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All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


Nobody should have their life destroyed over an opinion. You can agree with it or not but I hate cancel culture from either side. The sad thing is that the Left Behind DLC had her kissing a girl and barely anybody made a big fuss. Things have become so toxic in general since 2013 and I think the SJWs by dividing people into different groups have actually made things worse. If they would have let us become more tolerant organically like we were going things would have been much better. If this game came out in 2103 I doubt it would be as divisive.
Or how about we compare it to women who have actually trained to fight instead of hollywood shills?


Dude, my post was in response to the post that I quoted, which was in response to a post that was comparing Abby to Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley saying that a body like Abby's was possible, like them...

That's why I made this...

But sure, I'll address your post because I think that if you knew some things you might not have tried to make that argument.

First off, lets just put aside the fact that I think that most UFC female fighters juice in some way or another...

Do you know how hard it is for females to gain muscle mass? Let alone men? Women actually have to work far harder than men to get the same exact mass as a man... If they even can. Men have far more muscle density, pound for pound. Larger bones and tendons and ligaments < where real, lasting strength comes from since bulky muscle fatigues much faster than tendons. To achieve this without juicing they would need to be on a very strict rigorous workout regime. There would be lots of downtime during recovery. Finally, you would need a very specific, HIGH quality diet to reach and maintain that mass. Those women in that pic, if they aren't juicing are most definitely taking the highest quality sups and vitamins on the market. Let alone an abundance of specific healthy foods and a strict meal plan.

In todays world of abundance where these things are easily available, this could be doable. But in a post apocalyptic world where the world and environment make the plans, not you? Where you need to be on your game and can't spare recovery days due to zombies and other crazy people and any other emergencies that would come up in that kind of situation? Where because of all of that you wouldn't be able to train those specific muscle groups as rigorously as you would need to because you need to be ready? IMO, I absolutely don't think so.

Go find me a real world example of tribes, or people who live in an environment where it is survival of the fittest, where the women are big and muscular. It costs a lot of fuel to maintain that mass. Truth is, that females function MUCH more efficiently in survival situations with less muscle mass and at much less of a fuel intake than they do with more mass. This is why all these tribal women who actually do stuff men do, look slender or less bulky. Because their bodies naturally perform MUCH more efficiently this way and it is dangerous for them to try to unnaturally perform outside of that range.

If you want some real world examples in real time, go watch Alone. There are several female participants from the second season on. Watch how they just melt away and their muscles become much leaner and FAR less bulky even though they are in a survival of the fittest situation and literally have to struggle every day to stay alive. You can easily compare to the men here, who lose mass as well, but on average not nearly as much. And due to having more muscle mass in general, and being able to pack it on faster when they DO have food due to the way testosterone works where it increases mass by increasing protein muscle synthesis, you'll see how they can last longer than females who are wasting away along with them. They can just produce far more muscle for their body to devour. Which I believe is why people aren't fussed about Joel so much since it is far more believable for him to look bigger. In fact, speaking on his forearms which I've seen brought up, hand strength in men is a particular area where men excel greatly.

Your forearms are a huge contributor to your grip strength. So for Joel it makes sense. Especially when you think about it in context with everything I've said. Men grow muscle faster due to testosterone. The one thing that men do workout ALL the time, even if they aren't training, is their hands. They are constantly moving them and gripping things. More activation in that area is going to mean more mass. More muscle mass, especially continual repetitive movements which would also strengthen tendons as well are going to cause more vasculature, which also grow easier in men. Thing is, our bones keep growing all our life. But areas with more vasculature are going to grow even more. So men who do more with their hands, even when not on a training regime, are just going to continue to have larger forearms and hands throughout their life because that area is going to keep growing faster than others. If you look around you at some of the older service men or manual labor workers who otherwise look unfit, you'll see this. Which is why Abby's forearms look so frigging ridiculous. To achieve that would be crazy for a real woman. Let alone maintaining it in that environment.
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I have seen on some other boards that Sony should fire him and the government should take action.
Those posters are not worth listening to for the first point, and fucking retarded for the second.

