Isn't always "convenient" how these Reddit and 4Chan leaks keep popping up giving these oddly convenient dates and oddly convenient specifications, and somehow also give a detail that gives away them more or less being fake?
People are questioning these leaks because they conveniently keep coming around anytime there is actual information from Microsoft in regards their next-gen system, always show up in dubious places, still don't have any hard data or proof of actual chips or products that've been discovered fitting their specifications, and tend to have errors in the specifications that give them away.
Here's an example of that specification error I was talking about: 565 GB/s bandwidth. Wait, WHAT?!? xD. This person does realize that such a number is not possible, correct? A 256-bit memory bus does not provide that with EITHER 14Gbps or 16Gbps chips (btw the memory amount listed would indicate a 256-bit memory bus with 8x 2GB modules). A 288-bit memory bus does not provide that with EITHER 14Gbps or 16Gbps chips, either. The number is also not possible with a 320-bit memory bus, either, nor a 256-bit one.
(**Also, yes, it's been proven you can overclock at least certain Micron GDDR6 modules, as Rambus managed to do in a report dating back to last October. But that particular overclock pushed to 18Gbps per pin, and would still not give a number matching 565. And if the assumption from that is Sony's overclocked their RAM, why bother with such a small overclock to get a pittance of an advantage over a rival's supposed bandwidth specs?**)
So the person who made up that leak literally had the 560 GB/s bandwidth in mind (which is a legitimate number, and one sited for XSX), thought
"hmm, how can I give PS5 the edge here?!?", and said,
"I'll slap 5 on the end of that bitch!" and
boom, 565 GB/s. Which is great for a joke, but fails at being an actual number for anyone who understands how GDDR6 chips and memory buses work, and what combinations of buses, chip bandwidth and chip amount can give what numbers, with what chips are actually available!!!
Oh yeah! Speaking of the 13TF,
Md Ray
already pointed out how that's impossible, too (with the specifications the leak itself went through the trouble to list). 60CUs * 64SUs *2 IPC * 1700MHz = 13.05, not 13.3. The person who made this leak up doesn't even know or care to do enough simple math with an understanding of how TF compute is calculated on Navi, to arrive at a correct number. Again, it has less to do with "13 TF" (though I've already said prior why that should be taken with a grain of salt), and more to do with the fact every single one of these type of Reddit/4Chan leaks have a dead giveaway in them being fake.
You want to pretend it always comes down to certain people being disgusted with the idea of a PS5 that's more powerful than XSX, but you cling on to fanfic leaks with obvious errors in their specifications and giveaways to things that can most likely be easily disproven (such as the March 3 date for the reveal event listed in this one, if in fact nothing comes to pass on March 3). If anything your insistence on clinging to leak-baits is becoming embarrassing. There are more legitimate ways you can theorize a 11 - 13 TF PS5 than taking to practically any (very likely) bogus 4Chan or Reddit leak that gives you the numbers you want to see.