Here are the 9 games being featured this year:

• Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
• Tekken 7
• Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition
• Dragon Ball FighterZ
• Samurai Shodown
• GranBlue Fantasy Versus
• Soul Calibur 6
• Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Eight player invitational)
With MK out this is the first time since 2010 that there won't be at least one western-developed fighting game headlining the tournament.
There are eight main games and then a special eight-person Marvel vs. Capcom 2 tournament featuring four MvC2 EVO champs including IFC|Yipes, Justin Wong, Duc Do, and Sanford Kelly and four additional players who will be determined at a later date. You can now register for the event right here.
MvC2 Invitational for the 20th anniversary is going to be sick, can't wait for that.
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