Cerny stated that every Cu has a Raytracing Intersection unitboth use AMD tech, and to my knowledge Raytracing hardware in rdna2 is directly tied to the amount of CUs, meaning the SX will most likely be ahead there as well
Lmao hell nah buying PS5 day 1.bad day for you today huh?
It's meant to be silly. Anybody thinking any system, even Lockhart, will hold back this generation shows a lack of understanding.Silly questions get silly answers.
Some of the numbers in PS5 column need "Upto"s added
Btw, how come XSX doesn't seem to have problems with BC and PS5 does? I thought it would be easier due to the PS4 architecture?
THey could have revealed whatever specs they wanted to be honest and if there had at least one game to show for it (Gran Turismo?, God of War? Horizon2?) then people would have still loved itI think everyone is missing the part where Cerny was talking about the performance gain from higher clock speed instead of lower clock but more CU's ?
Realistically I reckon it's probably on par with the SeX in terms of max power considering this and the SSD speeds.
But Sony will have the cheaper price at $399 for sure but at the end of the day people play games at 4K 60FPS who is going to care ?
SeX will be $499 and as people do, they will buy whatever is cheapest.
PS5 Pro will be the 8K system and realistically most people only have 4K TV currently so no point in pushing the power to the limit. This isn't a PC so it's a different preformance scale so PS5 will not hold back anything.
Smart move by Sony but poor delivery
Btw, how come XSX doesn't seem to have problems with BC and PS5 does? I thought it would be easier due to the PS4 architecture?
what an idiots they are, shame on me that i believed some of them.@Mod of War
Lets face it, guys: We have been trolled by fake insiders.
@OsirisBlack 12.4TF
@Tommy Fisher 13.3TF 52CU
Gavin Stevens 11.6TF 52CU
@-Jay-Rod- 12TF
Ban! ☝
The amount of posts downplaying the difference in power between both machines have me shocked, 2TF of Difference is like going from nothing to Spiderman, GOD of War or Uncharted 4 lol.
Also it seems no ones remember the shitshow comparing trees, vegetation density etc on early games this gen, now nothing of that matters? Lol the bias is real.
Nickolaidas nah man, I was given info, and from a friend too, and I passed that on.
Whatever happens, happens. That’s fine. It was second hand info, and I made it a bit of fun. And because of that, we had a lot of pigeon laughs
Bur I’m a big boy, and will take my lashings.
If so he just is litterally having the last laugh .. along with the MisterXmedia crew.Tommy was probably TimDog trolling PlayStation fans.
I expected the PS5 to be at 36CUs for the express reason of having comprehensive BC. Looks to be under 100 games at launch. MS runs their Xbox original/360 BC under a hypervisor that adjust frequencies and has a BC profile for each game. From what I've seen, they have BC with all Xbox One games. Why PS5 can't do all PS4 is curious. D dark10x any ideas?Btw, how come XSX doesn't seem to have problems with BC and PS5 does? I thought it would be easier due to the PS4 architecture?
My hedgehog's been on the busYeah, not sure why its not getting much traction tbh
Cerny: let's enjoy good evening at the game awards
It's meant to be silly. Anybody thinking any system, even Lockhart, will hold back this generation shows a lack of understanding.
Carry on.
I'll just hit the ignore button instead.Let the Shit show begin. I won't duck throw your cabbage and tomatoes.
In summary:
- PS5 has less TFLOPS than XSX but I don't really give a shit about that. What I really care about is that the ray intersection units are a part of each CU, and the PS5 has significantly less CU than XSX. That means significantly less ray tracing capability, which will have a way bigger impact on visuals than the shader TFLOPS. That said, narrow-and-fast (high clock low CU) IS better than wide-and-slow (low clock high CU) in general and more efficient. In other words, workloads that can't scale all the way to 52 CU's will run the same or faster on 36 higher clocked CUs.
- CPUs are basically on-par., but I am skeptical of this variable clock rate shit. It seems like if you want to take full advantage of AVX 256 instructions on the CPU and also want to take full advantage of the GPU, the system is going to have to down-clock.
- 16GB GDDR6 but we don't know the bandwidth. The extremely fast SSD will make 16GB much more valuable than if say the PS4 had 16GB, because you don't need as much data just sitting in RAM doing nothing.