I don't wan't Druckmann fired over this. Assuming the leaks are true I'm not going to buy the game, but I'm not calling for anybody's job. Hopefully the sales results convinces the industry to focus on their profitable consumer base, and kick grifters like Sarkeesian to the curb. It can also go the exact opposite way, however, and it is what it is even when I get another franchise burned to the ground IMO.

I want the government to stay the fuck away from the gaming industry. That's a snake you never want to invite into your home.
Nobody should have their life destroyed over an opinion. You can agree with it or not but I hate cancel culture from either side. The sad thing is that the Left Behind DLC had her kissing a girl and barely anybody made a big fuss. Things have become so toxic in general since 2013 and I think the SJWs by dividing people into different groups have actually made things worse. If they would have let us become more tolerant organically like we were going things would have been much better. If this game came out in 2103 I doubt it would be as divisive.
I think nobody cared because Ellie's sexuality was what it was in the 1st game. Take a look at Bill in TLoU 1, you don't even get any surface-level indication of Bill's sexuality until Ellie comments on the gay porn in his truck as they drive away. It adds new flavor into the cutscenes of the previous chapter where he laments the proof of death for a character that is portrayed as someone Bill is seemingly angry at. The poignant scene seems out of place when Bill nearly breaks down upon seeing the body, until you realize that this character was certainly Bill's lover. This is how you do representation without being pandering.


Or how about we compare it to women who have actually trained to fight instead of hollywood shills?


Those women don't live in a world where the apocalypse has happened tho xD.

Even just that aside, I don't think that most women want to look like this either. I dunno what you're arguing about with the other guy, but I just meant in general. I see some ppl complain about conventionally attractive women and put forward women like these ( they're not ugly, just not CONVENTIONALLY attractive ) as what '' women want to see ''. I think that's very niche, in the end of the day I think that the beauty standards are what they are because it's what panders to most people. And in media specifically aimed towards women they don't look like this at all. These women appeal to a certain niche of people.


It's funny to rag on the ridiculous-looking Abby character who was created for an extremely obvious reason (Neil wants to pat himself on the back for being an "ally"), but that's not even what really bugs me. I just don't see the appeal in ripping off MGS2 all for a dumb Rian Johnson Subverted Expectations moment.

I don't want to play half the game as the roided up chick. I wanted to play as Ellie. Now I get half of an Ellie story, half of a She-Hulk story, almost zero Joel, and a repeat of the David diner boss fight to end the 2 half stories. I just hate the direction that was taken.
I'm only in this thread to combat people who think the spoilers are bad. The heteros are free to rip apart the lack of attractive women and critique Abby's physical appearance all they want since I can't say I disagree with them. Complaining about a dude coming up to his 60s getting a group beat down then killed while serving little relevance in the story with his character arc complete though is weak. Already said before I like him but his mission is done, while he got done dirty these things happen.

"Oh boo hoo it's an attack on masculinity." I dead ass heard Abby crush Ellie's fuckin' bones and that's female on female savagery.


The main people that are against this are people who didn't like the first game anyway. They are the same people who said they wanted games and not movies as if good gameplay and good story are mutually exclusive. There has been a brewing backlash against so called movie games and against wokeness and it has all boiled over with this leak.
The main people that are against this are people who didn't like the first game anyway. They are the same people who said they wanted games and not movies as if good gameplay and good story are mutually exclusive. There has been a brewing backlash against so called movie games and against wokeness and it has all boiled over with this leak.
That's not what I've been seeing/hearing!


That's not what I've been seeing/hearing!
Maybe but given the backlash against so called movie games and what has been brewing ever since the trailer with her and Dina kissing I saw this from a mile away. I predicted on another forum that TLOU 2 would have a huge backlash and that was a year ago and people called me crazy but I was right.
It's funny to rag on the ridiculous-looking Abby character who was created for an extremely obvious reason (Neil wants to pat himself on the back for being an "ally"), but that's not even what really bugs me. I just don't see the appeal in ripping off MGS2 all for a dumb Rian Johnson Subverted Expectations moment.

