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Daemon X Machina [OT] For Whom the Moon Falls



Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release date: September 13th 2019 (Worldwide)
Developer: Marvelous First Studio
Publisher: Marvelous (Japan), Nintendo (Worldwide)
Multiplayer: Yes, offline and online

Overview & Story
Defend the planet through high-speed mech action

When the moon tore apart, the sky bled red with light, ushering in an apocalyptic new age…and to survive, you must fight. As a mercenary, defend Earth through high-speed combat against corrupted robots in a series of missions from the cockpit of your Arsenal, a fully customizable mech. Equip your Arsenal with a vast array of parts and weapons, obtain more from downed enemy Arsenals, and swap them on the fly to suit your strategy in the face of ever-rising threats.

In this brand-new action game from Kenichiro Tsukuda (Armored Core) and mech designer Shoji Kawamori (Super Dimensional Fortress Macross), your environment is your ally. Collect and use Femto Energy on the field to boost your stats and create powerful mirages; or wield objects like cars and street signs as melee weapons and projectiles. For even more power, upgrade your physical combat abilities and learn new skills through body modification. It’ll also come in handy when you eject from your Arsenal and fight on foot using special weapons and abilities.

Limited Edition
Orbital Limited Edition (Europe):

Metacritic: 72
Opencritic: 75

Nintendo Enthusiast - 8,5/10
Daemon X Machina is a wonderful new IP and you wouldn’t go wrong picking it up, especially if you’re a fan of mech titles. Though it’s a little slow to start, and there are definitely things it could do better, once it picks up you’ll find high-octane action, a diverse cast of characters, and a story full of intrigue and depth. There’s nothing quite like it on the Switch that I’ve seen thus far, but I’m hoping Daemon X Machina will pave the way for more.

Nintendo Life - 7/10
At its core Daemon X Machina is a solid mech action game that controls well and gives the player a generous helping of customisation options. Its mission structure can get repetitive, and its plot is so difficult to grasp it may as well be soaked in grease, but as long as you’re willing to put up with these and get through its initially bewildering array of gauges and icons you should have a good time with it.

Official Game Trailer:

Demo Feedback Trailer:

Mission Zero:

Thanks to Komatsu Komatsu for the banner!
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Nice thread.
I was really hoping this would be good. The newest demo felt a little repetitive. Fighting other mechs wasn't as cool as I had hoped because your view of them is quite small..you are basically just shooting a dot and seeing a healthbar go down. They should have given you the option of using something to disable each other's gun and engage in close combat, or had a way to lock into 1 v 1 battle with a close up camera.

The mechs looked cool, customization looked fun, graphics are great considering it's switch. The characters are on the worse side of anime jank. Might wait for a more in depth review from mech fans before grabbing this one. Also interested in people's impressions.


Tears of Nintendo
Such a bummer there is no good and interesting story and characters in this game, but I guess games like this and Armored Core was never about that, but then again we do have really good mech games with really good story and characters, Zone of the Enders and first five Front Mission games for example just to name a few, so it definitely can be done.


I've been customizing my Mecha since Nintendo rolled the prologue demo last week, I'm ready to show it Online tomorrow.

I would really like to run a full melee build with missile pods on the shoulders but handguns hit like a truck, I'm having a hard time leaving those out of my arsenal.


Gold Member
I enjoyed what i played of the demo's and the music was fantastic, but this style of game wouldn't hold my attention for long. Super pumped for the people waiting for a mech game though!


My copy just arrived, but I still need to smash out disc 4 of FFVIII before I boot it up.

Looking forward to the spiritual return of Armored Core.
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Ulysses 31

Game starts out very rough, thought I had to manually aim but there's auto aiming in a limited screen area. Also the story is kinda all over the place with lots of characters and factions coming and going.

However once the controls get more familiar and you get the modify your gear and skills, things start to look up. :lollipop_grinning:

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Just tried the demo. It's slow to start with, but by the end I'm seeing a solid mech game. Ignoring the bad reviews -- game reviewers can't play video games for shit -- and picking it up.
Are you trying out the motion control? Seemed to make the aiming massively more responsive for me, but I'm big into Splatoon.

Motion is on 0 on default. I liked it around 7.


About 6 hours in and loving it. All in all, a 7/10 seems justified and that is a good score for a niche game.

Basically play the prologue demo. If you enjoy it, you will enjoy the full game more and you get to keep your save data as it is basically just the first chapter of the main game. If you do not like it you should probably pass on it, but you got to try it out for free.

For a game like this with everything else releasing around it, that prologue demo was an excellent decision on Nintendo's part.


Unconfirmed Member


Quick impressions so far:

The game can definitely be played full melee but you'll have to use the mirage ability a lot when fighting other Arsenals, since melee weapons are really strong most enemies die in 1 to 3 hits.

I'm about halfway through the story (I think) and yeah it is indeed shite, I'm pretty much just skipping text, I leave cutscenes though.

Online is a lot of fun especially boss battles, battles against arsenals though can get really laggy but then again I'm playing with a bunch of japanese players.

Customization is godlike, right now I'm running a sort of ninja build that heavily benefits attack speed and movement speed and only have a pair of katanas equipped and laser cannons on the shoulders, I tend to stunlock enemies to death.

BTW there's a special move when you press both triggers at the same time when dual wieding melee weapons.


Quick impressions so far:

The game can definitely be played full melee but you'll have to use the mirage ability a lot when fighting other Arsenals, since melee weapons are really strong most enemies die in 1 to 3 hits.

I'm about halfway through the story (I think) and yeah it is indeed shite, I'm pretty much just skipping text, I leave cutscenes though.

