Gold Member
This is North Korea style. Nobody better dare to question our beloved leader, Kim Jong Quinn.That must also be the Alt Right. Dem mutha fuckas are crazy.

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This is North Korea style. Nobody better dare to question our beloved leader, Kim Jong Quinn.That must also be the Alt Right. Dem mutha fuckas are crazy.
Jesus, what a monster this has become. How deep does the rabbit hole go? I hope they take her in at least for questioning.
She doesn't believe in God so she will be fine.
GAF Ddos when?Please add to OP!!!
So helpful to unravel this clusterfuck.
A couple of years ago a photographer named Mallorie Nasrallah detailed an experience they had working with Zoe Quinn. Mallorie was shocked at how Zoe Quinn would lie about things for no reason. Quinn even contacted Mallorie's colleagues to say that she was a victim of Mallorie forcing her to look at genital mutilation pictures that horrified her. It's worth a read.
"Alright, story time. I’ve been basically silent on this issue, I am not sure my contributions are relevant, and I have feared being ostracized and ridiculed. I can accept the latter, but I really hate to waste people’s time.
In 2007 I lived in New Hampshire, and was working as a photographer with a number of soft core “alt” erotica / porn sites. I traveled frequently to work with models affiliated with the websites I was affiliated with. A model working under the name Locke Valentine – this is the woman currently known as Zoe Quinn – modeled for two websites I was affiliated with – she as a model, I as a photographer. One of those websites is still in business, the other – unfortunately the one we communicated via – is no more.
Locke / Zoe was living in Albany, NY at the time. We expressed a desire to collaborate, and set a date for three photoshoots.
In fall of 2007 (according to my EXIF data 10/25/2007) I packed up my equipment and drove the 220 miles to Albany, for a weekend of work with Zoe.
By time I arrived in Albany, Zoe had cancelled one of the three shoots we had planned. She lived in a tiny apartment with her boyfriend / spouse / lover (I did not ask personal questions) and her roommate. I had been assured I could over night with them, and that they had room to accommodate a guest, and room to shoot in. They had neither. We ended up doing an impromptu shoot in the extremely crowded apartment, in the middle of the night, to try to save the shoot. I was not proud of it, but I knew with a bit of editing, it had potential.
While we tried to plan a shoot for the next day Zoe, and Co. chatted with me. She claimed to have stabbed a man – attempted rapist – in the face, who had grabbed her [Edit: Zoe claimed to have killed the man as well, see email screencap below]. She relayed to me no less than three other accounts of alleged violent assault. I will not share the details here, I feel that would be fundamentally indecent. I was alarmed at this, and I admit, by the time she made the claim that she stabbed a man in the face with a knife* and ran away, I was skeptical as well. Two claims involved alleged workplace incidents, and were her prime explanation for why she could not hold a job. I was mildly disconcerted, because true or false, these stories have good cause to make one uneasy. She also claimed to have reported nothing to police, or management at her work.
out of common decency I have never said a word about how cold, hungry and miserable that weekend was for me, about your reasons for declining the set and how unfair I felt that was, about how disturbed I was that you told me you killed a man, which I must say is a lot more disturbing than talking philosophy and joking about plastic surgery. I am not asking you to talk about our shoot, Im saying that if you are unwilling to tell the whole story what you end up telling is twisted and dishonest. -Mallorie
Locke (Quinn):
That is a bit different from killing someone in self defense while he’s raping you and probably going to kill you when he’s done. I’m sorry you think that’s somehow terribly disturbing, but I am not going to let someone murder me if there’s something that I can do about it, and what I did was completely legal. It’s fucked up that you’re giving me a hard time for it, but I guess it’s my fault for opening up to someone in the first place.
I’m finding it hard to care anymore when you seem to be disregarding what I’m telling you and giving me shit for defending myself on the worst night of my…. That’s really rather low. I’m giving you enough credit to think that you might actually try and understand what I’m saying rather than just getting pissed off and telling me I’m a horrible person for not letting someone kill and finish raping me. I really thought you were better than that. Otherwise I would’ve just ignored your e-mail.
That was not all we discussed, we talked about modeling, the websites, and erotica/porn in general. It was what we both did for a living, and candid conversation on the subject was not unusual.
