I hear tht hot shit you talking but there's stats out there on failure rates lol and ps3 nor Vita had high ones. Secondly I don't know what kind of knock off you got but my Vita and ps3 last years with constant play daily (I game for hours a day). Only reason my Vita broke was bcus I stepped on it on a drunken night, my ps3 trooped like 6 years of constant play
Speak for yourself but tht wasnt my experience at all
BTW ps4 same shit my og just died like two months ago
Ps1 and 2 were always shit .
You have no clue then maybe you didnt own one.
I had a fat60 gig ps3 from day one.
It died 6 years in . Got the yellow light.
Hit me by surpise but yes it broke.
You think i make this up?
I still have it. You want me to send a pic of it?
Replaced it with a ps3 slim. The first one not the ugly top loader one. That i still have mainly for demons souls.
I dont talk out of my ass noir am i some sad xbox fan talking shit about other product.
This is what happened to me , this is my story deal with it.
I had a ps one since 1995.
I started with 2600 in 84 .
I owned several consoles .
And with confidence i tell you sony co soles where always crap. psone died 3 months in . Replaced under warranty. Died again. Ps2 fuck man died every year till i got the slim.
Ps3 lasted 6 years. Finally though this thing is magic. Nope died at the hight of my gaming phase where i had all day to play.