“As fast as possible”.....as in, using their PSN and users’ digital games and cloud stuff, the transition will be much smoother, that’s what they meant, they didn’t mean that it will be a cheap console like PS4 at $400.
And it seems like you turn the blind eye and ignore when Sony said that the PlayStation 5 is for “hardcore gamers who obsess over the latest graphical and technology features” and that it is going to be made primarily for the “highest-end graphics” as Sony told Wall Street Journal in June of 2019, not to mention the specs that they have announced so far are very next-gen looking, but you will spin everything to fit your agenda of course and say that Sony is focusing for the $400 when NONE of what they said points to that.
Here is the Wall Street Journal news:
Sony’s next-generation PlayStation is still more than a year away, but its marketing strategy against newcomers like Google is already clear: Focus on hard-core gamers who obsess over the latest features.