The next day I had to drive everyone to the location of our shoot, which was her roommate’s place of employment. An arcade. This is the location where the photo shown here was taken. I was irritated that after driving 220 miles, and having to carry all my equipment to a shoot, I was also deliberately given the false impression that Zoe, and Co. would have their own transport. I was also irritated that Zoe could provide neither her own wardrobe for the shoot – it is normal for the model to use her personal items in these sorts of shoots – nor her own food while on site. Keep in mind, we both are paid by a site, once the photos are sold, everything I spent came out of my own pocket. Otherwise the shoot was unremarkable, it went far better than the one the night before, and we all had a basically good time.
We tried for some more photos that afternoon in a forested area Zoe directed me to, but we had neither enough light, or privacy to shoot anything substantial or of value.
I returned home, spent countless hours editing hundreds of photos. It was a terrible experience, but so be it.
When I was ready to send the photos off to Deviant Nation – the site we worked for – I wrote to her to let her know. It was only a few days, a week at most, since I had left Albany, but I ALWAYS get a model’s final approval before I send photos off. As far as I know I am the only photographer working in that specific industry who had that strict policy.
Zoe informed me that her roommate, who had been involved in the shoots, either by being in the apartment, or smuggling us in to her place of work turned out to be a, ” mentally unbalanced cunt,” (her words not mine) among other things, and that it was unacceptable to use ANY of the photos we had taken that weekend. I was pretty upset about this, and sent her several messages asking if perhaps I could talk to the roommate, have her sign a waiver, or something, despite the fact that neither Zoe, nor I, had any legal obligation to ask the roommate’s permission for ANYTHING. Zoe insisted that she was a crazy, evil bitch, and refused to provide me with any sort of contact information.
Finally, weeks later, a handful of other models I had worked with on the site messaged me to inform me that Zoe had written them and told them that I forced her to look at, “mutilated vagina,” pictures, which she said, had horrified her, and she had basically sent me away then and there. The models she told this to knew me, and thankfully came to me with these nonsense claims. We had in fact discussed cosmetic surgery, while talking about modeling, and she had looked up Before/After Breast Implant images. The conversation moved on to Labiaplasty, and we looked at a few of those images as well. So, there is an inch of truth, in the really awful lie she told about me. There was never any force involved, and she was the one controlling the computer the whole time. This took place in her home, on her computer, with her boyfriend and roommate both in the room.
I decided it wasn’t worth the fight. I was eventually contacted by the roommate, who told me a very different story to the one Zoe had, and I let the issue drop.
I was never paid for the images, because I respected her wishes and never published them. I still have the images in archive on my computer, because I archive everything. I was never reimbursed for the gas, wardrobe, or food I purchased on the trip. To someone starting their career, that was quite a dig to my wallet.
7 years later, Zoe is still BY FAR the worst client I have ever had.
What does this story have to do with GamerGate? When I realized Locke was Zoe, I was disgusted to see she was still playing the same games. Stealing, cheating, lying and claiming to be victimized by anyone and everyone. Maybe she did stab some guy in the face, and maybe in the first week at every new job she had, some guy tried to extort sex from her. Maybe that doesn’t establish an MO on her part. But I know, I did nothing wrong to that woman, and I did not deserve to be lied about. I did not deserve to have my time and my money wasted, and even now, I wonder if opening my mouth about this means she will think of some new horse shit to spread about me to try to ruin my career. And that does seem to be her modus operandi.
If this were a courtroom, I would call myself some sort of character witness, and I’ll let you all make of this what you will. Share it if you feel like it, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and watch her try to stomp out all the fires she has started by shitting on any more people’s careers."
Upon reading though archived emails, I discovered I can confirm and prove that she claimed to have killed the man she stabbed. (screenshot of email, irrelevant details redacted.)
Please add to OP!!!
So helpful to unravel this clusterfuck.
Now, call her whatever you want but remember it was a suicide. It's still Alec's own choice to take his life in the end. I think calling her murderous is too far even if she's aggressively bullying people.
Yup, here come the DDoS and hack attacks. Careful you don't get suicided.
She claimed to have stabbed a man – attempted rapist – in the face, who had grabbed her [Edit: Zoe claimed to have killed the man as well, see email screencap below].
Just out of curiousity...
"Zoe Quinn"....
-False Allegations
-Murdered Alec Holowka
*#1 result for news is TPM story
Dude even Google is onto her now. Keeping an eye on them in case they start to alter the results.
P.S.- Zoe "Tiberius" Quinn...
