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Death Stranding |OT| Keep Walking, Nothing To See Here


Man, I was so accustomed to driving my truck around every which way. I must’ve been using this thing for 15+ hours. My Chiral boots have been in near perfect shape all this time. It was great! Almost always scoring Legend of Legends ranks for deliveries. Easy peasy awesomesauce!

Then I get the pizza delivery order all the way down in Windfall Farm where it’s ABSOLUTELY necessary to carry that champagne BY HAND.

And I had to travel alllll the way up north to Peter whats-his-name’s shelter a little beyond where the Craftsman resides 😬

Now THAT was a fucking adventure. Really took the time to plot my route out. Took appropriate tools just in case (NL rifle, a single PCC, a ladder and a rope and some blood bags) strapped on the speed skeleton and off I went!

I hadnt taken on such a long distance on foot since probably the beginning of the game and it was refreshing as hell. Sneaking through MULE territory using the Odradek to reverse ping their signals never gets old. And yes of course I rob their postboxes along the way. I don’t fall for that hologram rock bullshit!
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Is this a bug, i have 360 bandwith for some reason in chapter 8. I have almost five stars with geologist and other ppl in the area and cant build anything. I built some zip lines but not enought to spent all the bandwith

Anyone encountered something like that?
Part of the story, gonna have to do witouth it for a little bit :)


Anyone else load up with 3 or 4 non-lethal assault rifles, head to a MULE camp for a job, and then start seeing that dead body icon and realized OH FUCK I FABBED ACTUAL ASSAULT RIFLES BY MISTAKE FUCK FUCK FUCK.

When I was finishing up for the plat I managed to do that 2 or 3 times.
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okay what the actual fuck.. Nearly finished the game
I'm 100% convinced most media outlets did not get to the ending of this game because holy fuck
Why did Tommie Earl Jenkins not get the nomination? His performance in this game at the end holy shit, so goood
Its so much more performance then Mads or Sam
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Ahh I can’t be doing with this game anymore. It has not clicked with me. I kept playing in half an hour bursts trying to reach a point where I might be excited to continue from, but never found that point and deleted the game this afternoon.. For my personal taste in games I just feel it’s not time well spent. I will watch the story on YouTube.

I need to be more strict with myself in the future and pass on the games that I’m unsure of. It’s a shame you can’t gift titles on PS4 as I’d happily give my version away to somebody eager to try it.


Ahh I can’t be doing with this game anymore. It has not clicked with me. I kept playing in half an hour bursts trying to reach a point where I might be excited to continue from, but never found that point and deleted the game this afternoon.. For my personal taste in games I just feel it’s not time well spent. I will watch the story on YouTube.

I need to be more strict with myself in the future and pass on the games that I’m unsure of. It’s a shame you can’t gift titles on PS4 as I’d happily give my version away to somebody eager to try it.

This is a game not meant for 1/2 hour burst play sessions so that’s problem #1 right there.


This is a game not meant for 1/2 hour burst play sessions so that’s problem #1 right there.

I get that in the sense of I have my own preferred games that I can’t put down. I was quite enjoying the story of the game, and I really love the MGS games. It’s just the game play loop that I ended up disliking. And with that, perhaps also the pace.


Some games like Skyrim have done part of it, with encumbrance once you go past a certain number on weight. It’s still ridiculously unrealistic, though.
yeah but you can still hold dozens of swords, potions, etc. and the items are never physically displayed on your character. item encumbrance has been done in many games, mostly RPGs, but im trying to think of any game that visually showed every item you have while you are controlling the main player avatar. at best a game may show the sidearm you have kept on your back or something, but nobody really goes all-in like DS, where every thing you carry is shown on the character.


Got a new whip. Loaded it up. These long distance trucks, boy. Look at that battery gauge! 😮




Shame there is no photo mode because damn... Some parts of the game are so photorealistic.

They really adress the problem with water detail of Horizon Zero Dawn.

I haven't played Horizon in a while but I think it has better draw distance.

Would love to see DS on next gen with no fogging and just check out the scenery for miles.


I haven't played Horizon in a while but I think it has better draw distance.

Would love to see DS on next gen with no fogging and just check out the scenery for miles.
In the othet hand Horizon Zero Dawn don't have first person mode and zoom. Thats why is so easy to spot draw distance problems on Death Stranding.


