Shouldn't be a shock to anyone. A lot of companies are restricting travel to and from Asian regions, whether or not they have the Coronavirus active there. Also seems to me that a lot of Asian countries react VERY STRONGLY to any disease. Seem to see a lot of video and pictures from there in just about any given year where lots of people are wearing masks, etc., even WITHOUT some big public bug like we have right now. I've wondered if that was a cultural thing- more aversion to germs for example, or if it's simply a reaction to those areas where there are tons of people in crowds so people try to safeguard their health in general?
Either way, not a shock. Until this Corona virus is gone or at least not increasing in scope of infection, I expect more of the same. I believe this is also driving the memory 'shortages' and other component issues the tech field is experiencing. Plus, don't forget that a lot of manufacturing shifted from China to other countries like Taiwan and Vietnam over the past year due in large part to the tariffs put on Chinese goods. Those shifts come at a price and impact and a lot of those other markets aren't quite up to the task of providing exactly what China did. I don't think those shifts are really what's impacting Sony and MS as far as consoles go though...for them it's probably delays in production due to the virus in China. Time will tell!
Edit: IN NO WAY am I trying to cast any aspersion on asians or asian culture. Just wondering aloud about seeing those different kinds of pictures on a regular basis. Plus, China has reacted VERY STRONGLY to this bug and for something that's supposedly only as dangerous as the regular seems like overkill. So it makes me wonder and simply wonder if there are cultural/societal differences at play. That is all!
Yup, AMD been doing it for a while making the chips in Taiwan, plus ASUS is a Taiwanese company as I recall. Let's hope the virus is dealt with for the sake of souls first.

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