Island’s still only 2 stars tho
Am I guaranteed a meteor shower if Celeste shows up? Isabelle didn't say anything this morning. The guide seems to believe I am due a meteor shower.
Thank you. Looks as if it'll be a light one. Don't think I've actually had a "proper" meteor shower yet. I'd be surprised if I've missed it. I've sunk 300 hours into this nowa light one really late in the night might be a thing when she is around. Isabelle only says something when there is a heavy shower meaning it starts early around 7 and keeps going until 3am or so.
light ones I find start around 10pm to 3am
Celeste should be around on clear sky nights, she is hard to chase down for me I need more of her DIYs
Ugh. I just noticed that the guide has apparently been pushed back to 5/29 here in the US? I just went to Amazon to check to see if it had shipped (since I hadn't gotten a notification) and now I see Gamestop and BestBuy are both showing a 5/29 release date.![]()
Thank you. Looks as if it'll be a light one. Don't think I've actually had a "proper" meteor shower yet. I'd be surprised if I've missed it. I've sunk 300 hours into this now![]()
Just been sat here waiting for the shower, the wait between them is tedious to say the least!They always come when I am super busy with something else, but then I hear the noise in the sky and tempted to wishplus you have to invest a lot of time picking them up on the beach all day the next day. Not as fun as I hoped lol
Just been sat here waiting for the shower, the wait between them is tedious to say the least!
At least I have managed to get about 20 or so stars so far.
thanks for being a good sport, I like science experiments and facts
test them out for at least 7 days or more if they are not spawning anything
but they should spawn white and reds a few time just remove those and sell them don't use those
just keep the 2 roses watered each day you time travel and your other test roses too let us know what you get in 7 or whatever day it is you get results.
Redd Forman?Redd is an ass
Ok the experiment has born fruits already after just 6 days of going to a rainy day to water them and then going to the day after the "special" dna reds you gave me popped up a blue so either i was just super blessed by the RNG gods or there is indeed a lot into these DNA special hybrids but the about 5 more days of using rainy days to water it and another blue popped up i don't know if the 2nd one was because it was breeding with one of the reds so it increased the chances but im sat here with now 2 on the donated roses and jack shit in my 5x5 leave it to do it's own thing grid so i'm happy to concede that there has to be something in these special reds as seeing the amount of effort you had put in to make them bloom there's no way i was just randomly that lucky. And thankyou now i have 2 blues as a thankyou i have a couple of spare purple pansys that you can have to save you trying to crossbreed them if you want me to pop over and plant them in your town so you can move them to breed just let me know.
Pic evidence time.
Special roses: blue flowers 2
5x5 grid with no special breeding: blue flowers zero
Future press your official guide needs work on the flower pages lol.
if you ever get my jaques tell him to go f*ck himself .My daughters and I shamed Mott into packing his things. Now that it's come to it, I just feel guilty.
My daughters and I shamed Mott into packing his things. Now that it's come to it, I just feel guilty.
Redd Forman?
I know the guide says one thing, but that is just the surface info, the deep dive is the datamined stuff. The datamine community already said they found that the flowers where coded with real flower genetics there is a whole google text spreadsheet about the special genes needed linked on Reddit about it very detailed and complex stuff. Much more complex than the 9 steps I took. But glad the experiment went well. Yes that is the exact 5x5 grid I had for about 80 days of time travel RNG never gave me my blues
As for getting a second blue, that is what the reds do. I have a whole mess of blues simply from Time Travelling day to day watering them. Rain does not always make it faster for me. Because when it rains every flower on the island is waters they all now are part of the RNG. Remember even the special reds I gave you have an RNG of 1 of 4 chances.
I find the special reds give me blues at about the same rate as putting 2 blues next to each other or a blue alone in the rain. They both make more blues. I have a whole flower bed of them now but still want a field of them.