I don't want to play half the game as the roided up chick. I wanted to play as Ellie. Now I get half of an Ellie story, half of a She-Hulk story, almost zero Joel, and a repeat of the David diner boss fight to end the 2 half stories. I just hate the direction that was taken.
It's possible Abbey is an interesting character, but I doubt she's another Thel 'Vadamee from Halo 2.
Abby looks like the bear lesbian version of Doomguy or Duke Nukem transplanted into a supposed grounded universe like TLOU. That they attempted to justify it by creating this gym that she Rocky-montage trains in to explain it away is laughable. It screams as being shoe horned in to check a box. A box for who exactly, though?

You can claim all day the backlash is only mygynists and anti-LGBTQ, and there is definitely heaps of that swirling around this whole ordeal, but at the end of the day I think for people not on the SJW bandwagon or otherwise trying to justify this ludicrous character as believable, they just find her a stupid character to exist in this world and the icing on the cake is they have her kill an established main and then make her the protagonist. What a Twist!?! Why do that other than to say GOTCHA!

THATs the reason for the huge blowback. It's The Last Jedi level of subvert expectations, MGS2 switcharoo and SJW pandering all mixed together in a perfect shitstorm designed explicitly to shock and annoy anyone who aren't 100% on board with Abby being a normal archetype and shoveling that idea down people's throats at the expense of good story telling and possibly ruining another established franchise. That antagonism results in at least an equal and opposite reaction so I'm not at all surprised by the backlash.

But yea there's tons of things to unpack and talk about as separate issues. Like, what message are they getting across by making this butch female Duke Nukem a protagonist you want to root for over a relatable and believable built person like Ellie or similar?

Will we spend 50% of a game playing as someone with no redeeming qualities? Obviously, not. So why make Chad Abby the main character? Are they trying to normalize this cartoon bodytype and make us sympathize? Are they saying Ellie wasn't a strong enough female character to carry the game so they had to bring in a real woman? One that could bench press with the best of them? Is that how Druckman measures a woman's worth, by how closely they resemble, dress and act like a man?

There's nothing here to normalize, Abby's a freak of nature. Look at the person she's modeled off of... Freak, full stop. The women body builders and wrestlers posted throughout this thread are freaks. Nobody looks at these people in the gym, at the beach or in the streets and say... yea that's perfectly normal.. They cock their head and say wtf is that?! Then laugh among their friends and sneak snapchats.
Why normalize that?
They aren't people to look up to but to feel sorry for because they have mental issues. Same as anyone else with body dysmorphia. This same rant applies to roided out men who destroy themselves with swollen biceps, pecs and excessive exercising. Or bulimics, or whatever else.

Normalizing body dysmorphia is bad. How about they make a game about that if they want to push a worthy cause instead of encouraging more people to destroy themselves.


Gold Member
Having a manly villain like Abby isn't that out of scope. Nobody says all women have to be girly. But let's face it. What is she supposed to be? A teenager like Ellie too? Yet somehow a 16 year old female is jacked like a crossfit champ.

You don't really see this in real life in anyway. Not saying there are zero jacked young women, but all those super pumped fitness and pageant contestants are older. You need time and whatever shit they eat a lot of (protein powder, pills and roids) to be that big. Hard enough to do as a 25 - 30 year old, never mind a teenager.
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Neo Member
Someone has a new link for the 90min gameplay? All the other links posted in this topic says that the video was removed :(
I don't think the series is too far gone though if it does end up bad. Considering it's set up for a sequel already I think someone else just needs to take the helm. Probably introduce someone else along with Ellie maybe? The whole Abby thing is a gimmick but that's why it's good.


Oh deary, a person instantly dismisses points put forth in the video without actually elaborating on how they are wrong.
Well first of all he said Uncharted 4 wasn't as well received as the others because of Nadine. If by this you mean Uncharted 2 then that's true. But Uncharted 3? Uncharted 4 reviewed better, sold better and received more GOTY awards (many of which came from user vote). Uncharted 4 was a more successful product than Uncharted 3 in every single way.

Parroting rumors of them not paying employees or dozens of people on the team hating the direction of the story or something, from reddit posts and fake articles, debunked by now despite somehow people still having their tinfoil hats on.

Parroting the "he kicked Amy out" shit, even though there's never been any proof of that whatsoever, he's even praised her on occasions, more tinfoil shit.