Tacitus claims that more treason trials followed and that whereas Tiberius had been hesitant to act at the outset of his reign, now, towards the end of his life, he seemed to do so without compunction. Hardest hit were those families with political ties to the Julians. Even the imperial magistracy was hit, as any and all who had associated with Sejanus or could in some way be tied to his schemes were summarily tried and executed, their properties seized by the state. As Tacitus vividly describes,
Executions were now a stimulus to his fury, and he ordered the death of all who were lying in prison under accusation of complicity with Sejanus. There lay, singly or in heaps, the unnumbered dead, of every age and sex, the illustrious with the obscure. Kinsfolk and friends were not allowed to be near them, to weep over them, or even to gaze on them too long. Spies were set round them, who noted the sorrow of each mourner and followed the rotting corpses, till they were dragged to the Tiber, where, floating or driven on the bank, no one dared to burn or to touch them.[80]
Just out of curiousity...
"Zoe Quinn"....
-False Allegations
-Murdered Alec Holowka
*#1 result for news is TPM story
Dude even Google is onto her now. Keeping an eye on them in case they start to alter the results.
P.S.- Zoe "Tiberius" Quinn...
Agree. I still haven't seen high quality sources saying the death was a suicide, and the most recent coverage from the BBC doesn't mention Quinn. I posted this elsewhere, but media guidelines for covering suicide recommend against this kind of oversimplification of the reasons for a persons death. If sources are saying "Quinn made him kill himself" they're probably not reliable. Nblund talk 13:49, 3 September 2019 (UTC)
Why her? Surely there’s a marginalized female indie game developer somewhere out there who ISN’T an unhinged harpy that these people can rally behind?
Now, call her whatever you want but remember it was a suicide. It's still Alec's own choice to take his life in the end. I think calling her murderous is too far even if she's aggressively bullying people.
Because five years ago, the gaming press made the horrible choice to turn her into their lynchpin. At this point, the person herself barely matters. It's what she represents: she's THE female victim, THE woman in need, THE poster child of the solitary woman trying to make her way in the gaming industry while untold legions of angry white men try to hold her down. If they give an inch on this, the whole house of cards crumbles, and they have to admit they've been feeding their audiences a lie for the past half a decade.
It appears the whole story about indie video game developer alec may be subject to some real questions at this point as old tweets surface and looks like she may be lying again. -TheQuartering
Eh...If you are a man then you should know better, to stay away from damaged good that Quinn is, or any women like her for that matter. Not only a women like her is detrimental to a man, but they are malicious to families, people and society in general. People of her character should be discarded and left out on their own.
Not that it’s a particularly important website, but I read yesterday that Urban Dictionary dot com has recently scrubbed all entries of Zoe Quinn and the real reasons behind Gamergate.Wikipedia is keeping her entry scrubbed clear of any mention of Alec:
Not that it’s a particularly important website, but I read yesterday that Urban Dictionary dot com has recently scrubbed all entries of Zoe Quinn and the real reasons behind Gamergate.
That rug being swept under must be pretty huge. This chick seemingly has Hillary Clinton levels of protection on the internet.
Seriously why? Who does she have dirt on? What are the ingredients to her mind control potion? Do her farts cure cancer?
WHY are so many people willing to go to such lengths, not for “the cause” in general but for her specifically?
She ain’t particularly talented. She ain’t particularly cute. And there’s accounts and proof all the way back to 2007 pointing to the likelihood that she’s got some kind of personality disorder at best and is a long-time lying scam artist at worst.
Why her? Surely there’s a marginalized female indie game developer somewhere out there who ISN’T an unhinged harpy that these people can rally behind?
it's fucken CRAZY man. I feel like we probably don't know 10% of the hidden networks that make this kinda co-ordinated scrubbing possible. a bunch of idiots tried making fun of a girl online and uncovered the illuminati
GAF Ddos when?
I wouldn't agree with this sentiment; damaged good or not, they can be a positive thing in someones' life
The real issue being that they need to get their health (Mental and physical) under control, learn the ins and outs, and find a good way to communicate those ins and outs to individuals and how they should handle it.
At that point the other party can make their own decision on whether or not to stick around.
Momma suffers from BPD (Like 2 types of it or some shit) and she's had her good and bad days, but when she's off her meds and not having a good day, we have to follow through the agreed upon steps to get her back to being stable
I in no way excuse anyone's actions regardless of their mental state, but something to consider is if Quinn has mental health issues (Already in question) and the bigger part, is she doing anything to treat said illness?
