Dr. Claus
I've not insulted anyone. I've pointed out what's wrong with bigoted, ridiculous arguments people have made to overblow this whoal issue into some kind of weird SJW conspiracy theory when the truth is there're insecure about having Ellie as she is in the game. If you or anyone else felt but hurt about seeing what was presented as the truth you didn't wanted to believe then that's on yourselves. You wouldn't be this angry if it was just an over the top, obsurd insult, you'd just wave it off. Because of that, I'm gonna walk away from this thread knowing was right.
Have a pleasant day.
Looks like I wasn't the only one who saw through your thinly veiled bullshit.
There is a video game census study. Note that they weigh representation by number of copies sold since they are doing a study on impressions rather than what is being produced by developers, so it's slightly confounded and there's some small differences there, but probably not by that much as they show some unweighted data which has fairly small differences from the weighted data.
Compared to the US census, representation seems to massively under-represent Latinos and Native Americans, somewhat overrepresent white people but not that much, and represent Asian and Black people at the same rate as the census. So the posted image is pretty misleading here, as the actual results are more of a mixed bag.
To the surprise of no one though, there's massive under representation of women, so on the gender front, the image is correct.
Ah yes, the low citations and reputation of the journal that is published in scream to me that I have no need to pay heed to such trash. You basically pushed a journal article with the same reputation and quality in its research as former Dr. Wakefield's "Vaccines cause autism" report.
Return to me when you find one that was published in a journal of some repute and one that has some actual citations by other authors.