It's basically a bunch of 4chan (or half of this forum apparently) memes on Druckmann compiled into a video.
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Oh deary, most the shit in this video isn't even true at all, or is spun in some negative some way. But you know, he talks fast and has an accent.
Aside from the part where he talks about Uncharted 4 not being received well critically I couldn't see much that was wrong.

What was wrong in your eyes mate?

EDIT: Just saw your response to someone. I don't think the not paying employees part is real, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a QA Tester who leaked the stuff as they're underpaid in general.

And we don't know whether Amy was or wasn't kicked out, it isn't clear what happened there in my personal opinion.
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Aside from the part where he talks about Uncharted 4 not being received well critically I couldn't see much that was wrong.

What was wrong in your eyes mate?

EDIT: Just saw your response to someone. I don't think the not paying employees part is real, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a QA Tester who leaked the stuff as they're underpaid in general.

And we don't know whether Amy was or wasn't kicked out, it isn't clear what happened there in my personal opinion.
Also I just wanna say this Anita shit is pretty over the top aswell. Yes, I know Neil said back when he was working on TLOU1 he had a daughter and he found some of Anita's points about female character design inspiring.

But with the way some people talk you'd think she was fucking co-writing the game or some shit. Do you honestly think a sensitive person like Anita would ever be signing off on Abby brutally beating on Ellie and Dina? Character design is one thing, but when comes down to it, story comes first.
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Also I just wanna say this Anita shit is pretty over the top aswell. Yes, I know Neil said back when he was working on TLOU1 he had a daughter and he found some of Anita's points about female character design inspiring.

But with the way some people talk you'd think she was fucking co-writing the game or some shit. Do you honestly think a sensitive person like Anita would ever be signing off on Abby brutally beating on Ellie and Dina? Character design is one thing, but when comes down to it, story comes first.

He did say in one interview that he watched Anita's videos during his time on Uncharted 4 it was I believe and her influence inspired him to make changes to characters.

Here's the transcript of said Kotaku interview.

You’ve said in the past that you’ve been influenced by Anita Sarkeesian’s Feminist Frequency videos and the larger conversation about diversity and representation in games. How did that affect Uncharted 4?

When I’m introducing and describing a new character to our lead character concept artist, constantly she will ask, “What if it was a girl?” And I’m like, Oh, I didn’t think about that. Let me think, does that affect or change anything? No? Cool, that’s different. Yeah, let’s do it.

Initially, in the epilogue, it was Nate’s son. Something similar happened with the mansion they go into. That was an old English guy’s house. She asked, Well, what if it was a woman?

You have some sexist focus testers who were really upset by Nadine beating up Nate, and really upset at the end when it was Nate’s daughter. To the point where we had to ask one guy to leave. In his core, it just affected him. He was cursing, “Not you, too, Naughty Dog! Goddammit. I guess I’m done with Uncharted, if you guys ever make another one, with his daughter. This fucking bullshit.”

And I was like, Wow, why does that matter?

I get the YouTube channel was going a bit over the top but it's a bit scary how he will change his mind like that lmao.
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Here's the transcript of said Kotaku interview.

Druckmann: You have some sexist focus testers who were really upset by Nadine beating up Nate, and really upset at the end when it was Nate’s daughter. To the point where we had to ask one guy to leave. In his core, it just affected him. He was cursing, “Not you, too, Naughty Dog! Goddammit. I guess I’m done with Uncharted, if you guys ever make another one, with his daughter. This fucking bullshit.”

Lol, I like how Druckmann describes this focus tester as "sexist". The guy is actually a hero, he is the only one that had the courage to point out the truth and not just go along with the programming like a good little lap dog. More people like this guy could have saved many of today's most soiled franchises. Most people are afraid of the SJW backlash, this focus tester called it out.

The whole Nadine thing in Uncharted 4 was ridiculous. I can also see how a fan might be disappointed that Nate had a daughter. That is their prerogative, nothing sexist about that. Everyone thinks of things they would enjoy seeing in their favorite franchise, you have the right to be disappointed if it doesn't happen. There is no "hate" there.

It is sad to see a once great studio reduced to a leftist propaganda outlet, smh.