Can’t Git Gud
okay what the actual fuck.. Nearly finished the game
I'm 100% convinced most media outlets did not get to the ending of this game because holy fuck
Why did Tommie Earl Jenkins not get the nomination? His performance in this game at the end holy shit, so goood
Its so much more performance then Mads or Sam
SEriously. Die Hardman last scene is freaking incredible. And it's the best looking ingame realtime face I've ever seen in a video game.
The whole game just looks photo realistic at times. pretty amazing


wow Kojima.. This is bold man.
I thought the game was over when the credits rolled for the first time.. Boy was I in for a suprise.. Dam, the story gets so freaking awesome anso many puzzles start to fall in one place. I love it.
Ok I dont like or understand certain parts but others are just WOW
The game sure is rewarding to those who get to the ending

I really think not many people actually get to certain chapters lol
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Ok Kojima must be trolling
like this shitty boss with weak spots in chapter 9 and then downright 4th wall breaking hilarity with Higgs. The boss battle with the huge BT from the trailer was absolute shit as if designed by someone else. At this point i'm almost 100% sure they were imposed by higher ups from Sony. They play like something that was hastily put together, completely out of place and cheap.


still kinda disappointed there were not much cthulhu mythos references in the final game, was really looking forward to a more horror-esque angle based on the early trailers. but love the game and liberal sprinkling of kojima-isms.



Disappointing that such an otherwise intelligent man, has lapsed into such surface level, hugbox, anti-intellectual bullshit.

Yes, Kojima, protecting your borders from people seeking to abuse them like no other place in the world, is bad. Yes, Kojima, an immigrant can never cross a border wall again for a vacation to see family and friends. Yes, Kojima, we don’t take care of our legal immigrants the exact same way we take care of our natural-born citizens. 🙄

At least the rest of the game is quite profound, intellectual, and interesting.


Just watched an in depth feature on the entire story of the game. No spoilers here. Definitely took twists I was not expecting and seemed like a crazy ride. It’s a shame the core game never clicked with me.


Looks like we're near the same progress (Ch. 5) in the game. I am so addicted to 5 starring outposts that I am snailing through the story.

What hurts this game are the first two chapters because you have nothing but your feet and some cargo that makes you clumsy, along with micromanaging. Like many have said, Chapter 3 is when the game opens up. My advice to anyone in that situation is to focus only on the main deliveries. I was not pleased after about 5 hours of being a UPS delivery guy, but I chugged through it because I wanted to be wrong - and man was I wrong! This game keeps on giving, so muscle through the first 2 chapters as fast as you can to avoid being turned off by it's slow pace.


Looks like we're near the same progress (Ch. 5) in the game. I am so addicted to 5 starring outposts that I am snailing through the story.

What hurts this game are the first two chapters because you have nothing but your feet and some cargo that makes you clumsy, along with micromanaging. Like many have said, Chapter 3 is when the game opens up. My advice to anyone in that situation is to focus only on the main deliveries. I was not pleased after about 5 hours of being a UPS delivery guy, but I chugged through it because I wanted to be wrong - and man was I wrong! This game keeps on giving, so muscle through the first 2 chapters as fast as you can to avoid being turned off by it's slow pace.

Im actually going to venture back to that first area today to five star everyone there! Should be much more doable now with a truck and an arsenal!

Edit: Does anyone have any idea where the final missions are to max out the Cosplayer? I have a smidgeon of that final star to fill in
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Disappointing that such an otherwise intelligent man, has lapsed into such surface level, hugbox, anti-intellectual bullshit.
feel like you are confusing the opinions of a single character in the game with those of the director. it makes sense that preppers in a post apocalyptic setting would be anti gov't. it's not like this is every prepper, just this one guy.


feel like you are confusing the opinions of a single character in the game with those of the director. it makes sense that preppers in a post apocalyptic setting would be anti gov't. it's not like this is every prepper, just this one guy.

He hinted at it in an interview as well. It was a bit roughly translated, but the sentiment was there.

Moreover, every single thing in this game exists to further Kojima’s worldview. Any briefly dissenting characters with their own opinions, are quickly convinced and made conformant with that worldview, or are outright irredeemable villains.

This isn’t the type of game where we see both sides, and all kinds of individualistic characters and views. For example, there’s a lot to be said that connection can be bad, but the game doesn’t really present that as a competing worldview.

It’s thoroughly Hideo Kojima’s artistic statement on how the world should be. I like that a lot. It’s just that this particular email and expression of it, is the dumbest, most ill-researched thing, and deserves to be called out.

Making modern political stances like this in games, based on falsehoods, is the most cowardly thing. It’s a setting where nobody can call you out on your bullshit, and impressionable minds think, ‘Hey, this made it into a super-important game/movie. It must be true.’ If something like this is to be placed in a game, at least represent things honestly, or know what you’re talking about.
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Making modern political stances like this in games, based on falsehoods, is the most cowardly thing.
this is silly. the game features the POTUS in the very first mission. the entire game is about America. why are you seriously demanding no political discussions be featured? it is part of the game, face it. it looks at a near future America after an extinction event. the entire game is about meeting preppers and people who live OFF THE GRID. of course there are going to be discussions in there about border control. pretty sure this one person is the only time in the game they even mention it.

honestly i don't even understand what is supposed to be so upsetting about that speech. he was born on the other side of the wall, so he was an immigrant. he mentions a president that wanted to build a wall. OMG! should he be banned from referencing the real world? i don't get it.