- The SSD/IO tech is actually a significant game changer IMO but all people will care about is TFLOPS.
- I really don't care about this audio processor thing. But apparently it's about the size of a single CU of the GPU, so it's not like they could have had significantly more CUs if they didn't include the audio processor.
There's no way this thing is more than $499 or they are insane. It should really be $399 IMO and if XSX and PS5 are same price that will be insane. I'm tempted to just wait a few years for a PS5 Pro unless an exclusive that I really want to play comes out. Overall not anywhere near as excited as I was for PS4 or even PS3. The hardware seems too trade-offy for me, but then again I'm someone happily willing to pay $599 for a top spec console.
That’s why MS virtualized their systems. BC in the pocket.APIs. I assume a few PS4 games are using really low level API calls that may not be 100% compatible with RDNA2 because they relied on specifics of the hardware implementation.
I have no idea what you're talking about but yeah, I feel fine!It must feel good to live in denial! You also part of the cult of thelastword?
Aye, I'll be having crow for dinner. The github leak was early but mostly right.
1.8TF difference. 20%.
I was hoping for at least around 11.
It better be cheap, Sony, otherwise I'll flip you a birdie and go full on PC only.
Also, LOL at Colbert coming here just to piss in our faces like a boss.
It's not as bad as in previous gens, but still disappointingI was thinking what if the XSX never was announced and this is what whe would have got for next gen and MS followed it with something similair. Would we still be dissapointed, it is weaker compared to XSX but its still powerfull enough to produce some incredible looking games.
Is this a joke post?If sony thinks I am going to spend $ for this steaming pile they better take an "L" on the HW
Lol right? I little history everyone. PS1 and PS2 were less powerful than the competition. PS3 was unable to take advantage of it's power for years AND was more expensive the whole gen. They all managed just fine. The power advantage this gen was always gravy. PS gamers have always simply loved the games. Plus so many people already have PS4 I doubt a little difference in one area of the architecture will make them switch. Price will be far more important hereI love how everyone is a developer here and understands how a difference of less than 2 TFLOPS means the end of ps5
Man some of you are pathetic and didn’t even pay attention what Cerny said. The PS5 is basically going to be running at 10TF a majority of the time and will only drop if it has to. Somehow you fucks took that to mean, “OMG 9.2 WAS RIGHT!!! GITHUB WAS RIIIIIIIIGHT!” False. GitHub only gave part of the answer. If the PS5’s cooling solution is as robust as we are hearing, it’s not going to be a problem.
For what it is, PS5 is a monster, just not to the degree of XSX, but we are going from 1.84TF to 10.2TF. Do you people not understand how much of a leap that? Stop being fucking idiots and just appreciate this next gen is about to be amazing instead of acting like spoiled ass little children.
i want to see some third party games side by side.I guess the eyes can be finally focus on design and price.
Actually all I wanna do is gloating. My damn mobile made me banned on the other place today, so I have to do it here ....Also, LOL at Colbert coming here just to piss in our faces like a boss.
There's months and months to goi want to see some third party games side by side.
cerny talked about all this harmonious coherency shit and not a single game to show for it.
if he really made the most balanced system i want to see some damn games lol
Damn so the Github was mostly right, lot of posters were swearing it was incorrect or old(it was probably old considering the upclock on the PS5) and all we were hearing from creditable people on the industry was that PS5 would be stronger.
Still it looks like a great console, kind of bummed out about the SSD storage though. Looks like both companies went with a different strategy.
PS5 - Crazy fast and hits lighter
Series X - Slower but packs a mammoth punch
16% at best, realistically you looking at 20-25 at most times.TF differences are marginal compared to last gen, 16% vs 40% last gen
Lets not forget that now we are at 4k so visual differences will be largely unnoticeable.
Im looking forward SSD solution for PS5 and Im happy that they fixed PS4 patching issue.
Also lets see how PS5 and XsX audio chips compare, Im really looking for that Cell SPUs for audio on PS5.
Nov can't come soon enough![]()
However, he sounded pretty reassuring that despite OVERCLOCKING THE FUCK OUT OF THE PS5 … it will be VERY quiet. This has my attention. How, Cerny? How will you make the PS5 so quiet when it's so overclocked?