Yeah purple pansys is not something I want to grind for I did not looking into if there are special hybrid shortcuts for them not really a flower in wanted that much.
did you get the Rosetta Stone I sent you in the mail?
i did indeed get your stone thanks it's now sitting in my gallery
I have started to amass blues now theres a few together yay, btw do you have the capability of crafting gold watering cans? i don't have a 5 star town so i haven't learnt it yet looking for someone to make me a few cans to water the field of black roses i have sitting here taunting me i can provide the materials to make them i just lack the gold can recipe.
I can make cans for you, I just need a gold nugget per can you want you can mail them I'll mail you the gold cans
I am trying to save 10 nuggest still want to make that impossible grindy robot but Celeste won't give me the rocket DIY I need
not sure how long one can lasts for before it craps out so could i ask for 4 watering cans i'll send 5 gold nuggets and you can keep one for helping. btw if you need a rocket crafting i have the recipe to make it, i can craft you one so you can make a robot hero if you like.
the last double the regular
I'll send you 5 watering can,
yeah I'll love the rocket it would save me some grief
the rockets need 10 star fragments to make and 10 iron i don't mind using up my iron stash but if you could refund us back the star fragments i'd be grateful i'll get a rocket crafted and mail it to you. I have mailed you the golds already.
wait I can only send 2 letters to Jason per day or is it a mailbox full thing?
Damn Dodo limits
No you can't move Biskit! None of you can move until I say so!
it's a game limitation i have no idea why nintendo only wants to let you send 2 letters a day to each person but thankfully time travelling gets around that annoyance. I'm still on the lookout for those 2 missing statues for you i did get the giant hed but it was the fake smirking version but it has appeared in my redds and been genuine before so hopefully it'll come back.
How many little systems and mechanics are tucked into this game?!?Ok the experiment has born fruits already after just 6 days of going to a rainy day to water them and then going to the day after the "special" dna reds you gave me popped up a blue so either i was just super blessed by the RNG gods or there is indeed a lot into these DNA special hybrids but the about 5 more days of using rainy days to water it and another blue popped up i don't know if the 2nd one was because it was breeding with one of the reds so it increased the chances but im sat here with now 2 on the donated roses and jack shit in my 5x5 leave it to do it's own thing grid so i'm happy to concede that there has to be something in these special reds as seeing the amount of effort you had put in to make them bloom there's no way i was just randomly that lucky. And thankyou now i have 2 blues as a thankyou i have a couple of spare purple pansys that you can have to save you trying to crossbreed them if you want me to pop over and plant them in your town so you can move them to breed just let me know.
Pic evidence time.
Special roses: blue flowers 2
5x5 grid with no special breeding: blue flowers zero
Future press your official guide needs work on the flower pages lol.
Question. How do you get the recipe for the rope fence? I assumed it was in resident services like the all the others, but I still haven't seen it (having checked every day). Is it rarer than others, or is it not available without trading?
Thanks. That's what I thought, but I have not yet seen it and have been checking the kiosk every day. I've seen every other fence multiple times, not just this one.Rope fence can show up in the Kiosk machine where you can spend Nook Miles to get one. Most of all fencing ends up there and it changes everyday. It has shown up in mine if I spot one I can grab one for you.
Yo discord trading is legit. I asked and within minutes got the arch way I was looking for. Traded a Sandy beach flooring for one.
Is that his last name? I know he is not a NOOK that is for sure. He is also NOT MY COUSIN!
Red Forman is the father on the hilarious sitcom "That 70's Show." He is nothing like Redd, the illegitimate arts dealer who appears at frustratingly random intervals in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If Red Forman were in Animal Crossing, he would crinkle his enormous forehead and call you "dumbass" every time you bought a fake piece of art and laugh at your impotent stupidity.
Fan-made Animal Crossing Direct imagines the quality-of-life changes we all want
Like many people around the world, I'm currently obsessed with the peaceful and cosy world of Animal Crossing: New Hori…