It doesn't seems so but when you got all the stuff and you come back after a break, you realize how fucking difficult is that game to control, you feel like a giant baby that is learning how to walk. I started NG+ months after the last play, on Hard, and first hours I was a complete noob.
I didn't mean to scare you but it's true, the game introduce new mechanics so slowly and steadily you get used to it, but if you try to re-learn everything all togheter isn't easy at all, everyone bash the variety of enemies but even the slightest variation is well designed, they are chess pieces, try to fight different units togheter untrained on later game and you get smacked in your godly ass. And don't let me start with Valkyries, the last one is one of the most complex bosses of this gen.
In all this scenario, you need to quickly manage throws, fists, arrows, amulets, combos, kratos magic, atreus magic, shield\parry, finishers, two types of dodges and pick ups adapting to different range and speed of enemies lol
What I did was using only the axe first even if I already had the second weapon, to recreate the learning curve of the normal game.
Edit: damn it seems I'm talking to myself, was directed to TLZ lol