Kojima was born not in America, yet he makes games about America, and he is an immigrant. that is part of the Elder's letter, so i can see that. he talks about a social contract, and eventually goes along with the UCA, so if "Countries are bullshit" is the part you are upset about, it isn't even a stance the character holds the entire time. it's a view he used to have before deciding to join on, thanks to the example of your hard work. again, this stuff is coming from a prepper living off the grid in a post apocalyptic world, describing his embittered youth. you have to read this stuff in context. have some perspective, man.
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this is silly. the game features the POTUS in the very first mission.

A fictional POTUS has nothing to do with real world politics. Unless you consider ‘Bad Dudes’ on NES, Sonic Adventure, and a thousand others, to be modern political statements. Argue honestly.

the entire game is about America. why are you seriously demanding no political discussions be featured?

Who said this? Who you talking to? Who’s demanding? Perhaps you should reread, and specifically check the falsehood part, versus arguing against the person in your head.

it is part of the game, face it. it looks at a near future America after an extinction event. the entire game is about meeting preppers and people who live OFF THE GRID. of course there are going to be discussions in there about border control.

Sure, a TDS-ridden email of falsehoods that’s jarringly tonally dissonant with the fantasy of the rest of the game, where modern events are almost never mentioned, is part of the game. What in the world do preppers have to do with borders?

honestly i don't even understand what is supposed to be so upsetting about that speech. he was born on the other side of the wall, so he was an immigrant. he mentions a president that wanted to build a wall. OMG! should he be banned from referencing the real world? i don't get it.

One, he’s not real. Two, neither are the points Kojima makes. You know that though, hence the specious arguments

Kojima was born not in America, yet he makes games about America, and he is an immigrant.

Kojima is not a US citizen.

so if "Countries are bullshit" is the part you are upset about

You should read my posts instead of arguing against the person in your head.

it isn't even a stance the character holds the entire time. it's a view he used to have before deciding to join on, thanks to the example of your hard work. again, this stuff is coming from a prepper living off the grid in a post apocalyptic world, describing his embittered youth.

These are his final thoughts, after winning him over.

you have to read this stuff in context.

I have. Have you? Or my posts?

have some perspective

The ridiculously fawning posts you’ve made all throughout this thread, tell a story as to who lacks perspective. Props for the Kojima love, though. He’s a wonderful artist. You’re just going overboard.


Lots of love Phone, but nothing pisses me off like having my argument misrepresented.
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Anyway, I’ve made my point, personally, even if others are still interested in this part of the game. I personally want to talk and read more about the rest of DS, so I’m going to quote somebody who needs help.

Im actually going to venture back to that first area today to five star everyone there! Should be much more doable now with a truck and an arsenal!

Edit: Does anyone have any idea where the final missions are to max out the Cosplayer? I have a smidgeon of that final star to fill in


Didn’t think that email would generate such discussion lol

I just thought it was funny considering the times we’re living in. Those emails are always well written no matter what the subject matter is.


Didn’t think that email would generate such discussion lol

I just thought it was funny considering the times we’re living in. Those emails are always well written no matter what the subject matter is.

I thought it was a good addition to the thread. Don’t agree with it, but it’s presence was definitely worth talking about.

I really love the rest of the emails as well. Stuff like this in games, my eyes glaze over after a few lines, but there’s so much personality in these. It’s just totally fun to sit down and read fictional emails, for whatever reason.

I feel like it really helps form a permanent connection to the people you meet along the way, which is, of course, what the game is all about.


Gold Member
Nice dude. My whole goal for today’s session was to get to that original starting zone.

Instead I’ve been caught up doing deliveries for the collector, cosplayer and weather guy 😬

The star collection gets really addicting 😣

I got locked in a loop for a long time goin distro center - weather station - timefall farm - junk dealer - chiral artist - film guy - cosplay - repeat

Just a delivery man and his truck lol
Whoever designed the cosplayer to live in that lil valley of no return for vehicles though is a dick


Beat the game, good ol' Thanksgiving gave me the time I needed. I spent 51 hours playing per the in game timer, which is probably accurate.

I would personally give the game a 3/5 review score, I like using a 5 point scale (1 - shit, 2 - bad, 3 - neutral, 4 - good, 5 - superb). In other words, I feel like Death Stranding is a take it or leave it game.

Although there are many great elements of the game, the negative parts of the game are pretty equally strong. Death Stranding is going to go down in history as one of the most polarizing games of all time, with those who adore it, and those who call it complete trash, and both will be right.

