But if this money spent on BC is going to be in fact, one of the 'fastest transition' selling points, then that's investment with guaranteed return, and will not interfere in any other areas.
Many people sell, or trade for, the older system to buy a new one (for many reasons) im one of them. Didn't do it with my ps3 for obvious reasons lol, but is dead on me for sometime and gathering dust, because if ps5 is full BC and don't want to spend more money on it (it's my 3rd ps3 lol).
Could these problems be related to lower voltage?
American appliances run on 110 volts, while European appliances are 220 volts. If you see a range of voltages printed on the item or its plug (such as "110–220"), you're OK in Europe.

Electric Europe: Adapters and Converters

PAL vs NTSC used to be a thing during the PS1 era, at least. The matter is not that the console would need all of that, but when you run lots of electrics consuming the available power at your house could that cause a power shortage for even seconds or milliseconds? And what effects can that do to the system? I remember back when I was in the US if we run many devices at the same apartment (not the case when we moved to a house) we noticed lights getting slightly dimmer.
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