Online is a lot of fun especially boss battles, battles against arsenals though can get really laggy but then again I'm playing with a bunch of japanese players.

Customization is godlike, right now I'm running a sort of ninja build that heavily benefits attack speed and movement speed and only have a pair of katanas equipped and laser cannons on the shoulders, I tend to stunlock enemies to death.

BTW there's a special move when you press both triggers at the same time when dual wieding melee weapons.

The funny thing is there is a pretty decent foundation for some good lore to be told. The problem is they never really delve into it and stick to the basic and more shallow part of the story. Kind of lost potential in my eyes.

Oh well, at least the gameplay is a blast!


The soundtrack is amazing. Even in the tutorial section at the beginning, Inwas already channeling my inner Gundam Wing pilot.

Game runs at 720p docked, which is a tad disappointing.
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I have been playing this game for a while now, and I'm doinf Rank C mission now. The game throws some difficulty spikes around here though. I'm stuck in a mission called "Investigate Illicit Cargo", in which you have to destroy three powerful Arsenals in a strict time limit. I heard swords are powerful agains these, so I bought two swords with me, but I can still barely destroy one of the arsenals before the time runs out. Am I missing something, or are you supposed to somehow cheese this mission?


Just started DxM, wow all the customization are cool AF, totally my type of game. The gameplay is spectacular! They really nailed it.

Already hoping for sequel lol.


Writes a lot, says very little
Just started DxM, wow all the customization are cool AF, totally my type of game. The gameplay is spectacular! They really nailed it.

Already hoping for sequel lol.

Respeck. I only want like 3 or 4 games for the Switch when I pick one up for Animal Crossing and want to see how this games turns out.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Currently Rank B, and most of the missions are enjoyable. Not all that into the melee options, but it's becoming necessary with the ammo limitations to burn down the VP of multiple enemy arsenals. One thing to note about the melee weapons is that the chain attacks are timing based, so hit the trigger again as soon as the attack lands.


I currently rank C. Had my first issues with last two mission but the second try always succeded. I am really sad this game doesn't get the love it deserves!
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The nicest person on this forum
I currently rank C. Had my first issues with last two mission but the second try always succeded. I am really sad this game doesn't get the love it deserves!
Unfortunately, Japanese mecha games just not popular enough.


I think I'm about at the final boss right now. I may have to go back to some free missions to search for portable healing items, as the boss room does not have any other way to heal you Arsenal.


Completely different games by design but the combat does feel closer to Zone of the Enders than to the Armored Core series.

Story is lackluster compared to ZoE

IMO the combat is better in this game than in ZoE.
Combat better than zoe? This is a really high praise...
Zoe combat was nearly perfect.


It's mostly because you can heavily customize the Arsenals in Daemon X Machina, you just don't have that level of customization in ZoE.
I was talking more about the moment to moment gameplay.

From videos it doesn't look fast or precise like zoe but maybe it's just an impression.

Also the art design of mechs, enemies and weapons doesn't look on the same level of zoe, later i'm gonna try the demo.


I was talking more about the moment to moment gameplay.

From videos it doesn't look fast or precise like zoe but maybe it's just an impression.

Also the art design of mechs, enemies and weapons doesn't look on the same level of zoe, later i'm gonna try the demo.

Just don't expect Lock On like in ZoE and it takes time to unlock all the good stuff for combat, especially if you're going melee.
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New content is coming later this year, news from Nintendo Everything:

  • October: 1-on-1 and 2-on-2 battle modes; rankings for bounties
  • early November: three collaborations with popular franchises, adding costumes and Arsenals
  • late November: special Reclaimers for co-op mode; new weapons, armor and bosses
  • December: new Reclaimers for co-op mode; new weapons, armor and more


New content is coming later this year, news from Nintendo Everything:
Hmm, no new SP content from the sound of it :messenger_frowning_

I had a lot of fun going through the campaign, but the endgame is really lacking unless you have a switch online sub for the multiplayer. It's like hitting a brick wall if you already did the optional missions, so I would have liked to see them address that.
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Anybody pick this up on PC? I got it, but can't try it until tonight when I get home. I heard the framerate was rough on the Switch, but it's uncapped(?) on PC?


Anybody pick this up on PC? I got it, but can't try it until tonight when I get home. I heard the framerate was rough on the Switch, but it's uncapped(?) on PC?

I'll be picking it up this weekend -maybe tonight- and I'll report back.

I saw on twitter the game will have new AA solution and supports up to 240hz I believe.


I'll be picking it up this weekend -maybe tonight- and I'll report back.

I saw on twitter the game will have new AA solution and supports up to 240hz I believe.
hot dang. I was fully prepared to be let down by a 60fps hard cap. that might push me over the fence to get this game. keep us posted!


When visiting the Steam page for this it says only partial controller support which is weird seeing it was on the Switch first.
Anyone run into any problems using a controller with this game?
When visiting the Steam page for this it says only partial controller support which is weird seeing it was on the Switch first.
Anyone run into any problems using a controller with this game?

zero issues using One S controller

Just gotta have controller set up before starting game of else it won’t detect it if you plug it in after launching the game


So I put a few hours into this over the extended weekend, and had a really great time. I'm finally used to the controls and it's a lot of fun, if hectic. I think I want to play around with minimizing the HUD though, it's just too busy with the default settings.

What's the deal with the ice cream stuff? I read that you don't want to ignore it for endgame reasons, but they didn't expand on why. I'm assuming it's the stamps you get, because the buffs are like 2-3% and seem mostly worthless.
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