Gold Member
Gotdamn, the drinker nails it. He always does, but it hits harder when you hear the passion and determination in this vid. I really think a wave is building and this could be a turning point in modern entertainment, the proles are finding noticing. Naughty Dog quite possibly, went "full r-tard". Cant turn that around.
Any product lines that suddenly skews to feminine narratives - especially ones like gaming which is still a guy heavy medium - is consciously done.

Not necessarily due to everyone at the company suddenly changing political views.

It's almost always about the money.

What Sony has been doing lately (LoU2 and UC4 LL) is skewing more to female narratives ASSUMING sales will escalate as they retain the dude bro gamers, but also cash in on female gamers who want female lead characters.

This is exactly what Apple did in the 2000s which really perked up sales. It goes beyond iPod and iPhone. They were the first PC company to get away from beige boxes where nerds cared about specs and building their own tower and went for sleek designs, overpriced computers, and hardly any software.

But it worked. Name one other computer brand ever which women love? Probably none exact Apple. Apple has the best of both world because they were able to balance a marketing strategy that intersted women but also guys like the products too. PC sales will always be more, but Apple gear really took off as there is enough appeal to everyone even grandparents.

Sony went overboard with their LoU game franchise narrative.

But how future games (part 3) will be handled will come down to how well LoU2 sells. If sells a ton, they might keep forging ahead with this narrative. If sales drop and there's enough criticism, they'll dump it for traditional stories where suddenly a new male lead joins. Gillette did the same thing. Tons of anti-man kind of TV ads, got grilled, sales dropped and months later suddenly all those ads were dumped and ad messages are back to normal.

Funny how money changes things.

It'll be interesting to see how much it sells and what their sales target is (if ever revealed). As reference LoU 1 sold about 9 million copies on 85M PS3 systems. The remaster also sold about the same amount on maybe (at the time) 50M PS4 systems?

PS4 is at 110M systems + PS5. The internal target has got to be a good 12M+ with all the hype. Maybe even 15M. I think all of their key first party games like Horizon, GOW, Spidey etc... have all sold 10M+. So the internal target I'd say is about 15M.
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Where can I find all the leaks? Every video seems to have been taken down everywhere..
I saw a bunch on twitter accidentally. It was under Neil Druckmann and ND latest tweets. You could see extended version of Joel‘s gruesome death. For anyone that played first game it’s very disturbing, it was to me at least.

And there is that final battle between Ellie and Abby, you control later obviously. I saw a scene where your character, Abby, dies from Ellies’s gunshot to the head and people were like “I’m gonna replay this 100 times” lol.

Ellie doesn’t die, I think that’s clear by now. Also, there is a scene, probably right after Joel kills surgeon, where Abby sees her father dead and is obviously devastated, being held back by some guy from approaching him.
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Gold Member
Here's the beer bottle boss fight which is true (just a quick snippet). Initially I remember reading this in someone's written claim. Turns out it is true.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Lol, I like how Druckmann describes this focus tester as "sexist". The guy is actually a hero, he is the only one that had the courage to point out the truth and not just go along with the programming like a good little lap dog. More people like this guy could have saved many of today's most soiled franchises. Most people are afraid of the SJW backlash, this focus tester called it out.

The whole Nadine thing in Uncharted 4 was ridiculous. I can also see how a fan might be disappointed that Nate had a daughter. That is their prerogative, nothing sexist about that. Everyone thinks of things they would enjoy seeing in their favorite franchise, you have the right to be disappointed if it doesn't happen. There is no "hate" there.

It is sad to see a once great studio reduced to a leftist propaganda outlet, smh.

A hero doesn't let small things like this bother him.

From the 70's to the 90's, there was a high demand for black sitcoms. There was also a need to push for diversity in day time television. In the early 60s, black actors appeared on all white sitcoms to tough on racial subjects. There also movies like, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" that was made to show that interracial marriage is acceptable.

The far left now wants to push for diversity whenever and however they can, but it still doesn't change the fact that this has been going on in entertainment for decades.

In the 80's and 90's, no one was b******g about "strong" women in lead roles because most men thought it was cool. Now whenever someone wants to create a strong female character now, it's "Oh god, the pandering. When will it stop."

