Elektro Demon
They ain't gonna be dictating jack shit.
“Usual suspects” “you fans”
What’s wrong with you buddy![]()
I’m not sure what any of this has to do with what I said but whatever. Seems your mind is set. Hope we get some cool stuff out of next gen games.
This was based on a 1.8 hardware
I believe both platforms are able to achieve a level of graphics fidelity that we are simply not yet ready. Sure Series X can potentially show a bit more, but there are so many things into account than just tf to provide that.
As graphics advance, we Will inevitably reach a level that a top AAA game is almost as stunning as the other. Some lifelike enviroment
I believe both will be able to show the level of graphics we can see in hellblade trailer eventually wich is enough to have jaws dropping. Having 1-2 better fps average or having to zoom 100x to see a difference is not what declares victory, but revolutionizing the gaming development enviroment and making the industry progress does.
in psychology it's called projection
I’m curious to see if/when SSDs need to become minimum requirement for PC gaming. Is that in the foreseeable future? I know Star Citizen requires one but I am talking across the board
I doubt there will be any difference in that matter.How aggresive will the pop-in be on the XsX compared to the PS5?
was going to post this. thanks for stepping ahead.They ain't gonna be dictating jack shit.
I guess it’s easier for him to make blanket phantom accusations than actually quote reply/multi quote cases of something happening then those cases dont really exist
lol Man, for someone who sees himself as neutral, you sure took that comment way harder than needed. It’s ok guy. Xbox is a great system and will sell many units.
lol Man, for someone who sees himself as neutral, you sure took that comment way harder than needed. It’s ok guy. Xbox is a great system and will sell many units.
Sony is using the "blast processing" strategy... and obvousely it keeps working....
It's the opposite of 2013 lol. People are trying to talk down the XSX and create secret sauce that doesn't exist for the PS5.Wow, another one.
Why do people talk like the XSX has an old tech super slow HDD in it or something
It’s strange, blatantly inferior hardware is brushed off as no big deal and not something that will reveal itself in most games. It’s all about “well, both are great hardware!” (and they are). But when it comes to the SSD it’s like the PS5 is incredible and mind blowing and the XSX SSD is trash in comparison. Even though, like the claims are about the superior XSX power, most games aren’t going to utilize the SSD in the PS5 to cure cancer like people are speculating.
...Everything is correlated. happy devs means happy gamers.....
That does raise the question of why they are showing it off. MS is killing it messaging-wise, but they need to stop showing current gen games.But, before getting excited for Sony showed and nervous about what microsoft have shown, you should remember this.
State of decay was running a game, that was not made for and was not optimised in any way.
The Sony's new console have taken a New step forward when offering developers not Just an easy and pleasureable platform to develope for all around, but also a platform that removes old barriers of creation for giving instant data transfer and access with almost unlimited amount of data thanks to ultra speed, removing duplications and many other "tricky" devs solutions that only existed thanks to old limited and not so smart technologies.
One of the tricky old devs solutions is the creation of implicit and fake corridors like the long brigdes in Horizon zero dawn only to give the game enough time to load up the whole scenario.
An interesting example given on Mark Cernys presentation was the creation of an unecessary moutains surounding the whole scenario that were only there with purppose of creating a corridor in order to give enough time for the system to load a Second scenario with other structers.
PS5 promisses to give instant Very high quality assets with instante Textures loaded up at every angle and direction You turn to.
Without manking any comparison, since I dont want consoles war here, I have to say I got Very worried when I saw the Series X running State of Decay and there was this blatant Textures pop in wich I personally found wierd and Very disappointed.
Particularly, I do feel more excited for a platform wich was solely built to bring such inovations and make developers free enough to no longer rely on old videogame tricks wich is what really expand creativity to whole New Horizon, instead of Just worried about winning the Dick measure TF cold war. And thats the kind of thing that allows us to have real New experiences than Just prettier graphics wich are something we shouldnt be worried about: Just look at a cutscene of Ghost of Tssushima latest trailer made with a fucking 1.8tf machine in mind, It looks fantastic already and really shows How amazing Sonys devs are. If You have an amazing engien and a talented team with AAA budget, You got excelent graphics already.
