we do then?" Move on. Respect the apology and live life, not everything needs this damn type of reaction man, dear god you mad cause someone disagreed with you and apologized and now you are basing what you buy based on who supports or doesn't support your views..... I agree with them apologizing and I'm not even buying the game cause I don't spend my money based on those type of views. I'm not an extremist bud, I've NEVER bought junk based on some personal view. Once that gets crossed, you might as well be in the same bunch. Folks who are soooooo sensitive to anything, any comment can dictate what they buy, don't buy etc. NOTHING you say to me, about me, my faith, political ideology, gender etc will ever have me sooooo sensitive to have me start spending my own damn money differently because of it.
I'd argue THAT is what a overly sensitive person would do. Folks so emotionally unstable they can be baited into buying or not buying anything based on a few tweets. Doesn't sound rational to me bud.
I'd love to chat, but I'm going to have to add you to that ignore list, once someone is buying something or not based on if someone agrees with their view point or not, it too extremist for my taste.
You think it's silly. Fair enough. Other people think otherwise. Is that so hard to accept?That's silly, because it's letting an abstract sense of harm to your pride overrule all reasonable analysis of actual impact.
Complaining about "bending the knee"? What, did they forcefully convert people by the sword or something? Nope.
I've read a fair amount of the thread over the past few minutes. I am just finding this situation to be doubly ironic by now.
Initially, it was an overreaction to some dev comments. Now it's a bigger overreaction to an insignificant change.
Trust me, it's a blessing that he blocked you.Wait, so not buying a game because they caved to deranged people is extreme but typing out that wall of text only to end it with 'welcome to ignore' is not? You're acting exactly like those people are - when presented with a calm response debunking your nonsense, you label that person as some sort of -ist and then block them. I mean, it's your right and while i don't know you, judging from our brief interaction so far, i doubt it's a huge loss for me. However, given that you're arguing in bad faith, i'm not going to spend any more time addressing your false equivalency
That's silly, because it's letting an abstract sense of harm to your pride overrule all reasonable analysis of actual impact.
Complaining about "bending the knee"? What, did they forcefully convert people by the sword or something? Nope.
I've read a fair amount of the thread over the past few minutes. I am just finding this situation to be doubly ironic by now.
Initially, it was an overreaction to some dev comments. Now it's a bigger overreaction to an insignificant change.
Ion Fury and Voidpoint became metaphorical sacrificial lambs to both Reeera and normal people.
You think it's silly. Fair enough. Other people think otherwise. Is that so hard to accept?
We are just sick of these people taking influnce in gaming. And I'm really glad it's finally emerging people are sick of this shit. IIRC this is actually the first time a game gets review bombed and the respective forums being overflown by complaints. Up so far it was always only the other way around.