Dr. Claus
Believe it or not I'm not very high up on the totem pole in my studio so I'm not privy to that information but for sure both of these consoles are at least 12 teraflop machines. One thing that keeps blowing my mind is how we are able to take destruction to the next level, if you think battlefield has good destruction just wait till you see what next-gen is going to bring!!!!
Listen I am telling you that next gen graphics are going to blow people's minds!!! The graphics look like CGI from a movie! I wish I could tell you which studio I work at but I don't want to be fired. And yes Bonnie Ross is way hotter in person!!! Though lately she's looking like an old grandma but back in 2013 she looks so gorgeous in person!!!!
Yeah 12 teraflops, why is that so hard to believe? You guys have no idea what's coming, this is going to be the Golden age in video games history, the stuff I'm seeing when I go to work everyday just blows my mind! Microsoft and Sony know what they are doing they are rolling out powerful machines and most likely will charge $600 but this is going to usher in a new era where anything can be destructible and anything can be ray-traced with ultra real textures. I really can't give anything too detailed otherwise I could get fired.

You are so full of shit that you could fill to bursting the Hirakud Dam.