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Doom Eternal Advice- PS4 Pro or PC With No 4K/HDR?


Hey guys,

So in my last thread I was talking about Doom 2016. I got back into it and after I fixed some hardware issues (random freezing) I've finished it. I LOVED it and now I want Doom Eternal.

The thing is, I don't have the PC hardware to run it 4k. I don't have a 4k monitor and even if I did I don't think my rig could play it at 60FPS. Here are my specs:

CPU: i5-4690K@ 3.50 GHz
MB: Asus Z97-A

DF Retro has a splendid video on the consoles and it looks like PS4 Pro has the best framerate (at the sacrifice of a tiny bit of resolution in comparison to the XBox One X).

So I have two questions I'd like to answer with the help of the Gaf community:

1) I don't normally play FPS games on console. Will I get shredded playing this game on console? I'm talking about the campaign, not multiplayer, I know I'll get eaten alive MP.
2) Is it better to play this on console with 4k graphics or PC with 1080p maxed?

Thank you guys,
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Cant imagine playing this on controller and I'm no pc snob. ive definitely played with controller on PC in plenty of mp games and did well.

But Doom campaign is just too crazy imo for controller. there are so many key bindings and the action is so frantic, even as someone who is comfortable on controller I feel like the experience would be lessened with one.

Oh, I should say I'm rocking mostly Ultra with a gtx 1080. I play around 120-144fps.
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Without even consider the m+kb which imho is mandatory on this game.

With that config you can punch WAY above anything the Ps4 pro can do.

And you still can plug your pc on the TV and play with HDR
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Without even consider the m+kb which imho is mandatory on this game.

With that config you can punch WAY above anything the Ps4 pro can do.

And you still can plug your pc on the TV and play with HDR
I think you're right but Pro seems to be optimized to offer 60fps the entire time. I really don't think I would have that framerate at ultra on PC/4k.
I can always tweak specific features I know-- do you have any recommendations on what to dip down on?


Gold Member
I just did a quick look at DF's coverage of Eternal. A few notes:

-PS4 Pro comes in with a maximum resolution of 1440p
-In all cases, dynamic resolution scaling is implemented to ensure consistent performance.
-Xbox One X takes pole position here with a resolution that seems to stay above 1440p even in busy scenes, dropping to 1080p or maybe slightly below in the busiest scenes.
-PS4 Pro use a mix of high and ultra settings
-with a nigh-on locked 60fps on the enhanced machines

No mention in the parts I skimmed of PS4 Pro's lowest resolution, but X1X drops to "1080p or slightly lower", it's safe to say PS4 Pro spends even more time at 1080p and below than X1X. High/Ultra mix.

According to Kitguru, the GTX 1080 achieves 93fps Avg/73fps Min at 1440p, Ultra Nightmare settings.
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it will look good on PC but honestly it plays perfectly on PS4. i ended up getting both and i mostly play on the PS4 Pro.

tbh for some weird reason i find it more comfortable to play this with a controller rather than a mouse. you do a lot less accurate shooting and a lot more running/jumping/chainsawing/flamebroiling/etc. it plays more like an action game than a shooter.


Hey guys,

So in my last thread I was talking about Doom 2016. I got back into it and after I fixed some hardware issues (random freezing) I've finished it. I LOVED it and now I want Doom Eternal.

The thing is, I don't have the PC hardware to run it 4k. I don't have a 4k monitor and even if I did I don't think my rig could play it at 60FPS. Here are my specs:

CPU: i5-4690K@ 3.50 GHz
MB: Asus Z97-A

DF Retro has a splendid video on the consoles and it looks like PS4 Pro has the best framerate (at the sacrifice of a tiny bit of resolution in comparison to the XBox One X).

So I have two questions I'd like to answer with the help of the Gaf community:

1) I don't normally play FPS games on console. Will I get shredded playing this game on console? I'm talking about the campaign, not multiplayer, I know I'll get eaten alive MP.
2) Is it better to play this on console with 4k graphics or PC with 1080p maxed?

Thank you guys,

PS4 pro vs a 1080?
Is this a joke thread?
PC all day even at 1080p and what's wrong with hooking it up to the TV?


Gold Member
I have not played Eternal but I played 2016 on both a PC and PS4, and on PC it was so much better it might as well have been a different game. I would t even consider playing the sequel on a console without a mouse and keyboard. It really is how the game should be played.


