Im not going to put more fuel in to the fire as I already stated what I felt was needed.
So you cant admit that you are wrong?
I could state that "earth is flat, I already stated what I felt was needed" and it would just make me an asshole with zero knowledge and even after that this would look like I think I am right. Saying that I told already what I felt is just fucking lazy and kind of says "I cant defend my arguments or admit that I am wrong" as feeling should have zero impact on these things
Games can be ported, yes.
But next gen will be much different just because the level of bandwith with ssd = if game is made from ground up that in mind, porting it to slow ass current gen just isnt that easy/possible.
Lets say that next gen game can have "10000x10000" world size and current gen game can have "100x100"
So how do you take advance of that next gen world size, if you have to think about fitting old gen world size too?
Point is: making game run on old limited hardware AND new hardware WILL equal into more limitations than making the game only for new hardware.
If someone doesn't get that, they are morons.
Switch is actually good example:
There arent any games that are made for switch and then ported for ps4/one that would really take advantage of the specs.
Witcher 3 barely runs on switch, looks like shit and IF witcher 3 would have been made originally switch in mind, it could/would be worse than what we got.
Talking about downporting existing games isnt the same thing as making game from ground up for old+new systems from the begining