Neither the left or the right were this soft back in the 80's and 90's.
Here's the beer bottle boss fight which is true (just a quick snippet). Initially I remember reading this in someone's written claim. Turns out it is true.

As always, make sure you click the "View hidden tweets" button to the bottom right of the tweet to see the replies they DON'T want you to see. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Gold Member
A hero doesn't let small things like this bother him.

From the 70's to the 90's, there was a high demand for black sitcoms. There was also a need to push for diversity in day time television. In the early 60s, black actors appeared on all white sitcoms to tough on racial subjects. There also movies like, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" that was made to show that interracial marriage is acceptable.

The far left now wants to push for diversity whenever and however they can, but it still doesn't change the fact that this has been going on in entertainment for decades.

In the 80's and 90's, no one was b******g about "strong" women in lead roles because most men thought it was cool. Now whenever someone wants to create a strong female character now, it's "Oh god, the pandering. When will it stop."

Neither the left or the right were this soft back in the 80's and 90's.
The difference is that 80s sitcoms or media like Terminator, Aliens, Tomb Raider have their non-white or non-male leads from the start. Nobody complained since the movies and shows were great, and none of them added lesbian relationships into a story line involving surviving against zombies and thugs.

It isn't LoU where Joel gets offed, and 3 women Ellie, Dina and Abby take over.

Pretty sure Sigourney Weaver didn't spend half the movies talking about girlfriends when she and her comrades are getting chased by aliens.
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Lol, I like how Druckmann describes this focus tester as "sexist". The guy is actually a hero, he is the only one that had the courage to point out the truth and not just go along with the programming like a good little lap dog. More people like this guy could have saved many of today's most soiled franchises. Most people are afraid of the SJW backlash, this focus tester called it out.

a dude who was so triggered and pissed off about females in a video game he got kicked out of focus group is your HERO?!

“Timmy, who do you wanna be when you grow up?”
“One day, I wanna get so mad over seeing a woman in my video game that still stars male characters that I get kicked out of a focus group!”

lol holy fuck. Aim hire, buddy. Love yourself
I'm fine with where the story is going. Really. I don't mind characters dying. And Joel had it coming. But why make Abby so fucking weird?
She is uncanny valley stuff. You know, Tess was a hard ass woman but she still looked feminine enough. Guess Abby's been doing nothing but pumping iron and taking steroids.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
The difference is that 80s sitcoms or media like Terminator, Aliens, Tomb Raider have their non-white or non-male leads from the start. Nobody complained since the movies and shows were great, and none of them added lesbian relationships into a story line involving surviving against zombies and thugs.

It isn't LoU where Joel gets offed, and 3 women Ellie, Dina and Abby take over.

Pretty sure Sigourney Weaver didn't spend half the movies talking about girlfriends when she and her comrades are getting chased by aliens.

You guys try to make something out of nothing.

Aliens movie plot was written for a male. It was later switched to a woman.

Ripley was a man
In the early stages of production, Ripley was only ever characterised as a male. The tables turned when Scott decided to transform his final guy to a strong final girl.

"I just had a thought. What would you think if Ripley was a woman?" Scott asked, according to Empire. "She would be the last one you would think would survive – she's beautiful."

The decision created a film that was fresh and unlike anything in the cinema catalogue at that time. Ripley has since become an iconic female hero – one who made audiences crave more strong female leads.

If Aliens was created today, you guys would be all over this.

Ellie isn't popping out feminist quotes that you see in this corny shows written by far-left writers.


Any product lines that suddenly skews to feminine narratives - especially ones like gaming which is still a guy heavy medium - is consciously done.

Not necessarily due to everyone at the company suddenly changing political views.

It's almost always about the money.

What Sony has been doing lately (LoU2 and UC4 LL) is skewing more to female narratives ASSUMING sales will escalate as they retain the dude bro gamers, but also cash in on female gamers who want female lead characters.

This is exactly what Apple did in the 2000s which really perked up sales. It goes beyond iPod and iPhone. They were the first PC company to get away from beige boxes where nerds cared about specs and building their own tower and went for sleek designs, overpriced computers, and hardly any software.