PlaySyation 5 is not only the fastest, but smartest and most inovative gaming hardware that comes to bring New ideias and dictate Future tech tendencies. It is exotic in a good way, not the cell pricessor way If You know what I mean.
Lets have a good discussion without Flames and Sorry for my bad english.
Of course it is if you run heavy graphics and then avx256 instructions are out they automatic down clock all by themselves. That is a big bottleneck right there tossing out a huge zen 2 gain to avoid down clocks. The whole variable clocks is a bottleneck that will cause developers to work around it.Don’t devs have to jump through an extra hoop with this variable frequency/power profile juggling?
As far as bottlenecks, isn’t there a bottleneck with the CUs when RT is incorporated? I don’t expect either console to excel at RT but on paper it seems like PS5 isn’t very equipped for it
State of decay was running a game, that was not made for and was not optimised in any way.
Perhaps they didn't waste time on a tech demo just to show off the data streaming of their SSD? Who knows? Who cares?That does raise the question of why they are showing it off. MS is killing it messaging-wise, but they need to stop showing current gen games.
lol I never called sony or anyone a liar. I merely implied that not everything is black and white.Of course, it would naturally present games without optimization to demonstrate that the SX is bad
Sony says the clock is at maximum
you: lie
MS PRESENTS state of decay with POP-IN: not optimized
lol I never called sony or anyone a liar. I merely implied that not everything is black and white.
State of decay takes ages to load and has pop in already. Perhaps they showed it because the people that have already played it can gauge the improvement provided by the SSD without having to make anything especially to show it off.
If you thought about it instead of letting the fanboy rage cloud your judgement, then you would arrive at the same conclusion.
You the guy that pretended to be an insider and got banned multiple times for it?
Don't forget Dedicated Ray Tracing hardware.Glad to see that not everyone is as wishful thinking as OP.
PC hardware, like always, will dictate future tech tendencies, simply because of the annual or biennial update cycle.
The most recent example is DLSS2.0, which or similar to which I doubt the PS5 will have.
Are you talking to me?
The new front in the endless console was opened last year when the wired article came out. Just going by the threads on here and other forums, the trenches have been dug, and the battle-hardened troops are ready for the onslaught.So for DF head to head videos next gen are loading times and instances of pop-in gonna start getting equal play time as resolution and FPS? Seems like it’s the new battleground
Whatever mate. You obviously have nothing to sayOkay, same speech as always.
I believe he was talking to the OP
I vaguely remember seeing the name in Ban History for insider posing
So for DF head to head videos next gen are loading times and instances of pop-in gonna start getting equal play time as resolution and FPS? Seems like it’s the new battleground
the bottom of your controller will have an add on for VRI'm not a tech inclined guy so I won't pretend I'm not talking out of my ass here, but I don't see how it will offer a significantly different experience from the SEX. Until we see it in action, I'll remain unconvinced. By the way, why haven't we seen it in action if it's such a clear innovation that sets it worlds apart from the main competition?
You know, it's the hyperbole surrounding the PS5 that I don't get. It's like there's no middle ground between "piece of shit" and "second coming of Christ".
It's all they have.The XsX SSD is still so fast that it really won't matter. The practical difference between storage bandwidth will be just like the difference between GPUs. The XsX SSD can still fill the RAM extremely quickly
The number one thing I can't figure out is why so many people want to pretend like the XsX's storage bandwidth is slow. It is still ultra fast. The PS5's is faster, but that doesn't make the XsX slow. Just like the XsX having a better GPU doesn't mean the PS5 GPU is weak
well for example you can't contract chlamidya or gonorreha from ps5.I'm not a tech inclined guy so I won't pretend I'm not talking out of my ass here, but I don't see how it will offer a significantly different experience from the SEX. Until we see it in action, I'll remain unconvinced. By the way, why haven't we seen it in action if it's such a clear innovation that sets it worlds apart from the main competition?
You know, it's the hyperbole surrounding the PS5 that I don't get. It's like there's no middle ground between "piece of shit" and "second coming of Christ".
So for DF head to head videos next gen are loading times and instances of pop-in gonna start getting equal play time as resolution and FPS? Seems like it’s the new battleground