I just did a quick look at DF's coverage of Eternal. A few notes:

-PS4 Pro comes in with a maximum resolution of 1440p
-In all cases, dynamic resolution scaling is implemented to ensure consistent performance.
-Xbox One X takes pole position here with a resolution that seems to stay above 1440p even in busy scenes, dropping to 1080p or maybe slightly below in the busiest scenes.
-PS4 Pro use a mix of high and ultra settings
-with a nigh-on locked 60fps on the enhanced machines

No mention in the parts I skimmed of PS4 Pro's lowest resolution, but X1X drops to "1080p or slightly lower", it's safe to say PS4 Pro spends even more time at 1080p and below than X1X. High/Ultra mix.

According to Kitguru, the GTX 1080 achieves 93fps Avg/73fps Min at 1440p, Ultra Nightmare settings.
XB1X does not drop to 1080p or lower at all, I think you have some misnformation there.. It barely drops below the 1800p it runs at.. Stop spreading misinformation.


Gold Member
XB1X does not drop to 1080p or lower at all, I think you have some misnformation there.. It barely drops below the 1800p it runs at.. Stop spreading misinformation.
I copied those lines straight from the article:
At the top of the stack we have Xbox One X which tops out at 1800p, while PS4 Pro comes in with a maximum resolution of 1440p. The vanilla PS4 is maxes out at 1080p and Xbox One S hits a high of 900p. In all cases, dynamic resolution scaling is implemented to ensure consistent performance. Xbox One X takes pole position here with a resolution that seems to stay above 1440p even in busy scenes, dropping to 1080p or maybe slightly below in the busiest scenes. Both base consoles can drop to near 720p, though PS4 never quite drops that low.


-X1X tops out at 1800p
-X1X takes pole position with resolution that "seems" to stay above 1440p in busy scenes, dropping to 1080p or maybe slightly below in the busiest scenes
I can certainly accept correction if I made errors. However, if you'd like to continue dialogue with me, I expect you to change your abrasive tone, and read the article before you respond. Thanks.


I just did a quick look at DF's coverage of Eternal. A few notes:

-PS4 Pro comes in with a maximum resolution of 1440p
-In all cases, dynamic resolution scaling is implemented to ensure consistent performance.
-Xbox One X takes pole position here with a resolution that seems to stay above 1440p even in busy scenes, dropping to 1080p or maybe slightly below in the busiest scenes.
-PS4 Pro use a mix of high and ultra settings
-with a nigh-on locked 60fps on the enhanced machines

No mention in the parts I skimmed of PS4 Pro's lowest resolution, but X1X drops to "1080p or slightly lower", it's safe to say PS4 Pro spends even more time at 1080p and below than X1X. High/Ultra mix.

According to Kitguru, the GTX 1080 achieves 93fps Avg/73fps Min at 1440p, Ultra Nightmare settings.
Maybe my CPU is slightly bottlenecking it? But I have not yet actually tried 4k on my PC

I tried it once with Witcher 3 and the framerate tanked


Gold Member
Maybe my CPU is slightly bottlenecking it? But I have not yet actually tried 4k on my PC

I tried it once with Witcher 3 and the framerate tanked
GTX 1080 has a 54fps Avg/43fps 1% Low @ 4K/Ultra according to TechSpot. Only when you get to the 2080 can you really start to think about running 4K/Ultra, imo. Although you have 4c/4t, which can cause issues in some modern games(i.e. RDR2), I don't think that would be much of an issue with DOOM.
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GTX 1080 has a 54fps Avg/43fps 1% Low @ 4K/Ultra according to TechSpot. Only when you get to the 2080 can you really start to think about running 4K/Ultra, imo. Although you have 4c/4t, which can cause issues in some modern games(i.e. RDR2), I don't think that would be much of an issue with DOOM.
Thanks man. Should I build a new rig? I really like the notion of 4K on PC but if prices are going to go down soon I can wait a little while.


Gold Member
Thanks man. Should I build a new rig? I really like the notion of 4K on PC but if prices are going to go down soon I can wait a little while.
At this point, wait until RDNA 2 or Amphere have a solid release date. I wouldn't do anything until right before release if you use your PC in any capacity. GTX 1080 is still a great card, just play on 1440p/Ultra Nightmare for now if you decide to use it for Eternal.

I have a 2060 Super, and I plan on selling it right before the new cards release, and buying a 3070 at hopefully $500 that will perform around a 2080 Super with better RT. 3060 should be around a 2080, maybe a little less, but with better RT. That should run around $400. RDNA 2 should slot into same price/perf. Regardless, you'll want to upgrade your CPU from 4c/4t at some point. That could mean a whole new build at once, or just start with CPU/Mobo/RAM and use the other parts until you're ready for your GPU upgrade.

