Still missing a few but man getting that nettle was annoying got double lucky and it was large gold crown.You got all the rare endemic life yet?
Need the jellyfish and the moles.
Rajang soon too. I just need to beat Shara first.
Still missing a few but man getting that nettle was annoying got double lucky and it was large gold crown.You got all the rare endemic life yet?
Need the jellyfish and the moles.
Rajang soon too. I just need to beat Shara first.
Don't have Iceborne yet (waiting for PC), but this is going to make the wait even harder
Don't have Iceborne yet (waiting for PC), but this is going to make the wait even harder
Anyone have any silver or gold Rath quests?
Don't worry, I already have themThis is like 3 weeks later but I have a goldrath lure
Agree, really dumb and ruins the tone.Doesn’t fit (IMO)
Which platform? Us plebs on PC still haven't gotten Iceborne yet, so there's a ton of people still in the base game, especially now leading up to the release of Iceborne. Not sure how the base game crowd is on consoles though.This is currently on sale. Is it too late in the game to get into MHW? I have been playing Dauntless an I have enjoyed it...I have never really gotten intot he Monster Hunter series.. I tried generations on switch. but i dropped it pretty quickly.
Which platform? Us plebs on PC still haven't gotten Iceborne yet, so there's a ton of people still in the base game, especially now leading up to the release of Iceborne. Not sure how the base game crowd is on consoles though.
This is currently on sale. Is it too late in the game to get into MHW? I have been playing Dauntless an I have enjoyed it...I have never really gotten intot he Monster Hunter series.. I tried generations on switch. but i dropped it pretty quickly.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I started with the glaive and then switched between it, sword and shield, bow and arrow, and charge blade. All are awesome, but this isn't the kind of game I want to get locked into a playstyle with. Too many awesome weapons to be stuck to one style.I'm unable to just stick to 1 weapon and find myself switching basically every hunt. Currently helping a buddy through the main campaign while I work through iceborne on my own and nothing has really stood out as a "main" weapon for me yet.
Are there any other altoholics out there? are there literally dozens of us?
Basically they streamlined the path to endgame from the base World. You have the "Defender" armor and weapons now which eclipse anything for their rarities and are super easy/cheap to make. Also, they got rid of a lot of higher end HR cap quests and made them optional quests now so you can go straight into Iceborne.I hate all of you.
I put over 200 hours on console with the vanilla game (even before the release of the bonus monsters) but i can't begin from zero on pc if i want to play the expansion...
This game is so fucking time consuming...
But i want to play it...
Help me...
Can you explain this with more simple terms?Basically they streamlined the path to endgame from the base World. You have the "Defender" armor and weapons now which eclipse anything for their rarities and are super easy/cheap to make. Also, they got rid of a lot of higher end HR cap quests and made them optional quests now so you can go straight into Iceborne.
Not saying it won't still take some time, but it's not that bad. I used to be PS4, but moved to PC.
Sure!Can you explain this with more simple terms?
I don't remember much from mhw and english is not my native language.
Oh yeah i remember the fucking tempered kirin to advance with the game...Sure!
About a month ago they released a set of weapons and armor named "Defender". These have high stats, only require a handful of less rare materials to make, and are extremely potent for the times you can get them. They make completing the main story very easy.
Once you complete the story, until yesterday, you had to go through a series of Hunter Rank uncap quests. These were usually very difficult fights (like Tempered Kirin), and could gate your progress. These quests are now no longer required, and have been moved to "Optional" quests so you can go directly into Iceborne.
Essentially, they added a fast forward button to the base game.
Interesting. I hadn't even been aware that there were technical issues. I built a brand new PC for Iceborne and have been playing at 4k/60FPS with no issues. I did notice that all mods are currently broken, with this notice from Reddit this morning:The PC version of Iceborne is a technical mess. The Steam forums have turned on the game, as has the review section. The range of issues being reported is funny as all hell.
As for me, the game now runs worse than it did before the update. There's some kind of weird stutter that happens every few seconds in multiplayer games, CPU usage has increased and get this: if you limit your frames via the in game limiter, you actually lose frames when certain character animations play. It's a fun minigame. Limit your fps to 60 and tap the run button. Why do you lose 1 to 5 fps when the run animation starts? Great patch, Capcom.