But it worked. Name one other computer brand ever which women love? Probably none exact Apple. Apple has the best of both world because they were able to balance a marketing strategy that intersted women but also guys like the products too. PC sales will always be more, but Apple gear really took off as there is enough appeal to everyone even grandparents.

Sony went overboard with their LoU game franchise narrative.

But how future games (part 3) will be handled will come down to how well LoU2 sells. If sells a ton, they might keep forging ahead with this narrative. If sales drop and there's enough criticism, they'll dump it for traditional stories where suddenly a new male lead joins. Gillette did the same thing. Tons of anti-man kind of TV ads, got grilled, sales dropped and months later suddenly all those ads were dumped and ad messages are back to normal.

Funny how money changes things.

It'll be interesting to see how much it sells and what their sales target is (if ever revealed). As reference LoU 1 sold about 9 million copies on 85M PS3 systems. The remaster also sold about the same amount on maybe (at the time) 50M PS4 systems?

PS4 is at 110M systems + PS5. The internal target has got to be a good 12M+ with all the hype. Maybe even 15M. I think all of their key first party games like Horizon, GOW, Spidey etc... have all sold 10M+. So the internal target I'd say is about 15M.
So....i am not sure if i will make sence here but i try.
Just recently i saw a show where there was this random scene, totally unrelated to the plot or anything. One of the characters calls a cab goes to some random dudes house he just hooked up with on tinder or whatever and there was a full 10 minute of random talk and 2 guys fucking eachother full nude see all the action just not the dick.

No other character has any sexual encounter or activity through out the whole season. Only this guy.

When asked about this scene in a later interview, the producer said that in order to get funding for the show they had to include this scene.

I let this sink in for a moment.

We see far too many times how much money is thrown at movies that are pure shit, bomb at the box office and are continued to be produced with leftist sjw content.

Someone pays big bucks just to keep pushing this narritive.

I can see this happening in the gaming industry as well, where someone be it in politics or be it some george soros muthafucka will pay big bucks to include content that will further push their agenda.

Its like you want to make a movie but you need sponsors so you do what they tell you to or you write a book now you want it published but your publisher tells you in order to sell you have to change this and this till its not your story anymore but you dont care cuz you want to make money.


What the fuck is wrong with this Abby character? She/he/they/it look so wrong. When she starts running flailing those big chunky arms it's hilarious.

I'm also noticing a lack of improvement in the character animations & overall gameplay. It looks very much like The Last of Us Part 1 with better graphics. Abby also moves like a man. The crab crouching pose does indeed look hilarious with those bare arms. There's no dexterity, no poise, no feeling of real life physics.

The stealth animations are no better than stuff like The Evil Within 2:



A hero doesn't let small things like this bother him.

From the 70's to the 90's, there was a high demand for black sitcoms. There was also a need to push for diversity in day time television. In the early 60s, black actors appeared on all white sitcoms to tough on racial subjects. There also movies like, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" that was made to show that interracial marriage is acceptable.

The far left now wants to push for diversity whenever and however they can, but it still doesn't change the fact that this has been going on in entertainment for decades.

In the 80's and 90's, no one was b******g about "strong" women in lead roles because most men thought it was cool. Now whenever someone wants to create a strong female character now, it's "Oh god, the pandering. When will it stop."

Neither the left or the right were this soft back in the 80's and 90's.
a dude who was so triggered and pissed off about females in a video game he got kicked out of focus group is your HERO?!

“Timmy, who do you wanna be when you grow up?”
“One day, I wanna get so mad over seeing a woman in my video game that still stars male characters that I get kicked out of a focus group!”

lol holy fuck. Aim hire, buddy. Love yourself
Lol, both of you are clowns. I'm sure Druckmann's characterization of this "sexist" focus tester is totally legit. I'm sure the guy was a hateful bigot.

OR maybe Druckmann is so far gone in his ideology that anyone that disagrees with him is a rabid misogynist.

I think I will go with option number 2.

The guy had legitimate concerns about a beloved franchise, Neil Druckmann is WOKE as fuck, that is not debatable. I don't think most people are against women in games or diverse casts, they are however against forced bullshit. Like Nadine clobbering Nate all over the place or Gamestop Ma'am stomping on Joel.