DOOM Eternal, according to id, will eventually support RTX and they claim “we'll do it better than anybody honestly”. Guessing that will be later this year around the time of the next-gen consoles releasing and perhaps around the time of RDNA 2 and Amphere.


Doom 2016 was very playable on controller. This one requires way more precision aiming that is just better suited for k+m. I eventually adapted, but Eternal is just better on PC.


Probably, because I don't see what you evidently see. Come on, please help me. This is honest inquiry. Are you saying no console?

I was going for a sick first post but I honestly cannot imagine why anyone with a GTX 1080 would ever opt for the console version. I wouldn't be surprised if the 1080p image quality you get is superior to whatever adaptive resolution the PS4 Pro version runs at. What framerate is your monitor? I hope you didn't pair a 1080 with a 60fps display. Because these Doom games are meant to run at high refresh rates which current consoles don't mess with. Even if you have that mismatch, the locked 60fps you'll get would be worth it.

Also, there's just so much more going on in this game than Doom 2016, where you basically just shoot, jump and sometimes use your chainsaw or grenades. Those things are much more crucial in this one and then there's also boost and flamethrower to stay on top of as well. I would never want to play this game with a controller.


I played Doom 2016 on PC and Eternal on Xbox.

Using a controller is definitely shitty compared to M&KB. I got used to it eventually, and it was manageable on Hurt Me Plenty, but I couldn't imagine playing on a difficulty higher than that with a controller.


I copied those lines straight from the article:


-X1X tops out at 1800p
-X1X takes pole position with resolution that "seems" to stay above 1440p in busy scenes, dropping to 1080p or maybe slightly below in the busiest scenes
I can certainly accept correction if I made errors. However, if you'd like to continue dialogue with me, I expect you to change your abrasive tone, and read the article before you respond. Thanks.
I apologise for saying to stop spreading misinformation and having misinformation.

However I finished it on One X and coming from me being a graphics whore, I struggle to see where it dipped below 1080p or even to 1080p. No bias here either, I'm a Pro owner and Sony fan. So yeah no idea where they had that performance dip but anyway, my bad.


Doom 2016 was very playable on controller. This one requires way more precision aiming that is just better suited for k+m. I eventually adapted, but Eternal is just better on PC.
I'm glad it's not just me here. I don't remember having any issues with Doom 2016 on PS4 but eternal is killer.


I think you're right but Pro seems to be optimized to offer 60fps the entire time. I really don't think I would have that framerate at ultra on PC/4k.
I can always tweak specific features I know-- do you have any recommendations on what to dip down on?

ps4 1440p with drops.

with a gtx 1080 you can hit almost 90 fps constant max setting on 1440p
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Gold Member
I apologise for saying to stop spreading misinformation and having misinformation.

However I finished it on One X and coming from me being a graphics whore, I struggle to see where it dipped below 1080p or even to 1080p. No bias here either, I'm a Pro owner and Sony fan. So yeah no idea where they had that performance dip but anyway, my bad.
No worries, friend. I was guessing maybe the video had different info than the article, and that was the difference. I don't mind being wrong, and I can admit it when I am. I respect you for being the same, and if you find info that would clarify DOOM Eternal performance, feel free to hit me up.

Between PS4 Pro and PC, I still think OP should go PC with this game, but I understand if people want the ease of use concerning consoles and TV. I've done PC to TV in the living room, but I like having PC in office or bedroom at a desk, with a dedicated table for working on projects like building rigs, benchmarking, or recording music.


Maybe my CPU is slightly bottlenecking it? But I have not yet actually tried 4k on my PC

I tried it once with Witcher 3 and the framerate tanked

sry my friend but, i had that cpu and its a bottleneck you have there, i tried to play games like bf1, bfv and believe me its a pain in the ass. i change it to an i7 4770k and what a difference, those 8 threads helps a lot. now i have a ryzen 3600 and a gtx 1080.


I've played a little of Doom 2016 on PS4. It controls pretty well for a console shooter. But what's the point.


I just did a quick look at DF's coverage of Eternal. A few notes:

-PS4 Pro comes in with a maximum resolution of 1440p
-In all cases, dynamic resolution scaling is implemented to ensure consistent performance.
-Xbox One X takes pole position here with a resolution that seems to stay above 1440p even in busy scenes, dropping to 1080p or maybe slightly below in the busiest scenes.
-PS4 Pro use a mix of high and ultra settings
-with a nigh-on locked 60fps on the enhanced machines

No mention in the parts I skimmed of PS4 Pro's lowest resolution, but X1X drops to "1080p or slightly lower", it's safe to say PS4 Pro spends even more time at 1080p and below than X1X. High/Ultra mix.

