Personally, I will easily believe Timdog, Rand, Dealer and Jez Corden as they have literally said what Xbox Series X was going to be since December if not earlier, never wavered and have been proven right while on the other side, every single so called PlayStation insider have been full of shit, plain and simple. Ever since 2020 started, it's been one leak after another and all of them have varied while all those Xbox guys have said the exact same shit for months because they already knew. Every week (if not every day), it's a new PlayStation leak/rumor with nothing to back any of it up as well as the fact that every leak and claim is always different. There's no consistency or accuracy whatsoever.
There's not a single PlayStation "insider" that I would even take seriously or believe anything that they say. The only PlayStation guy I would believe at this point would be Colin Moriarty but he rarely if ever says anything outside of Ratchet & Clank 2 which I believe is pretty much a given so instead, I will just wait until Sony officially says/posts/releases something themselves which I don't believe will be until after Microsoft's E3 2020 showcase and that's my own personal gut feeling. With Nioh 2, FF7R and TLOUP2 all before E3, Sony simply doesn't need to reveal any more than what they already have via Wired articles.