Can't get rid/manage an illness without treatment.
Not that it’s a particularly important website, but I read yesterday that Urban Dictionary dot com has recently scrubbed all entries of Zoe Quinn and the real reasons behind Gamergate.
That rug being swept under must be pretty huge. This chick seemingly has Hillary Clinton levels of protection on the internet.
What a coinkydink.We've been hit many times. Most notably, we were DDoSed for two straight days during the October 2017 drama while Resetera was being set up, leading many people to think that GAF was gone for good.
Thirsty virgins AKA gaming “journalists”.That's really fucking weird. Who the hell is so insistent on keeping a cover over this?
We've been hit many times. Most notably, we were DDoSed for two straight days during the October 2017 drama while Resetera was being set up, leading many people to think that GAF was gone for good.
Lying ass ho. Women's rights was a mistake. Bitches running wild.
As a level 14 in respecting women I cannot stand for this.Lying ass ho. Women's rights was a mistake. Bitches running wild.
GamerGate showed how corrupt she and others were, now a man died for no reason. We need another GamerGate.
It’s all for the cause. She is protected because she is the Mother Mary of the new intersectional religion. Every religion has its figureheads.Seriously why? Who does she have dirt on? What are the ingredients to her mind control potion? Do her farts cure cancer?
WHY are so many people willing to go to such lengths, not for “the cause” in general but for her specifically?
She ain’t particularly talented. She ain’t particularly cute. And there’s accounts and proof all the way back to 2007 pointing to the likelihood that she’s got some kind of personality disorder at best and is a long-time lying scam artist at worst.
Why her? Surely there’s a marginalized female indie game developer somewhere out there who ISN’T an unhinged harpy that these people can rally behind?
Now, call her whatever you want but remember it was a suicide. It's still Alec's own choice to take his life in the end. I think calling her murderous is too far even if she's aggressively bullying people.
Down with the matriarchy. Gynocentric societies will always fail.No. There are tons of women who are awesome and have their shit together. Zoe Quinn isn't representative of all or even most women; she's a lying narcissist irrespective of her gender. That's true when the mainstream press tries to turn her into their martyr for female victimhood, and it's equally true when the other side tries to demonize all women because of her. The problem is the refusal to see people as individuals, and that goes for everyone, no matter what side of the argument you fall on.
We need someone to get arrested for this #MeToo bullshit. Another Gamergate won't change anything. It didn't the last time - it only made things worse.
Now I have this narcissistic feeling where I feel women in general are not aggressive enough on tackling this notion. It's like being in a comfortable state so that's not much of actions, just indifference and ignorance.No. There are tons of women who are awesome and have their shit together. Zoe Quinn isn't representative of all or even most women; she's a lying narcissist irrespective of her gender. That's true when the mainstream press tries to turn her into their martyr for female victimhood, and it's equally true when the other side tries to demonize all women because of her. The problem is the refusal to see people as individuals, and that goes for everyone, no matter what side of the argument you fall on.
It's really difficult to parse what you are saying here. Care to give it another shot so it's more understandable? I think it might be something about women riding the shirt tails of some one "fighting for the cause" it's just not clear.Now I have this narcissistic feeling where I feel women in general are not aggressive enough on tackling this notion. It's like being in a comfortable state so that's not much of actions, just indifference and ignorance.
I hope that's not true though, for all we know men can't talk shit without being buzzword labeled.
They are all a bunch of cowards. I encourage us all to post this article on other gaming sites, they can't ignore the truthI posted this story on Destructoid earlier today. To their credit it, it stayed up for most of the day, but they decided to delete it. Really disappointed, I enjoy that site/community but it seems she's got friends in high places. The fact no gaming publication is touching this after covering the initial story and then quickly dismissing the death is really telling. Ignoring situations like this is just going to enable shitty people to do shitty things in the future because the precedent has been set.
Maybe another time, I also feel like I'm generalizing too much even from my perspective.It's really difficult to parse what you are saying here. Care to give it another shot so it's more understandable? I think it might be something about women riding the shirt tails of some one "fighting for the cause" it's just not clear.
What I want to know is what about all those "brave women reaching out and sharing thier stories" within 3 hours of Zoe Quimms tweet. So far #metoo gaming edition has provided four weak ass accusations on the first day by danger hairs that know each other and nothing else.
This "campaign" fumbled right out of the gate and now all of them are so so quiet.