T tflopsmatter can I just ask why you’re so fixated on a TF value that means nothing to anybody of any significance that will purchase the machine?
You keep saying things like “triple the pro” and “double the X”, yet seem blissfully unaware that these machines are a damn sight more powerful than that, and a perfectly round TF figure is totally unreasonable to try and achieve, not when you can simply round that number up or down for promotional material.
It does mean a lot. If you are going to pay for a new console it should be a true generational leap beyond it's previous version. Every previous playstation has been a significant leap over the previous one and this must continue especially due to the fact that we are entering the uncanny valley, we are using VR which uses a ton of resources, etc. Also, you seem to forget almost like everyone else that EVERY console generation has had a VAST improvement in efficiency. The PS5 won't have a greater efficiency leap than the PS4 did over the PS3. So the only way to measure the improvement is via TFLOPS. That's why TFLOPS matter. And if the TFLOP rating doesn't show a true generational leap, then consumers will just wait for the next generation of consoles. This is especially true since there could be a PS5 Pro on the way.
Personally, I wouldn't think about buying a console that didn't have least 7-8 (or even better ten) times the TF of the previous version. And there are a LOT of other people who feel the same way. The SDD and raytracing hardware (which will consume even mroe resources) won't change the fact that anything less than a 12 TF PS5 would be a piece of junk that no one should purchase. This is especially true since even MORE games will be pushing for 4K graphics which in my opinion is mostly a WASTE.