According to Kitguru, the GTX 1080 achieves 93fps Avg/73fps Min at 1440p, Ultra Nightmare settings.

PC is the way to go.

Game is highly optimized and runs pretty well even on a 970....

A gtx 1080 will give you great results.


sry my friend but, i had that cpu and its a bottleneck you have there

nop, not on doom eternal.

i'm playing doom eternal on a core i5 2310 (yeah, a sandy bridge) 60fps locked.

This is one of the most well optmized games of this gen.

Really, go for the pc version and don't even think about it
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Pc, why would you want to play such a fast paced game, on a console with a controller?

It actually plays pretty well with an xbox controller. It is a very hectic game, but I have no issues so far (I play on PC with controller).
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nop, not on doom eternal.

i'm playing doom eternal on a core i5 2310 (yeah, a sandy bridge) 60fps locked.

This is one of the most well optmized games of this gen.

Really, go for the pc version and don't even think about it

well i didnt comment on doom specifically but other games i played and had issue with. and of course single player games can be played in those older cpu's with a little difference in performance.


nop, not on doom eternal.

i'm playing doom eternal on a core i5 2310 (yeah, a sandy bridge) 60fps locked.

This is one of the most well optmized games of this gen.

Really, go for the pc version and don't even think about it
Nice man. Are you doing 1440p?


Gold Member
this game desperately needs high refresh rate which is only possible on PC. you don't need a beast of a PC to do this. also playing this game with a controller is a nightmare. they are too slow.

i play on a 1440p 165hz monitor. i even have dynamic resolution enabled because i'd rather the game dips the resolution a little to maintain a high frame rate. the pace of this game is insane so you need as many frames pumped into your eyeballs as possible. i actually feel that 165hz is too slow....if any game can justify a 240hz monitor it's this one.

i really don't know how anybody can play a game like this on a console, with a controller, and stuck at a pathetic 60fps.
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Hey guys,

So in my last thread I was talking about Doom 2016. I got back into it and after I fixed some hardware issues (random freezing) I've finished it. I LOVED it and now I want Doom Eternal.

The thing is, I don't have the PC hardware to run it 4k. I don't have a 4k monitor and even if I did I don't think my rig could play it at 60FPS. Here are my specs:

CPU: i5-4690K@ 3.50 GHz
MB: Asus Z97-A

DF Retro has a splendid video on the consoles and it looks like PS4 Pro has the best framerate (at the sacrifice of a tiny bit of resolution in comparison to the XBox One X).

So I have two questions I'd like to answer with the help of the Gaf community:

1) I don't normally play FPS games on console. Will I get shredded playing this game on console? I'm talking about the campaign, not multiplayer, I know I'll get eaten alive MP.
2) Is it better to play this on console with 4k graphics or PC with 1080p maxed?

Thank you guys,

1. Well, I suppose it's fully playable on a controller, and you also get aim assist, so I don't think is a big deal. I still prefer m/kb.
2. PC, no question about that. And consoles ain't getting 4k. There's a dynamic resolution there. The thing with dynamic resolution is, you won't notice it. But I assure you, you ain't playing at 4k all the time.

Judging by your specs, you're more then fine. With that gpu, you'll have zero problem with playing it at ultra. Maybe even 1440p. Cpu is a bit weak but it's still miles ahead then the jaguar pos in consoles.
Play it on pc bruv.
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Played on PS4 pro. I have a 980 but will re-purchase once I upgrade my PC and Nvidia hurry and release their rtx 3000 series. Plays fine on PS4 Pro with controller.


PC all the way, What even is this question?

I'm on an old ass 980Ti and ran run is on high 2560 X 1080 getting around 90-100+FPS.
First, I want to second the OP's question as I to have a PS4 Pro on a 4K screen and a PC with a Core i7 6700K and a GTX 1080 connected to a 1440p ultrawide monitor. I too have been debating which platform to go on for Doom Eternal.

