Sony has produced a more powerful console cheaper than Microsoft before with better memory, better design and features......If you need the answer to that, just review 2013.....
Nothing about games......Gears at Ultra with some lighting tweaks that barely looks different from the PC version is not why you are looking forward to the next gen, I've already played Gears 5 at 60fps, it wasn't that great....I'm not buying a new console just to play again with some tweaks at 60fps......MS has not shown a thing, nothing new or exciting in the games department, not even rumors of great things, like you would hear an upcoming Silent hill, Castlevania or new Killzone for PS5......There are no rumors of exciting games for XBOX...
Perhaps you shoul dask Penello about that, he knows a lot about MS not conceding power...….Yet, there would be nothing shocking of Sony coming out ahead of MS in specs and features come reveal....It is what is expected at this point....
NO, GCN is done, well not done...….It's termed CDNA now, it got massive boosts in the new Vega APU chips for laptops etc....And of course dedicated compute performance is going to be through the roof with the upcoming CDNA compute GPU's (non-gaming)…..
GCN was trying to catch two birds with one stone, but the twins were separated and they are now functioning and excelling on their own...…..If you are impressed with the frames Series X can pull out on say Gears 5 vs a 2080ti, it just shows how fast RDNA 2 is...….That's only 52 CU's though.....The 80 CU cards on a much larger chip will be absolute monsters.....Nvidia is trembling right now...All future games will be primarily developed from console/AMD type architecture, having an AMD rig will be to your benefit.
What do they do now? It's not like they have exciting exclusive games to show till launch in November? MS has blown their loads.....Now everybody who wanted the specs so badly, what now? Are you playing it, can you even pre-order one......You will just be twiddling your thumbs in March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and parts of November...…..That is a long time and lots of other things will inhabit the conversation, like many upcoming GOTY games for 2020...….
That is not correct, it's still a console with a single pipeline, where CPU, GPU, MEM share the bandwidth.....It's all interchangeable and directly related......It's like someone telling you increasing the shadows, texture quality on a RTX game will cause no impact on raw performance.
It's for this reason that I think extremely high and fast memory bandwidth is most important for this console generation especially.....The HBCC wont mitigate against a lack of memory and bandwidth.....You will get less stuttering. lesser loadtimes, less lod issues in games with the faster storage, but nothing replaces fast ram and bandwidth.....The higher the ram and bandwidth for the more ambitious games the better...….I think 10GB Optimal ram is severely limited and you will see it's limits in multiplats and exclusives within the first year of these consoles....