Probably shelving this until there's a patch or two. Hunted some of the new shit (reskins) and it's fun, but I've killed these things a few dozen times over. I wanna fight Zinogres.
On console there are hints of performance dips that weren't there before Iceborne along with what feels like double the load times from before. You spend a significant chunk of your play session loading. I don't know why Iceborne kills the game engine, but it just does.The PC version of Iceborne is a technical mess. The Steam forums have turned on the game, as has the review section. The range of issues being reported is funny as all hell.
As for me, the game now runs worse than it did before the update. There's some kind of weird stutter that happens every few seconds in multiplayer games, CPU usage has increased and get this: if you limit your frames via the in game limiter, you actually lose frames when certain character animations play. It's a fun minigame. Limit your fps to 60 and tap the run button. Why do you lose 1 to 5 fps when the run animation starts? Great patch, Capcom.
Probably shelving this until there's a patch or two. Hunted some of the new shit (reskins) and it's fun, but I've killed these things a few dozen times over. I wanna fight Zinogres.
Interesting. I hadn't even been aware that there were technical issues. I built a brand new PC for Iceborne and have been playing at 4k/60FPS with no issues. I did notice that all mods are currently broken, with this notice from Reddit this morning:
Anyone playing on PC? I caved in and bought it. Have 20 hours already. The performance jump from consoles is just so stupidly good. Load times are like 5 seconds and I'm constantly at 90+ FPS at near highest settings using a mid-range GPU. It's crazy.
I don't mind helping. I actually started a second character to play with some friends that ended up quitting, so I could join you with that one so I don't insta-kill the monsters with my MR gear. Let me know if you're up for a room sometime in the evenings.I'd love to do MP but I'm still doing base game's content. I'm actually doing all the optional quests along the way so I'm taking my sweet time getting to Iceborne stuff. Multiplayer for low ranks is incredibly dead. I hope it just means that everyone is doing Iceborne content with each other instead of multiplayer being dead and everyone soloing.
Thanks for the offer, I'll probably take you up on it once I hit Iceborne. At the moment I'm basically relearning everything cause I stopped playing on console right before Kulve Taroth came out the first time so it's been a while. That and I felt like switching weapons. Back in MHFU I played mostly LS and DB, then in Tri it was Hammer and Lance, in MHW on console I mainly used SnS and CB. With the move to PC I figured using a gunner would e nice cause of the mouse. The ammo management with keyboard shortcuts is great especially being able to easily spam an ammo crafting shortcut. That was one of the things I absolutely hate when I tried playing gunner before. I'm a bit tempted to go back to SnS cause of the new Iceborne moves but I told myself I'm going to go through the game as a gunner for a change and I plan to stick with it.I don't mind helping. I actually started a second character to play with some friends that ended up quitting, so I could join you with that one so I don't insta-kill the monsters with my MR gear. Let me know if you're up for a room sometime in the evenings.
So I've been going through the story, and I have to say, I love fighting Velkhana. She's got a mobile moveset that's punishing, but at least you can actually hit her unlike World's Narga/Barioth. Those two are a real pain in the ass to fight as almost any slower weapon.
Narga and Barioth this time have those constant "nothing personnel" *teleports behind you* moves that they just spam over and over. I get why the devs do it, it'd be really hard to properly scale difficulty for so many monsters, so they either need to give them 1 shot KO moves or make them unable to be hit except for a poke here or there. It's too rare that you get people that actually use status ailments and traps during the fight, but man when you get a group of hunters that do, it's so much fun.
I've noticed that in IB, almost every HBG player I've matched with has been just really great at the game in general. I never really tried the ranged options other than bow for my mandatory Kirin solos, I might give it a shot at some point.
I also found out last night that the PC version of IB doesn't have the layered armor from LR/HR in it yet. I was confused because they popped up the tutorial early, but there were virtually no layered sets available, now I see why. Capcom drip feeds them out. It's fine though, I've always been mostly a full set guy as far as armor goes, never got into the end-endgame where clownsuits are required. (arch tempered, etc).