Now, I want to answer why this is even a question. Because:
  1. While that question implies that that 1080 PC will perform better, there is more to a gaming experience than just performance. Some people prefer the simplicity and convenience of playing on a console, on their big screen, in their living room (Myself included)
  2. We no longer live in a time where PC versions outclass consoles by such a wide margin that the console version is a fundamentally different experience. Classic example would be Crysis 2 or Far Cry 3 back on PS3/X360. Crysis 2 on PC could be run at 1080p/60/ ultra with (then new) DX11 adding graphical features that you simply could not find on console. The console meanwhile ran at sub720p with frame rates around 20fps dipping into the teens. That's a fundamentally different experience. Meanwhile, the PS4 Pro version of Doom Eternal (even 4 years into it's life) still runs at 1440p with a locked 60fps at high/ultra settings with HDR along with all the content and graphics features being carried over. On paper, that level of performance is higher than 80% of PCs out there. The only difference between the 2 comes down to resolution and controls, both of which are subjective
In short, the difference in performance is relatively slight and subjective. Sure, the GTX 1080 PC will look sharper with "ultra" settings but a 1080 won't be running at much higher than 60fps stable at ultra settings anyway. For the record I've played Doom 2016 on my PC when it was just built and it was a great experience. But again the enhanced consoles didn't exist at the time and there were graphics effects missing in the base home console version of that game that made a difference. If anything, Doom Eternal achieves even closer parity across all platforms, especially between the PC and enhanced consoles.

My personal take is that I can't go wrong either way but this idea that it shouldn't even be a question for a PS4 Pro (or Xbox One X) to compare to a PC is a bit shortsighted in this case. There are some current games where the PC version is still a pretty big step up (Gears 5 for example). For me, the decision may come down to the fact that I can get the PC version for free through my connections in the game industry and at Bethesda. Plus there are a bunch of PS4 games to get including MW2 remastered, RE3 remake, and FFVII remake next week. So plenty to go around :)
First, I want to second the OP's question as I to have a PS4 Pro on a 4K screen and a PC with a Core i7 6700K and a GTX 1080 connected to a 1440p ultrawide monitor. I too have been debating which platform to go on for Doom Eternal.

Now, I want to answer why this is even a question. Because:
  1. While that question implies that that 1080 PC will perform better, there is more to a gaming experience than just performance. Some people prefer the simplicity and convenience of playing on a console, on their big screen, in their living room (Myself included)
  2. We no longer live in a time where PC versions outclass consoles by such a wide margin that the console version is a fundamentally different experience. Classic example would be Crysis 2 or Far Cry 3 back on PS3/X360. Crysis 2 on PC could be run at 1080p/60/ ultra with (then new) DX11 adding graphical features that you simply could not find on console. The console meanwhile ran at sub720p with frame rates around 20fps dipping into the teens. That's a fundamentally different experience. Meanwhile, the PS4 Pro version of Doom Eternal (even 4 years into it's life) still runs at 1440p with a locked 60fps at high/ultra settings with HDR along with all the content and graphics features being carried over. On paper, that level of performance is higher than 80% of PCs out there. The only difference between the 2 comes down to resolution and controls, both of which are subjective
In short, the difference in performance is relatively slight and subjective. Sure, the GTX 1080 PC will look sharper with "ultra" settings but a 1080 won't be running at much higher than 60fps stable at ultra settings anyway. For the record I've played Doom 2016 on my PC when it was just built and it was a great experience. But again the enhanced consoles didn't exist at the time and there were graphics effects missing in the base home console version of that game that made a difference. If anything, Doom Eternal achieves even closer parity across all platforms, especially between the PC and enhanced consoles.

My personal take is that I can't go wrong either way but this idea that it shouldn't even be a question for a PS4 Pro (or Xbox One X) to compare to a PC is a bit shortsighted in this case. There are some current games where the PC version is still a pretty big step up (Gears 5 for example). For me, the decision may come down to the fact that I can get the PC version for free through my connections in the game industry and at Bethesda. Plus there are a bunch of PS4 games to get including MW2 remastered, RE3 remake, and FFVII remake next week. So plenty to go around :)

A 1080 should get 90 FPS MINIMUM, so definitely a good jump over 60 capped

also, you can hook a PC up to a TV. I do it all the time. Couch gaming exists on PC
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Hey guys,

So in my last thread I was talking about Doom 2016. I got back into it and after I fixed some hardware issues (random freezing) I've finished it. I LOVED it and now I want Doom Eternal.

The thing is, I don't have the PC hardware to run it 4k. I don't have a 4k monitor and even if I did I don't think my rig could play it at 60FPS. Here are my specs:

CPU: i5-4690K@ 3.50 GHz
MB: Asus Z97-A

DF Retro has a splendid video on the consoles and it looks like PS4 Pro has the best framerate (at the sacrifice of a tiny bit of resolution in comparison to the XBox One X).

So I have two questions I'd like to answer with the help of the Gaf community:

1) I don't normally play FPS games on console. Will I get shredded playing this game on console? I'm talking about the campaign, not multiplayer, I know I'll get eaten alive MP.
2) Is it better to play this on console with 4k graphics or PC with 1080p maxed?

Thank you guys,

PC. If you upgrade your PC Doom Eternal will run at 8K/1000fps if your PC / Monitor can handle it.
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