
Eurogamer: No Recommendation
Unable to combine the best of two beloved series, this JRPG can't really find its focus.
Metro GameCentral: 7/10
It doesn't have the depth of standalone Persona and Fire Emblem games, but this is a fun crossover that will please followers of both, and Japanese role-playing fans in general.
USgamer: 4/5
Whatever you think of port-begging, it's justified with Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore. Not only does #FE Encore give us a chance to play a great game that was overlooked on the Wii U, but it also adds a new dungeon, new songs, and content that was previously DLC. A lot of new Persona fans have been minted since #FE's initial release in 2015, and this is one song they should all enjoy.
TheSixthAxis: 9/10
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore feels particularly timely. The world hasn't been the brightest, most hopeful place in recent years, but leading a team of cheerful, committed teen pop idols against demonic entities makes it feel that much brighter. This is a game that's dedicated to hope for the future, and that creativity is an integral component of that. I'm willing to believe them too.
God is a Geek: 8.5/10
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is a fantastic JRPG that could have been better technically and when it comes to localisation.
Wccftech: 8.2/10
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore is definitely the definitive version of the game - who needs the Wii U GamePad, anyway? JRPG fans and those who love idol culture will find a lot to love here, but this certainly won't convert anyone who hasn't liked JRPGs in the past, like Persona 5 and other games might. A great title to have in your Nintendo Switch library.
DualShockers: 9/10
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is a one-of-a-kind JRPG that has found a new home on the Nintendo Switch.
Press Start: 6/10
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore features some much-needed quality of life improvements, as well as a strong opening and novel combat. But, ultimately, tedious dungeon design and unrefined boss battles that plagued the original remain and prevent Encore from being the improvement it could be.
Twinfinite: 4/5
While I never found myself all that engaged by the story or its characters –both integral parts in an RPG– I did enjoy the little interludes in between main missions. There are catchy song performances and music videos to bop to, along with cutesy outfits to put on your characters as you progress further.
COGconnected: 76/100
If you must prepare for this game, then prepare to be exhausted, elated, and energized. I found the Persona/Fire Emblem mix to be a bit unbalanced for my tastes, with too much tough and not quite enough touching. Still, under the layers of glitter, music, and misery, there’s a rock-solid JRPG to be found. If any of these disparate ingredients caught your eye, then Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore will almost certainly keep you hooked.
OpenCritic: 82

MetaCritic: 79

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