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Death Stranding |OT| Keep Walking, Nothing To See Here


i thought they were tardigrades. we learned about them in astronomy class. they can live in extreme conditions. could be evidence in favor of extra-terrestrial life.
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Just maxed Windfall Farm


Returning lost cargo is definitely THE way when you need those last few points. And in the Farm’s case, they were strewn about the general vicinity of that valley/woods area. Also, MULE postboxes ALWAYS have Prepper’s lost cargo so those are good spots to hit up too when you’re at the home stretch.
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Anyone know any good Videos or so explaining the game mechanics in a nutshell?

I swear to god man... Games these days... Come home from work yesterday and just want to enjoy some gaming for a few hours and, even though I'm already a few hours in, am once again bombarded with new game mechanics, one more useless than the other. Every time I thought I was through with it the next tutorial pops up… I was like... STAHP!!!!!!!!!!! STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHPPPPPP !!

From the 4 hours I put in yesterday I feel like I've beeing told about the game's mechanics for 3 hours. Does this shit ever end in this game?


I popped that on my bag immediately hoping/thinking the same thing! Lol
I don't know how weeb is the population of this thread, but the talisman is a Teru Teru Bozu, a typical japanese talisman to keep the rain away

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Anyone know any good Videos or so explaining the game mechanics in a nutshell?

I swear to god man... Games these days... Come home from work yesterday and just want to enjoy some gaming for a few hours and, even though I'm already a few hours in, am once again bombarded with new game mechanics, one more useless than the other. Every time I thought I was through with it the next tutorial pops up… I was like... STAHP!!!!!!!!!!! STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHPPPPPP !!

From the 4 hours I put in yesterday I feel like I've beeing told about the game's mechanics for 3 hours. Does this shit ever end in this game?
This is why the first hours of the game are so slow, so that people like you don't get overloaded with information and try to ease them in the mechanics.
Can you imagine the game dumping all of it at once? I personally prefer when games don't tell me how they work and allow me to discover it by playing but i get that this is not how everybody enjoys the experience, i think that the way the game does it is pretty alright as a compromise.

Answering your question tho, go to data in the cuff's menu, there is like an encyclopedia with game tips about the systems that gets filled as you are introduced to them.

Keep on keeping on! (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
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72 hours. Chapter 5.

I’ve only fallen over and eaten shit 13 times according my stats in the Bridge Link section.

The balance game really eventually becomes a non issue. I mean it’s there, but later on after you upgrade enough, you really gotta be deliberately looking for fucked up surfaces or carelessly sprinting down a jaggy mountainside to even have a chance of it occurring.

You can tell most “reviewers” put the controller down before Chapter 3.
Yea I checked some reviews again yesterday and lmao
I really really DONT get it. Or wel.. When you see them play I dont get how so many reviewers can be so fucking bad at understanding this game? They fall over constantly, they do the most stupid shit that makes them to fall and then complain about the mechanics and how its annoying and tedious

I got to the end of chapter 14 and I'm a bit dissapointed with the timing of the CHVRES death stranding song...
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The Mario/Peach line wasn't THAT bad.

On Chapter 12 rn and put 70 hours in. Might max everything when I'm done with the game. I spent so much time on roads and I'm still not finished with them.



Well boys, I've completed Death Stranding. It was a hell of a journey and I've explored every bloody corner of the map. Want some advice for getting the platinum? Don't go for it.

During my last couple of deliveries I stumbled across this bridge:


1.6 million likes. I had to do a double take to make sure I didn't imagine it. The next most liked structure I'd seen was a bridge near the doctor's with 200,000. Not even close to this, which leads me to believe this bridge is somehow connected to almost everyone in the world who has played this game. Powerful stuff man. Like we're all connected and together and stuff. We're like, strands of rope or something. Whoa. I totally just blew my own mind.


and with that the golden porter rests for the final time.
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Gold Member
The Mario/Peach line wasn't THAT bad.

On Chapter 12 rn and put 70 hours in. Might max everything when I'm done with the game. I spent so much time on roads and I'm still not finished with them.

I beat the game last night, think I'm gonnah 5 star em all and build every gatdam road that can be built!

Edit: Does anyone know if they explain why certain months produce more DOOMS capable babies?
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1.6 million likes. I had to do a double take to make sure I didn't imagine it. The next most liked structure I'd seen was a bridge near the doctor's with 200,000. Not even close to this, which leads me to believe this bridge is somehow connected to almost everyone in the world who has played this game. Powerful stuff man. Like we're all connected and together and stuff. We're like, strands of rope or something. Whoa. I totally just blew my own mind.

You'd think out of all those people, someone levelled it up by now. If that is how it works.

Congrats on the plat. Still contemplating going for it myself. I guess finding all the memory chips and then doing all those deliveries on hard will be the main part of that.
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Am I the only one who's
delivery bot fails
every mission?
I believe it looks at the infrastructure and safety of the route. You maybe sending it to places it has trouble navigating. If it fails 100% of the time it maybe who you are sending it to, or maybe story related gating type thing, or a bug.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Is that your brigde? If so, dear god at least level up the structure.
Congratulations anw.