I think DForce is talking about something different altogether. Druckmann isn't being courageous with what he is doing, he is a dolt. He lives in a different day and age. Just like all of the fair weather activists of today. I agree with you, the people in the front lines during periods of injustice are great people. That is NOT the case with Druckmann.

Jbomb19 just posted a senseless rant, so it requires no elaboration. Btw, aim higher.
Here's the beer bottle boss fight which is true (just a quick snippet). Initially I remember reading this in someone's written claim. Turns out it is true.

Can't believe they are still resorting to bricks and beer bottles a full gen later. What good is a fancy animation system if you can't pick up anything else in the environment to throw around. Also, shitty looking gimmick "boss fight" there.


You guys try to make something out of nothing.

Aliens movie plot was written for a male. It was later switched to a woman.

If Aliens was created today, you guys would be all over this.

Not really. Ripley is relatable, i.e. she's easily recognizable as a woman & someone everyone knows to a certain extent. Someone's sister, mother, wife, colleague, friend or someone they see in a street or on TV. Abby meanwhile is not a normal example of a woman. I never see women looking at that & certainly not behaving like that, I.e. beating Joel to death with a golf club or caving Ellie's face in with her fist is "not exactly out of the manual, is it?" (that's a quote from Alien) in terms of relatable female behavior. On the physical side I only see her sort of physique in the Olympic games in the discus throwing categories (for example). But even most of them have far smaller arms & muscles than Abby & they also follow a strict training regimen (& usually take some steroids as well). The Last of Us takes place in a post-apocalypse, i.e. selling a "female" character who looks like she's a juiced up bodybuilder in that setting is a real step into suspension of disbelief.

FYI I was also a huge fan of Amanda Ripley in Alien Isolation, i.e. an engineer who used her wits & guts to survive. I'd say she was a far, far better "role model" for real-life women if that's what game creators are looking for these days (which Druckmann is, based on his own quotes).


So....i am not sure if i will make sence here but i try.
Just recently i saw a show where there was this random scene, totally unrelated to the plot or anything. One of the characters calls a cab goes to some random dudes house he just hooked up with on tinder or whatever and there was a full 10 minute of random talk and 2 guys fucking eachother full nude see all the action just not the dick.

No other character has any sexual encounter or activity through out the whole season. Only this guy.

When asked about this scene in a later interview, the producer said that in order to get funding for the show they had to include this scene.

I let this sink in for a moment.

We see far too many times how much money is thrown at movies that are pure shit, bomb at the box office and are continued to be produced with leftist sjw content.

Someone pays big bucks just to keep pushing this narritive.

I can see this happening in the gaming industry as well, where someone be it in politics or be it some george soros muthafucka will pay big bucks to include content that will further push their agenda.

Its like you want to make a movie but you need sponsors so you do what they tell you to or you write a book now you want it published but your publisher tells you in order to sell you have to change this and this till its not your story anymore but you dont care cuz you want to make money.

I dunno what point you’re trying to make but if you’re talking about a TV show that had sex just for sex sake, remember game of thrones had two girls hooking up during an exposition scene for no reason.
last of us 2 is probably the most disappointing sequel of all time.

its not out yet, my dude


last of us 2 is probably the most disappointing sequel of all time.
its not out yet, my dude
Lol, both of you are clowns. I'm sure Druckmann's characterization of this "sexist" focus tester is totally legit. I'm sure the guy was a hateful bigot.

OR maybe Druckmann is so far gone in his ideology that anyone that disagrees with him is a rabid misogynist.

I think I will go with option number 2.

The guy had legitimate concerns about a beloved franchise, Neil Druckmann is WOKE as fuck, that is not debatable. I don't think most people are against women in games or diverse casts, they are however against forced bullshit. Like Nadine clobbering Nate all over the place or Gamestop Ma'am stomping on Joel.

I think DForce is talking about something different altogether. Druckmann isn't being courageous with what he is doing, he is a dolt. He lives in a different day and age. Just like all of the fair weather activists of today. I agree with you, the people in the front lines during periods of injustice are great people. That is NOT the case with Druckmann.

Jbomb19 just posted a senseless rant, so it requires no elaboration. Btw, aim higher.

Okay but I really wanna talk about your parameters for what constitutes a hero.
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