
IGN: 9/10
Gears 5's campaign doubles down on story and brings enough welcome gameplay improvements to make it a great ride.
GamesRadar: 4/5
Gears 5 biggest changes don't reinvent the series, but give the classic shooter more room to breathe. Let Gears be Gears.
Game Informer: 8.5/10
Gears 5 delivers plenty of excitement in its encounters and story, and offers nearly endless thrills in its excellently crafted multiplayer experiences
God is a Geek: 10/10
If you didn't think you needed another Gears of War, you were wrong. Gears 5 is a barnstorming success, and a triumphant return for the series. This is the essential first party game the Xbox One desperately needed.
GameSpot: 7/10
The Coalition adds a lot of smart new ideas to the Gears of War formula in Gears 5.
Twinfinite: 4.5/5
With Gears 5, The Coalition took some risks, and it makes for one of the best entries in the series yet.
USgamer: 3/5
Gears 5 survives on its solid cover shooting gameplay and a campaign that isn't afraid to pose difficult questions about problematic topics. But the largely stagnant Horde mode and general mess of an Escape mode really pull the sequel back from being a bold step forward.
EGM: 8/10
Gears 5 makes major strides in the series' approach to storytelling. This is the most heartfelt Delta Squad has ever been, and The Coalition backs up that emotion with genuine improvements to gameplay. While its new co-op mode, Escape, is generally underwhelming, Arcade mixes up the competitive meta enough to keep things interesting. All told, Gears 5 is more Gears, but it's also a bold statement for why this series is still relevant.
COGconnected: 87/100
No matter what your experience level is with these familiar faces, Gears 5 is the most accessible title in the line, and is ultimately successful in trying to be something for everyone.
Press Start: 9/10
Gears 5 is a big, loud blockbuster that brings so much to the table, it’s easy to under-appreciate it.
GamingBolt: 9/10
Gears 5 is one of Microsoft's best games this console generation. It's a package that's brimming with content, and has top-notch stuff on offer for you no matter what you're looking for. With its campaign, it successfully revitalizes a franchise may had feared was becoming stale, while with its online component, it continues to be on the top of its game, the way the series always been since the day it was born.
TheSixthAxis: 9/10
Gears 5 is a brilliant experience which can be enjoyed alone or with friends in equal measure. It keeps much of the series' core gameplay and feel, but also takes it in some new directions. It's great to see Gears evolving, opening the door for even more positive changes in the future.
Our own @Karak from ACG: Buy
GamesBeat: 90/100
Gears 5 has a lot to offer, with multiplayer, co-op modes, and a single-player campaign with wide range of emotions, from humor and laughter to despair and tragedy. It leaves the fans with a bit of a cliffhanger ending, but that just means that fans will want Gears 6 to come soon.
Digital Trends: 4.5/5
Gears 5 is one of the best games on Xbox One, with a satisfying campaign and tremendous multiplayer.
Attack of the Fanboy: 4/5
Gears 5 once again feels like a safe bet by The Coalition. You can start to see the developer thinking about new ideas and potential directions that the series can go, but Gears 5 feels largely familiar. The additions of some new features and a new mode added to the fan-favorites that return make for a robust package though.
PCGamesN: 6/10
Familiarly solid cover shooting with the occasional surprise. It's fitting The Coalition has opted to simply call the latest game 'Gears', because mostly, it's just going through the motions.
Polygon: Unscored
Gears 5 is personal, like its predecessor, and insistent in focusing on its characters. It’s thoughtful, and unafraid to stop the action in favor of slower story beats and sections focused on exploration. And those are the parts that I enjoyed the most.
Skill Up: Unscored
Hardcore Gamer: 4/5
The Coalition is clearly making substantial strides to evolve Gears into a bigger and better shooter, but the fifth installment is only half a step in the right direction.
New Game Network: 73/100
Gears 5 offers a familiar action experience that should satisfy fans who gravitate towards its expanded multiplayer options. And yet, the uneven campaign and lack of significant gameplay innovations mean this latest chapter does little to draw in the uninitiated.

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