Loved -

  • Environments - Incredibly organic in feel and appearance, and one of my favorite aspects of the game.
  • Sam/BB - I really enjoyed the relationship that these two had throughout the game, and it was one of the few reasons I kept playing.
  • Mads Mikkelson - Loved his character and really wished we had seen more of his character as well.
  • Music - The OST is an all-time great in terms of how it's used, even if many songs aren't all that memorable. I enjoyed how music kicks in towards the end of many orders, somewhat like RDR when you cross over into Mexico. Just you and the environment.
  • Progression - Building up your ranking is handled really well. Even though you won't necessarily get amazing upgrades, the compulsion to get 5 stars is real.
  • Building - Producing a network of roads, ziplines, private rooms, and more is satisfying in terms of how it helps other players as well as yourself.
  • Sharing - Along those lines, over time it's hard not to want to help others more, since the work of others helps make your own life significantly easier. It's a great trickle-down effect that successfully increases player engagement.

Mixed -

  • Traversal - Boring at times, even annoying, but without it you'll never appreciate many of the gameplay concepts or emotional moments.
  • BT's - Scary at first, they became more of an annoyance because they slow progress down.
  • Vehicles - Love how they make things faster, but their controls are sometimes infuriating.
  • MULEs - I feel like more could have been accomplished with MULEs, especially in terms of storytelling. Although it was fun to sneak past them or into their camps, they lacked depth.
  • Boss Battles - They're not bad, but they're not incredible either.

Hates -

  • Amelie - I hated her from the beginning, her red dress just bothered me because it never fit in. I understand that was sort of the point, but how she talked drove me nuts as well. I know that Sam is supposed to have a strong relationship with her that drives the story, but I never got that impression.
  • Exposition - Constant text dumps after every delivery, and explanations that then get re-explained again, and again, and again.
  • Explanations - I almost completely checked out of the story of why there was the Death Stranding right around when I met Heartman. Although some plot threads were still great to see to the end, I stopped giving a shit about the main crisis.

I know that's not a lot of hates vs. loves for me, but story in this game is a major element, and when the exposition is lacking it can take a lot of wind out of the sails. When there's not enough interest in seeing what's next, it's tough to want to continue in a slow-moving game like Death Stranding. And that's the biggest problem, if the story that Kojima is trying to tell isn't landing with players, and if they don't have patience to see how it plays out, this game is a monstrous turd. Those are two rather large obstacles, because the majority of gamers have been trained to receive instant gratification, whether or not story is good or even exists. Additionally, with a Kojima game, players need to be able to suspend disbelief in order to buy in.

I'm glad the game has sold well, but a big part of me is hoping for something a bit more traditional from Kojima next time. I replayed MGS a few months ago and it was just as meaningful to me now as 20 years ago. I have zero interest in ever revisiting Death Stranding, so much so that it is one of the few games that I have expunged from my collection. I sold it for cheap because I want someone to be able to enjoy it more than I did. It was still an interesting gaming experience I won't forget.


I got locked in a loop for a long time goin distro center - weather station - timefall farm - junk dealer - chiral artist - film guy - cosplay - repeat

Just a delivery man and his truck lol
Whoever designed the cosplayer to live in that lil valley of no return for vehicles though is a dick
First thing I did when going to the cosplayer was to make a fast route from the highway. I installed a couple ropes for fast descend and some ladders for fast climbing up, after mama I just integrated that shelter into my zip line network, it was completely worth it in my eyes.


Gold Member
Hates -

  • Amelie - I hated her from the beginning, her red dress just bothered me because it never fit in. I understand that was sort of the point, but how she talked drove me nuts as well. I know that Sam is supposed to have a strong relationship with her that drives the story, but I never got that impression.

Oh my god so much this! From the very start that ugly bitch is nagging sam non stop, and kojima felt the need to zoom in on her face ALL the time! And that dumb red dress that just showed how fuckin bony she was. Ugh I could go on and on but if he wanted us to care about the story he would've made their relationship better, less "moar connections sam!"

I'm nearing the end and I think I love the game, hate the story

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Disappointing that such an otherwise intelligent man, has lapsed into such surface level, hugbox, anti-intellectual bullshit.

Yes, Kojima, protecting your borders from people seeking to abuse them like no other place in the world, is bad. Yes, Kojima, an immigrant can never cross a border wall again for a vacation to see family and friends. Yes, Kojima, we don’t take care of our legal immigrants the exact same way we take care of our natural-born citizens. 🙄

At least the rest of the game is quite profound, intellectual, and interesting.

Kojima is just a Japanese dude making games about the things he cares about. This one is about bringing people together. He probably has a fairly surface level understanding of the US-Mexico border situation and Brexit. I would be surprised if he is familiar with the nuance of everything. He likely just sees them as contemporary issues that exemplify some of the themes he wants to touch on in Death Stranding, which focuses on how we mustn't build walls and shut each other out, but build bridges and reconnect.
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