I m a Nintendo fan since the NES and GameBoy and after the WiiU - a POWERFUL (hear this people, POWERFUL) hardware for the time of released - i could not care less with the WiiU + called the Switch. It plays the same games than the WiiU and they are mostly the same, still has some horrible controllers, is too weak to push new ideas, and worse... it's not even a home console! But i'm the minority (but not the only one).
Ultra hardcore fans (aka and let's be clear, the toxic ones claming like babies all over the web "we alllll have to buy Nintendo whatever they do so Nintendo can make money" imagine Jim Sterling getting crazy for the voice - so glad i'm not anymore in this community) will claim that after Star Fox Zero ("so great and perfect, buy it to support Nintendo") , Witcher 3 Switch is the best thing on earth... i played the game on X and Pro and there is no way i'm gonna punish myself with the Switch version.
Oh and the Nintentrolls were the ones laughing at Sony face cause a lot of Vita games were not at 540p.
Those Nintentrolls are also the ones rewriting history. Just check Nintendo ads for NES, SNES, N64,.GC... it's all about power. The WiiU was POWERFUL. The only one to break this narative is the Wii.
But now and just like SEGA, Nintendo is out of the home market and it'll take like 15 or more years to make the jump to 4k. The Switch is a hybrid (like the PSP or Nomad), not a home console whatever Nintentrolls say.
At this point, i don't see the point in bringing Nintendo on the table. They will NEVER make the jump to ultra SSD drives, NEVER to 10 TFLOPS... they are still cluless on how to run and what to do with online services in 2019... paying to save in the clouds... and are trashing their controllers hadware after hardware, when there was a time they were the king of controllers.
Man, give me some member berries and let's go back to Sony and MS .