Sadly, as soon as Bill posts that console A is faster than console B, in any area, some neck beard somewhere will get his knickers in a twist

It then gets worse when Ben posts that actually it’s the other way around

This sort of discussion is great though, because it exposes how little the general public understand it all.
I’m happy as long as both consoles are on par with each other and one doesn’t have a massive edge. The SSD “edge” that people are on about is nothing to be concerned about, it’s a fanboy bullet point. The other stuff seems to be pretty much on par, and a difference of 5-10% of anything may as well be a fart in the wind. It would be really bad for everybody if one console was far better than the other.
*does thing*
*gets caught doing thing*
*evidence shows that thing was done*
*says didn’t do thing, calls it a witch hunt*
To be fair that’s only directed at one “insider” here