And this is the part about the whole speculation phase of what these new consoles can do that we should own and not run away from. Even if you are going to own both, just one, or even if you are determined to own one regardless of if the other is better (which obviously clearly many here with their minds made up are prepared to do for a variety of reasons), we all in some fashion care which is stronger.
Do I care which is stronger between these two systems? Hell yes i do.
Will which is stronger determine which is likely to be my biggest priority to buy first? Nope. The games, especially what's coming at launch, the eco-system and services already decided that for me.
Do I have a preference of which I would like to be stronger? Again, hell yes I do, as do many others I'm sure. Even if people say they don't, you can tell by what they post that they have some preference one way or the other.
Do I want one to be so ridiculously outgunned that fans of the superior system crap on the system and fans of that system day in and day out for their own personal amusement? Nope, because that's not what gaming is all about. Both sides should enjoy where they choose to game without constantly being dumped on for it. That doesn't mean I won't watch the chaos, or even take my just lumps if I end up on the short end of the stick, knowing full well that there's nothing wrong with my gaming platform of preference. It's all just fun and videogames in the end.
So with all that said, winning is winning!