Pretty sure that's an online structure, and I'm leaning towards believing that there's some sort of restriction on online structures appearing at higher than lvl 1 in other people's games.

For example, I've frequently come across other people's zip-line towers that are situated too far apart to connect at lvl 1. However at lvl2 (after I upgraded them) its a whole other story.


Pretty sure that's an online structure, and I'm leaning towards believing that there's some sort of restriction on online structures appearing at higher than lvl 1 in other people's games.

For example, I've frequently come across other people's zip-line towers that are situated too far apart to connect at lvl 1. However at lvl2 (after I upgraded them) its a whole other story.
Well, at least it not yours. MULE camps have tons of materials for doing so.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Just saying, I've encountered other players safe houses at up lvl 3, generators, shelters, and watchtowers too. But I'm pretty certain I've never seen someone elses zip-line at greater than lvl 1, and I'm not entirely certain if bridges aren't the same.

The point is though, if I see two zip-lines built by the same person ~350m apart (sweet spot for lvl 2, no link at lvl 1) I'm calling shenanigans on me getting them in the same state as in their world. It doesn't make sense. Of course I can upgrade/repair them, but that's not the point!
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think ive completed all roads i can find, and have been pushing on to chapter 9. already been like "woah" a number of times. this is really awesome.

the city full of hovering whatever the hell those are is pretty awesome, quite a cool gauntlet to try to work through. guess i should just bring a few handguns?

i had a moment earlier, i was walking across a balcony and came to realize i had bypassed a ton of jelly and only needed to drop down from the 2 story building to pull a short cut. pulled out an anchor, laid it down, released the rope, climbed on top the ledge, grabbed the rope, then rappelled down the building. in that moment i felt like Solid Snake. that's totally something he would do in one of his games.

its funny, this game has a lot of things in common with Metal Gear, even though it is doing it's own thing for the most part. here i am once again on an infiltration mission, stealth is of the utmost importance, and i use futuristic gear designed by male & female scientists, as i follow the possibly deluded hopes of a Christlike mother figure/war hero/POTUS, trying to build a new kind of nation, all the while seeing all this spooky sci fi and horror shit go down. ahhhh. FEELS LIKE OLD TIMES.
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Pretty sure that's an online structure, and I'm leaning towards believing that there's some sort of restriction on online structures appearing at higher than lvl 1 in other people's games.

For example, I've frequently come across other people's zip-line towers that are situated too far apart to connect at lvl 1. However at lvl2 (after I upgraded them) its a whole other story.
There is a "bridge" level in your stats, it states in the game that is something like the "likelihood to encounter other players structures" i'm paraphrasing but i think i might be one of the factors in how the system works.


This game needs a leaderboard. Like the fastest porter,etc.

For example you choose a delivery and the game shows you the best, most fastest result achieved by some other player, and you can try and beat it.

I think it would basically add infinite replayability

And a hardcore difficulty would be sweet too. I'm looking forward to all the mods the pc crowds gonna produce, if the engine allows
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Hold the Circle button to get into a resting position. Then press the touch button to start whistling the BB's theme and continue pressing it when necessary. You can equip a harmonica if you have it and do the same.

Jesus, you get a harmonica too?

This game rules


Wait, so if I just hold circle while standing still, I’ll sit and rest?

Whenever it’s occurred it’s cause I’ve just been idly standing around.


So i had to deliver my third pizza and suddenly i also had to deliver mama, i said fuck it, why not doing both at the same time....what a trip, what a long trip to be more precise.
I edited a small video about it (this would be chapter 5 small spoilers)
It's edited but it was a really fucking long trip and eventfull.
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anybody figure out a solid method to get floating carriers follow you on a ladder? feel like this was my biggest struggle. for a while they would jump up on me when i pressed "(square) grab" but then they stopped following me. so i started using "(x) jump" and that started working. until it didn't! are there some kind of rules to this? maybe it can't be too vertical...


anybody figure out a solid method to get floating carriers follow you on a ladder? feel like this was my biggest struggle. for a while they would jump up on me when i pressed "(square) grab" but then they stopped following me. so i started using "(x) jump" and that started working. until it didn't! are there some kind of rules to this? maybe it can't be too vertical...

Floating carriers can only follow you through a ladder if the ladder's angle is horizontal enough. If it isn't, the strand will always stretch and break. For ladders that are horizontal enough, all you gotta do is walk onto the ladder and the floating carriers will follow you automatically. No input necessary!

PSA: You can grab ropes mid-air. This has helped me more than once, so I guess I should spread the word.
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I’ve not once used the floating carriers aside from the mission where they’re introduced. I think it’s definitely a cool option, but why bother when you have a truck readily available?


I’ve not once used the floating carriers aside from the mission where they’re introduced. I think it’s definitely a cool option, but why bother when you have a truck readily available?

Sometimes, the terrain is absolutely abysmal to try and get a truck through. So I'll use them if I need to haul a heavy load on foot through a mountain or something.


So they never get snagged on rocks or jagged terrain?
In my experience, they mostly don't. It would have to be a very specific corner of the map for it to happen. In general, they simply stay at a distance from the ground. Even if it's rocky, irregular terrain.
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